A dark, brilliant novel of astonishing pitch, set in Provincetown, a “spit of shrub and dune” captured here in the rawness and melancholy of the off-season, Tough Guys Don’t Dance is the story of Tim Madden, an unsuccessful writer addicted to bourbon, cigarettes, and blonde, careless women with money. On the twenty-fourth morning after the decampment of his wife, Patty Lareine, he awakens with a hangover, considerable sexual excitement, and, on his upper arm, a blue tattoo bearing a name from the past. Of the night before, he remembers practically nothing. What he soon learns is that the front passenger seat of his Porsche is soaked with blood and that in a secluded corner of his marijuana stash in a nearby woods rests a blonde head, severed at the throat. Is Madden therefore a murderer? He has no way of knowing. As in many novels of crime, the narrative centers on violence—physical, sexual, and emotional—but these elements move in their orbits through a rich constellation of character as Madden tries to reconstruct the missing hours of a terrible evening. In the course of this in-quiry a bizarre and vividly etched gallery of characters reappears to him as in a dream—ex-prizefighters, sexual junkies, mediums, former cons, a police chief, a world-weary former girl friend, and Mad-den’s father, old now but still a Herculean figure, a practitioner of the sternest backroom ethics. Tough Guys Don’t Dance represents Mailer at the peak of his powers with a stunningly conceived novel that soon transcends its origins as a mystery to become a relentless search into the recesses and buried virtues of the modern American male. Rarely, as many readers will discern, have the paradoxes of machismo and homosexuality been so well explored. from:www.cosyreading.info
1、硬汉不跳舞是作者诺曼·梅勒 Norman Mailer创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
上海肖涛的评论【Peter Green 《Blue Guitar》】硬汉不跳舞,因为爱独处;波旁威士忌,伴以布鲁斯。 Blue Guita...
艺术世界杂志的评论今日在@没顶画廊 何岸全新个展《硬汉不跳舞》开幕。展览展出何岸为没顶画廊空间创作的全新装置作品。
李仪同学的评论【今天又长见识了 何岸个展在没顶画廊开幕 何岸本人也在 当然我就也没好意思拍什么的 全新个展叫《硬汉不跳舞》 来源于美国作家诺曼梅勒的同名小说 展览是拍不出来的 最多就是一记录 不看介绍直接看展览 我感受到的还挺奇特】
燃点randian的评论[燃点展讯]没顶画廊何岸个展“硬汉不跳舞” 没顶画廊即将于11月11日呈现⋯⋯ 展览将展出何岸为没顶画廊空间创作的全新装置作品。何岸是中国70后一代中国最具代表性的艺术家之一,实践涉及装置、雕塑、摄影等多重媒介。生长在中国经济极具扩张的⋯⋯网页链接 @没顶公司MADEIN
究竟文化的评论[话筒][礼物]#胡适主题赠书活动#抽奖结果[2](分为多条),恭喜以下书友:@刘紫陌君 @硬汉不跳舞2010 @周智琛 @专注代购台湾方便面二十年 @曹保印啦啦啦 @安徽醉里欢笑 @lilycarina-lee @落叶化泥更护花 @公民沈阳 @泉州东海先森 。请以上书友7日内联系微信公众号(活动原主贴有)以供派书。
小说搜索的评论推荐小说:黑道小说「硬汉不跳舞」,更新至第三章:十四桥,花样年华和抚慰。 文笔干净,描述真实。在线地址:网页链接
贝克街小分队-团长的评论头伏第一天,共喝掉了一盒牛奶、一瓶可乐、一瓶每益添、一瓶冰糖雪梨、一盒安慕希、一瓶矿泉水,才有力气工作。#硬汉不跳舞# 郑州市
爱遗忘的马大富的评论我刚在@微盘 发现了一个很不错的文件"硬汉不跳舞[美]诺曼·梅勒.范革新、臧永清译.春风文艺出版社(1988).pdf",推荐你也来看看!硬汉不跳舞[美]诺曼...
上海肖涛的评论#硬汉不跳舞,年轻不服输# 跨界作家,美国疯叔。 #诺曼·梅勒作品集# (第一辑)】 @凤凰联动 @张小波 @华秋在写