Lincoln in the Bardo

Lincoln in the Bardo

作者:George Saunders




出版社:Random House

标签: 外国文学  奇幻 


总统坐在墓前悼念爱子,而 Willie 的魂魄就在一旁注视着父亲。通过生死的对比,乔治·桑德斯提出这样一个命题:如果我们知道所爱的一切终会消逝,那么我们还如何活与爱。


The long-awaited first novel from the author of Tenth of December: a moving and original father-son story featuring none other than Abraham Lincoln, as well as an unforgettable cast of supporting characters, living and dead, historical and invented

February 1862. The Civil War is less than one year old. The fighting has begun in earnest, and the nation has begun to realize it is in for a long, bloody struggle. Meanwhile, President Lincoln’s beloved eleven-year-old son, Willie, lies upstairs in the White House, gravely ill. In a matter of days, despite predictions of a recovery, Willie dies and is laid to rest in a Georgetown cemetery. “My poor boy, he was too good for this earth,” the president says at the time. “God has called him home.” Newspapers report that a grief-stricken Lincoln returns, alone, to the crypt several times to hold his boy’s body.

From that seed of historical truth, George Saunders spins an unforgettable story of familial love and loss that breaks free of its realistic, historical framework into a supernatural realm both hilarious and terrifying. Willie Lincoln finds himself in a strange purgatory where ghosts mingle, gripe, commiserate, quarrel, and enact bizarre acts of penance. Within this transitional state—called, in the Tibetan tradition, the bardo—a monumental struggle erupts over young Willie’s soul.

Lincoln in the Bardo is an astonishing feat of imagination and a bold step forward from one of the most important and influential writers of his generation. Formally daring, generous in spirit, deeply concerned with matters of the heart, it is a testament to fiction’s ability to speak honestly and powerfully to the things that really matter to us. Saunders has invented a thrilling new form that deploys a kaleidoscopic, theatrical panorama of voices to ask a timeless, profound question: How do we live and love when we know that everything we love must end?


1、Lincoln in the Bardo是作者George Saunders创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • Eddie的评论
  • 花岛仙藏的评论
    "Schmaltz"...really liked Bevins with his many eyes and noses and hands and Vollmann with his rough tenderness and the brave brave Reverend.
  • Griet的评论
    风格非常独特。奇特又引人入胜的阅读体验。今年的Man Booker long list读过的最喜欢的一本。
  • 把噗的评论
  • Donald的评论
    是一本很成功的小说,但也许我在形式上过于守旧,阅读时的快感倒不多。有些段落的笔法,让人深深怀疑自己是否在被情感绑架中。Not a novel that one would re-read easily.
  • 海之子的评论
    桑德斯的首部小说,惊艳之处是形式创新,genre介于小说与戏剧之间。立意是一流的(虽然明显借用Our Town,却比之更深刻)。喜欢严丝合缝的故事的读者可能略觉不适,叙事稍显支离破碎。
  • 陈灼的评论
  • 机智勇敢昭昭昭的评论
  • X-chen的评论
    读完30页才摸清风格,实验性的作品,有趣的写作方式和写作角度。How do we live and love when we know that everything we love must end?
  • 的评论
    同一个总统,不同的林肯。跟随不同身份/阶级/肤色的角色走进林肯,原来林肯对爱子是如此苛刻。此书的No 99和No 107的连读,让人打开耳界啊。
  • 沐子戋的评论
  • [已注销]的评论
  • 的评论
    original, daring and touching
  • activegalaxy的评论
    From this book, I see a little bit about the real Lincoln through the mist of the fog of history. The audio book version is a must
  • 许三的评论
    Didn't work, the experiment.
  • WetPaint的评论
  • 何三云的评论
  • LQ的评论
  • [已注销]的评论
  • KEY-可以文化的评论