作者:Philip Roth
出版社:Houghton Mifflin
标签: PhilipRoth 小说
"I'm thirty-four! Worry about oblivion, he told himself, when you're seventy-five." Philip Roth's new novel is a fiercely intimate yet universal story of loss, regret, and stoicism. The best-selling author of The Plot Against America now turns his attention from "one family's harrowing encounter with history" (New York Times) to one man's lifelong confrontation with mortality. Roth's everyman is a hero whose youthful sense of independence and confidence begins to be challenged when illness commences its attack in middle age. A successful commercial advertising artist, he is the father of two sons who despise him and a daughter who adores him. He is the brother of a good man whose physical well-being comes to arouse his bitter envy. He is the lonely ex-husband of three very different women with whom he has made a mess of marriage. Inevitably, he discovers that he has become what he does not want to be. Roth has been hailed as "the most compelling of living writers . . . [His] every book is like a dispatch from the deepest recesses of the national mind."* In Everyman, Roth once again displays his hallmark incisiveness. From his first glimpse of death on the idyllic beaches of his childhood summers, through his vigorous, seemingly invincible prime, Roth's hero is a man bewildered not only by his own decline but by the unimaginable deaths of his contemporaries and those he has loved. The terrain of this haunting novel is the human body. Its subject is the common experience that terrifies us all.
1、Everyman是作者Philip Roth创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
英国西英格兰大学UWE的评论#布城新闻# 想在欣赏大屏幕震撼观感的同时也享受在家一样的舒服沙发和抱枕吗?[芒果萌萌哒]那你就一定要去#布里斯托#新开的电影院Everyman试试啦!一两年前就开始期待,终于在5月20日开业了!全新的设施加上复古的调调,相信爱看电影的你一定会享受在这里一饱眼福哒![好] 英国·布里斯托
chanqiunuo的评论分享 Everyman Band 的专辑《Without Warning》Without Wa...(分享自@虾米音乐)
LemonFuu的评论MR.EVERYMAN写着写着忘了个Y 那就这样吧[微笑]我还真是个随性的画(wén)家(máng)呢[画画]
王纠纠小结的评论Every man dies.Not everyman really lives.所以生命都终将枯萎,但并不是所有生命都曾经绽放。fighting!
人家家的小张张的评论#敢爱敢晒上头条#Everyman has his secret sorrows which the world konws not,and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad.But you just heard what everybody said,not heard me.
ZR211的评论在Dystopia里,Big brother is watching you,现在不是么?但是当一个phlegmatic everyman比当一个rebellion简单多了。 睡前胡说几句,Good night Gorge Orwell. 北京·龙山街区
不得言之的评论I am not suggesting it was any easier for you, everyman is an island after all. I waited a thousand years, perhaps I will love you for a thousand more but hey the show must goes on, cest la vie. All I need is an adequate place for you to sit still. ____ sit. Good boy.
_Ryan_的评论Small cinema has its own style. @ Everyman Cinema Baker Street 网页链接
DRY____的评论hello everyman,I am the companition of ant-man and 奥特曼[奥特曼]
_Ryan_的评论Will be distributed by Sundream in HK. @ Everyman Cinema Baker Street 网页链接
DavidAugust的评论So cool, #old school goodness from my sister: EveryMan His Own Physician, 1759 Virginia Almanac, an 网页链接
LOSTDEX的评论Born to die, indeed. Everyman is born to die.♫我正在收听这首单曲:Lana Del Rey-Born To Die♫Born To Di... (来自@QQ音乐 听手机QQ音乐,QQ等级加速升!)
Kingspud的评论Manslater Everyman must get [笑cry][笑cry][笑cry][笑cry] 秒拍视频 .
少年大叔AyaBird的评论#每日一涂# 庆祝两个漫画双双破亿,事务繁忙,我都快学会everyman睡眠法了.所以,去补个小睡起来继续干活.
郭辉2015113的评论道德剧《每个人》(Everyman)中文剧本 作者:佚名 翻译:王宪生 来源:豆瓣网页链接信使:诸位看官细听端详, 我把此事向您宣讲, 这是一出道德剧—— 名字就叫《召唤... 道德剧《每个人》(E...
__Carter_z的评论Ha appena pubblicato una foto con Instagram @ Everyman Theatre 网页链接
zettag的评论哎quantum break打下来最喜欢的居然是john everyman到死的liam[大哭]
Deliveroo送餐服务_伯明翰的评论#Deliveroo# #伯明翰美食# 人就是一种奇怪的动物,比如晚上不睡白天不起?白天不饿晚上想吃?懒得下厨却也不想出门吃饭?不行不行,这么多莽撞的事情就都留给Deliveroo去做吧!Spielburger@ Everyman-Birmingham, Ed’s Easy Diner, The Dirty Cow Burger Company, Meeting Restaurant, Sunny’s Soul