Over a hundred years ago, Edwin Abbott Abbott wrote a mathematical adventure set in a two-dimensional plane world, populated by a hierarchical society of regular geometrical figures-who think and speak and have all too human emotions. Since then Flatland has fascinated generations of readers, becoming a perennial science-fiction favorite. By imagining the contact of beings from different dimensions, the author fully exploited the power of the analogy between the limitations of humans and those of his two-dimensional characters.
A first-rate fictional guide to the concept of multiple dimensions of space, the book will also appeal to those who are interested in computer graphics. This field, which literally makes higher dimensions seeable, has aroused a new interest in visualization. We can now manipulate objects in four dimensions and observe their three-dimensional slices tumbling on the computer screen. But how do we interpret these images? In his introduction, Thomas Banchoff points out that there is no better way to begin exploring the problem of understanding higher-dimensional slicing phenomena than reading this classic novel of the Victorian era.下载说明
1、Flatland是作者Edwin Abbott Abbott创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
hiroshi430上原洋的评论UEHARA Bros. Okinawa. #bmx #connection #okinawa #flatland #uehara 网页链接
影像视觉杂志的评论【早啊】五一假期第一天,准备去哪玩?土耳其摄影师兼数码艺术家 Aydin Büyüktaş ,看到他的照片,都会想起电影《盗梦空间》吧?不过实际上,摄影师是被 1884 年的同名科幻小说《平面国(Flatland)》启发,作者为当时英国著名的神学家 Edwin Abbott Abbott。
大愛蘇曉露的评论无论玩得叻唔叻都好, 我下半生的一些时光, 已经交给FLATLAND。 清远·南门街
子弹9号的评论这不是严格意义上多维的世界。不如叫做多向重力的世界。《多维空间世界》 Flatland by Aydin Buyuktas - 网页链接
小但子1990的评论Hooray! 又读完一本书!《Flatland, Edwin A. Abbott 》太棒了!加油加油!from my ReadingList list
Eugeneltk的评论A time in my life #FlatLand #MountainBike #Unconventional #Different 网页链接 …网页链接
杨阳的围脖世界的评论转 // #天天快报# 《令人震撼的掀大地照片》 这组作品《Flatland》(平地)不仅仅是献给热爱土耳其文化的各位观众 网页链接
Barret李靖的评论不错,各种 GUI 和 CLI 都换成 Seti UI,样式很抓眼。不过我还是钟爱 Flatland.Seti UI 主题...
小王同学诶的评论Fuck the monster[给力][给力][给力]#bmx##flatland# 郑州·CBD
陈津Justin的评论2016 05 06上海平地花式 大师赛 #flatland##BMX小轮车##平地花式# 广州·江高镇