Typography today exists in conflict with classical font design and contemporary influences such as analogue distortion, screen applications, street culture, deconstruction, hand lettering and illustrative letter forms. Type One not only presents an overview of the diversity in current typography, but also reveals where conventions have become established and where valid new approaches exist. In addition to a rich selection of typefaces and their applications, the book features articles by and interviews with international experts such as Jean François Rappot, House Industries’ Andy Cruz and Ken Barber, Norm and Professor Tanja Diezmann. Topics range from the democratization of the font creation process by the computer to how much existing approaches are based on the same fonts. These texts are edited and commented by Silja Bilz, former project and product manager for Corporate Type at the renowned Linotype Library. While Type One provides practical context and examples, it also investigates the experimental and inspirational side of font design. This combination makes the book an essential resource for anyone seeking an up to date exploration and understanding of typography.
1、Type-One是作者R. Klanten, M. Misch创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
我是DiDiL的评论那么努力是为了什么?是为了开心过更好的生活!@t-很熊@Type-One雯雯 @-s玲子 加油!
我是DiDiL的评论[照相机][照相机]昨儿给@Type-One雯雯 拍照'今天看到照片都还不错哈哈哈[哈哈][哈哈]大家关注@s达子
我是DiDiL的评论又到了让人绞尽脑计吃饭时间! !!!![汗] 吃什么?吃什么?[思考]@t-很熊 @Type-One雯雯 @-s玲子 @smlie丘
我是DiDiL的评论[围观]高仿斯华洛斯奇表大大大大大大大大卖啦!!!!![围观]@胡思乱想sillygirl @万像视觉俱乐部 @Ayucky @________LLLLLL@Type-One
我是DiDiL的评论饭局结束'走咯'太阳好大'一路狂奔[飞机]@Type-One @谭吼吼
我是DiDiL的评论恭贺万象1号开张大吉@t-很熊 @谭吼吼 @万像视觉俱乐部 @饺子爱咖啡 @Type-One
我是DiDiL的评论@t-很熊 @Type-One雯雯 @饺子爱咖啡 @地产凌大叔 还有十块去哪里啦?
我是DiDiL的评论@Type-One雯雯 @QIQI熊baby @t-很熊
D-PROJET_R_N-one的评论今天再次来到了SPOON的另一家店,TYPE-ONE施工中心。宽敞明亮,干净整洁的环境非常舒服,还有面向马路的冷气施工房,各式各样令人热血沸腾的HONDA。。。感受了日本改装店的专业和态度,太正点了。可惜店内不零售商品,可惜啊,白跑一趟。@D-PROJET蜜蜂仔 @Gary加利仔 我在:日本Tokyo
我是DiDiL的评论感谢媛媛今天能来,辛苦啦!@Type-One 感谢你哈,iiiiiiii你啦,[哈哈]
我是DiDiL的评论昨晚皇家一号很嗨嘛,到今天还是晕晕的…@t-很熊你 喝多了,@Type-One雯雯 昨晚很亮[照相机][照相机][照相机] 网页链接
我是DiDiL的评论[织]整理了一个下午的衣服,把我累得呀![汗] 付出跟回报往往都成正比的,希望会有很好的收获,大爱 希望@t-很熊快点回来,还有@Type-One雯雯呀,该收假啦![围观][话筒][飞机][飞机][飞机][飞机][自行车][自行车][自行车][自行车]