作者:Jose Saramago
出版社:Havill Pr
标签: 小说 葡萄牙 José_Saramago 小說
A city is hit by an epidemic of "white blindness" which spares no one. Authorities confine the blind to an empty mental hospital, but there the criminal element holds everyone captive, stealing food rations and raping women. There is one eyewitness to this nightmare who guides seven strangers-among them a boy with no mother, a girl with dark glasses, a dog of tears-through the barren streets, and the procession becomes as uncanny as the surroundings are harrowing. A magnificent parable of loss and disorientation and a vivid evocation of the horrors of the twentieth century, Blindness has swept the reading public with its powerful portrayal of man's worst appetites and weaknesses-and man's ultimately exhilarating spirit. The stunningly powerful novel of man's will to survive against all odds, by the winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature
1、Blindness是作者Jose Saramago创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
aDa爱梦想的评论Movies to watch this week at the cinema: Central Intelligence, Queen of Earth, Notes on Blindness, more... 网页链接
流动山角的评论如果只是说“经常记不住别人的长相”,那不过是戏称罢了,说多了还显得矫情;只有真的严重到认不出谁是亲妈才是病理意义上的脸盲症(face blindness),更正式地称作“面部辨识能力缺乏”(prosopagnosia)。
中国日报-英语点津的评论#新词#你经历过“智能手机眼盲症”吗? 半夜睡不着的时候,很多人都会拿起手机,刷微博或者看朋友圈。侧躺着看手机,一只眼靠着枕头,另一只眼盯着手机屏幕的时候会出现“智能手机眼盲症”(smartphone blindness)。 你经历过“智能手机眼...
2B青年熊猫君的评论Bedtime Phone Use Can Cause Temporary Blindness -- Science of Us 网页链接
QQQQQQQ圆滚滚的评论it is true that when i play such a unreal joke with you,but it is fake that when i praise you sincerely.i say what i am not willing to say because of your blindness between desire and cognition .
LoveDonnieYen的评论Chirrut Imwe (DY's character from SW) [互粉] [互粉] Pronounced chi-RUT, he’s no Jedi, but he’s devoted to their ways and has used his spirituality to overcome his blindness and become a formidable warrior. [爱你] 网页链接 @星球大战 @甄子丹
X-Tbaby的评论#吴世勋# 【Daydreamer梦想家】,Photographs by Han Jong Chul。每个人都有让自己追求梦想的对象。本身就像完整的造化之物的SEHUN,用眼神描述着还有话跟我们说。这眼神以炎热的夏日午后,悠懒得梦想家的形态来刺激我。第一张图:世勋穿着 - Blindness的淡蓝色条纹衬衫 (带花边儿)第二张图:世勋
蓝色星光25的评论Biagio Anthony Gazzarra (August 28, 1930 – February 3, 2012), known as Ben Gazzara, was an American film, stage, and television actor and director. He won an Emmy Award for his role in Hysterical Blindness.本吉紮拉是美國電影舞臺和電視演員和導演他在《神经性失明》的角色獲得艾美獎
端木Niki的评论blindnessdeafnessmuscle wastingdiabetesheart failure dementia干嘛呢[生病][生病][生病]可怕!
韩慕照的评论Metropolitan Alexis Healing the Tatar Tsarina Taidula from Blindness. 就是这个故事咯
Quark-Puma的评论Lack of vitamin A affects the body's growth and resistance disease and can cause night blindness.
厉高冷的评论@c-u-r-e-d 还是要发一下哈哈
Cx觉得自己很胖的评论Love never dies a natural death. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings. Anyway,i love you more than love myself…
大婴博物馆YOKA的评论#大嬰博物館推薦# 美國Prevent Blindness協會推薦,與RKS協作創辦了"Star Pupils",提供給家長們關於如何幫助孩子們一生擁有健康視力的信息,保證兒童擁有健康的雙眼和健康的未來。
新确医疗养老投资服务-LEX的评论发布了头条文章:《【快讯】以色列:干细胞疗法在治疗老年失明临床试验中效果喜人》 这一消息通过马里兰州哥伦比亚的Foundation Fighting Blindness宣布,后者为临床试验提供资金和开展临床前期研究。 【快讯】以色列:干细...
用户5649632927的评论最新资源链接下载: 盲流感 / 失明症漫记 / Blindness (2008) 网页链接 [更多请关注@趣味源电影] 20160727171532
joaen2201的评论OMG!!! I next time don't dare to walk & look at handphone at the same time already...I just accidentally stepped & killed a snail!!! The poor snail just died cos of my blindness!!! [大哭][大哭][大哭]
长腿撩妹璐哥哥的评论Love never dies a natural death.It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals.It dies of weariness,of witherings of tarnishings. 爱从不会自然消亡,它只会死于盲目 错误和背叛,死于厌倦 凋零和黯淡。 —犯罪心理
顾猷的评论盖茨比第二章,著名的埃克伯格医生大眼镜广告牌,明显地一位眼科医生竖立这个牌子,“and than sank down himself into eternal blindness, ..." 我问儿子1,sank...blindness是什么意思;2,如果是耳科医生的助听器广告牌,作者会还会用sank...blindness吗?若不,他会怎么写?儿子给了我满意的回答。