

作者:J. M. Coetzee




出版社:Viking Adult

标签: Coetzee  青春  外国文学  小说 


The narrator of Youth, a student in the South Africa of the 1950s, has long been plotting an escape from his native country: from the stifling love of his mother, a father whose failures haunt him, and what he is sure is impending revolution. Studying mathematics, reading poetry, and saving money, he tries to ensure that when he arrives in the real world, wherever that may be, he will be prepared to experience life to its full intensity and transform it into art. Arriving at last in London, however, he finds neither poetry nor romance. Instead he succumbs to the monotony of life as a computer programmer, from which random, loveless affairs offer no relief. Devoid of inspiration, he stops writing. An awkward colonial, a constitutional outsider, he begins a dark pilgrimage in which he is continually tested and continually found wanting. Set against the background of the 1960s-Sharpeville, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Vietnam-Youth is a remarkable portrait of a consciousness, isolated and adrift, turning in on itself. J. M. Coetzee explores a young man's struggle to find his way in the world with tenderness and a fierce clarity.


1、Youth是作者J. M. Coetzee创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • -守业的评论
    Thank you for hanging on my youth.
  • 从来不刷鞋的李博宇的评论
    Happy birthday to my god . Eason ! You on behalf of my youth 通辽·金叶广场
  • 傻傻的prefer丽的评论
    What youth deemed crystal age finds out was dew.
  • 塞壬的歌声的评论
    我去,礼拜二今年夏天不止去德国,昨天晚上他们在波兰的Krakow完成了一次演出,这是他们被邀请参加World Youth Day活动的
  • 走遍美国学英语-口语单词的评论
    20160724-1: 记得有一次(I remember once)我在一个青年的家里(being in the house of a youth),他对我说(who began talk to me)要买些肉(about buying some meat)。微信:HooEnglish888
  • 痞人淡处谁的悲伤的评论
    Y[洪水]outh is limited, happy, why not worth people to spend valuable time.——青春有限,快乐重要,何必为不值得的人花费宝贵的时间。
  • 羞涩的猪蹄儿的评论
    我分享了歌曲《What is a Youth-王若琳》 What is a ...
  • 中国美术精选的评论
    德国艺术家Gerhard Richter,是在世艺术家中最伟大的艺术家之一,这个1982年创作的系列《蜡烛》,一副作品的估价就在1400万美金左右。传奇乐队Sonic Youth把其中一副画作当作专辑封面而传播
  • RitaAndRoadpath的评论
    #闵玧其##闵玧其mixtape# My Youth,My Youth Is Yours / 我的花样年华,我的花样年华是属于你的。[心]
  • swag届扛把子的评论
    我把我喜欢的youth设成铃声了。我错了。 和之前的闹铃儿一样的结果。
  • 有一天35的评论
    [雪人]️ 分享了Breathe Carolina/Troye Sivan的单曲《Youth (Breathe Carolina Remix)》Youth (Bre...(@网易云音乐)
  • 最爱犬夜叉的夜斗的评论
    My youth is yours,我的青春热血唯属于你。 分享单曲YOUTH (@网易云音乐 )
  • 苑小兔儿的评论
    for our 10 years of youth[蛋糕][蛋糕][蛋糕]
  • 刘霞1130的评论
    Goodbye my youth !!! Goodbye my love!!The next will be better !! Frighting[幽灵][幽灵][幽灵]
  • 杨芒芒_的评论
  • JustinBieberFever的评论
    大半夜伤感起来…Really …My youth is you[悲伤] 秒拍视频 .
  • 倾城一笑_39648的评论
    Those allowed to be capricious Scalled youth . 那些允许被任性的年代叫做青春。[微笑][微笑]
  • 蝶月缺的评论
    Don't waste your youth. And do want you wanna do, go where you wanna go. Do believe that tomorrow is more beautiful.#toJetHu#
  • 魚魚魚魚魚太郎的评论
    #混凝草音乐节# 在膜拜Sonic Youth和Superchunk靡靡之音的同时,一支来自加拿大的乐队Solids来势汹汹:90年代另类摇滚旋律,肮脏浑浊的密集吉他声与轰隆的鼓声相对抗,加之主唱迷幻的声音,无疑使他们成为了加拿大最具潜力的新乐队之一。无论首张专辑《Blame Confusion》还是最新EP《Else》都预示着他
  • 君王note的评论
    a glass ``youth `` Why what at school` beceasue of go toschool.