

作者:Dan Simmons





标签: 科幻  海伯利安  丹·西蒙斯  hyperion  DanSimons  太空歌剧  小说  史诗 


The multiple-award-winning science fiction master returns to the universe that is his greatest triumph--the world of "Hyperion" and "The Fall ofHyperion" --with a novel even more magnificent than its predecessors. Dan Simmons's "Hyperion" was an immediate sensation on its first publication in 1989. This staggering multifaceted tale of the far future heralded the conquest of the science fiction field by a man who had already won the World Fantasy Award for his first novel ("Song of Kali") and had also published one of the most well-received horror novels in the field, "Carrion Comfort." "Hyperion" went on to win the Hugo Award as Best Novel, and it and its companion volume, "The Fall of Hyperion," took their rightful places in the science fiction pantheon of new classics. Now, six years later, Simmons returns to this richly imagined world of technological achievement, excitement, wonder and fear. "Endymion" is a story about love and memory, triumph and terror--an instant candidate for the field's highest honors.


1、Endymion是作者Dan Simmons创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 韩都衣舍EXO粉丝团的评论
    我们家的[熊] 居然跳三只小[熊] [熊] [熊] Endymion_kai【亻】Chickai小炸鸡_金钟仁资源博 秒拍视频
  • 居谷生的评论
    唱了三只小熊 的妮妮 [熊] 飞过去 昨天真的很开心吧 cr Endymion_kai 秒拍视频 .
  • 金钟仁吧_KAIBar的评论
    #宇宙苏神金钟仁# #与金钟仁约会KTR# 【Endymion】160704 KTR 视频 [好爱哦][好爱哦][好爱哦] 度盘下载网页链接 秒拍视频 .
  • ChicKai小炸鸡_金钟仁资源博的评论
    #金钟仁# #与金钟仁相约KTR# 【视频】160704 Kiss The Radio 【Endymion_kai】[1080P/MP4/4.3M] 下载戳【网页链接】这首老少咸宜红遍街头巷尾的三只熊被我哥跳出了别样风味...辣就是...熊的风味... 秒拍视频 .
  • 英伦草莓的评论
    #Penhaligon's# 2016新作。Luna灵感来源于月之女神,新版endymion把edc做成了edp,炒冷饭就为了跟女神凑个cp。潘海利根让我踩雷的最大原因通常是香调太杂,Luna这款相对干净,而且前调的柑橘和杜松子味散得很快,所以我还满喜欢。后调也没有endymion那么厚重,是淡雅温柔的树脂香,大众接受度应该很高
  • TJU王晓鹏的评论
    Endymion就是男版的Snow White或史湘云。。。
  • Mango--killer的评论
    翻遍淘宝都没看到潘海利根家Endymion Concentre[泪][泪][泪]好想买这瓶包青天
  • keep_it_simple_stupi的评论
    终于生了!七千多字潘海利根香评 一共十七瓶按顺序来:布伦海姆花束/tralala/裁缝/bayolea/Vaara/Ostara/英伦羊齿/Amaranthine/Lothair/Blasted heath/皇家橡树/Lp9/Empressa/Juniper Sling/Iris Prima/Endymion/致命温柔这期间经历了感冒 闻什么都想吐的时期 所以一直拖了很久 好在最后都出来啦~
  • waitasong的评论
    #NamSong# 想象着宋旻浩穿着戴领针的衬衣 每一颗袖扣安分的扣好 喷penhaligon的琴酒 南太铉只穿这penhaligon's endymion香 在深灰色窗帘的房间里play on skin
  • 花大乱范的评论
    因为她生得美丽, 所以被男人追求; 因为她是男人, 所以被女人俘获。 潘海利根 恩迪弥安 牧羊少年 Penhaligon`s Endymion
  • 阿阿阿阿阿阿阿鱼干酱的评论
    买前做功课系列: Penhaligon's Artemisia, Blasted Bloom, Blenheim Bouquet, Blasted Heath, Endymion, Sartorial, Quercus
  • 啊噜啪咔的评论
  • ChicKai小炸鸡_金钟仁资源博的评论
    #金钟仁# #KAI#【图片】160722 The EXO’rDIUM in Seoul 8P【Endymion_kai】打包戳【网页链接】我哥心中住着好几个灵魂...总能展示不一样的他...就像...QQ糖的口味...那么多变[c正经]...
  • ChicKai小炸鸡_金钟仁资源博的评论
    #金钟仁# #KAI#【预览】160722 The EXO’rDIUM in Seoul【Endymion_kai/TIME TO LOVE KAI】
  • ChicKai小炸鸡_金钟仁资源博的评论
    #金钟仁# #KAI#【预览】160722 The EXO’rDIUM in Seoul【Endymion_kai】13年的wolf吧~哈哈
  • Cristina陈小姐的评论
    本来是闲着无聊想试试换一款新香的…手贱带上了endymion…给小熊又喷了喷…然后像我这么不念旧情的人都微微有点难过…大概被灌输了太长时间所以现在仍然觉得endymion是最好闻的男香了[哆啦A梦汗]now it's just for my teddy bear[兔子][兔子]
  • 夜夜夜斯基的评论
    想想还是换一款Penhaligon's Endymion 牧羊少年,一直有听说,也是第一次用哦!很清新,对于我而言仿佛有种时光倒流的感觉,整个人有种被洗礼的错觉,突然间通透了,后调应该也有乳香,爱惨了!