The Man Who Solved the Market

The Man Who Solved the Market

作者:Gregory Zuckerman





标签: 传记  金融  投资 


Bestselling author and veteran Wall Street Journal reporter Gregory Zuckerman answers the question investors have been asking for decades: How did Jim Simons do it?

Jim Simons is the greatest money maker in modern financial history. His track record bests those of legendary investors including Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Ray Dalio, and George Soros. Yet Simons and his strategies are shrouded in mystery. Wall Street insiders have long craved a view into Simons's singular mind, as well as the definitive account of how his secretive hedge fund, Renaissance Technologies, came to dominate financial markets. Bestselling author and Wall Street Journal reporter Gregory Zuckerman delivers the goods.

After a legendary career as a mathematician at MIT and Harvard, and a stint breaking Soviet code for the U.S. government, Simons set out to conquer financial markets with a radical approach. He hired mathematicians, physicists, and computer scientists, most of whom knew little about finance. Experts scoffed as Simons built Renaissance Technologies from a dreary Long Island strip mall. He amassed piles of data and developed algorithms to hunt for deeply hidden patterns in the numbers--patterns that reveal rules governing all markets.

Simons and his colleagues became some of the richest individuals in the world and their data-driven approach launched a quantitative revolution on Wall Street. They also anticipated dramatic shifts in society. Eventually, governments, sports teams, hospitals, and businesses in almost every industry embraced Simons's methods.

Simons and his team used their newfound wealth to upend society. Simons has become a major influence in scientific research, education, and politics, while senior executive Robert Mercer is more responsible than anyone else for Donald Trump's victorious presidential campaign. The Renaissance team's models didn't prepare executives for the ensuing backlash.

The Man Who Solved the Market is the dramatic story of how Jim Simons and a group of unlikely mathematicians remade Wall Street and transformed the world.


1、The Man Who Solved the Market是作者Gregory Zuckerman创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • hibernate的评论
    最近两个月很有意思,几个投资者先后著书立传,包括黑石Schwartzman的What it takes,凯雷Rubenstein的the American story(历史),和活久见的Simons这本传记。40岁开始创立公司的Simons,性格据说挺像Mask,比其他大神多了些专注和坚持,在我们眼里是无法逾越的高山,而文艺复兴的表现一直让其他对冲基金公司,哪怕是顶尖的那几家也难以望其项背。其一向低调神秘的作风让同行们百思不得其解。因此这本书的出版,即使和交易秘密不相关,也是完全出乎意料之外的惊喜。Simons和麾下数学家们在解码市场规律其中也有不少经历教训,比如找出模型代码错误,内斗下能保住最大的alpha-人才。天才之处无法模仿,能更精进一寸便是所得。
  • 雲迷霧鎖的评论
  • 的评论
  • 谢寻星的评论
  • straybird的评论
  • larrylv的评论
    “Simons could be remembered for what he did with his fortune, as well as how he made it.”
  • t.的评论
    ...main takeaway: they're not flash boys.
  • 不过如北的评论
    19#15 (又一本)曾经求翻而未得的书。略有失望,但仍然有趣,结尾稍弱,整体只能算是中规中矩。Simmons虽然招募了一支才华横溢的科学家团队,“launch”了量化革命,但严格地“the man who solved the market”的标题有标题党之嫌。与LTCM之间的对比很有趣。但大奖章仍然是那个神秘的大奖章,中间几个章节充斥着“进一步改进了算法”、“效果拔群”之类的描述,但干货太少。作为2019年最后一本书(highly likely),希望自己明年也能solve一些东西吧。
  • clover的评论
  • Wonderstruck的评论
  • mi的评论
    讲Jim Simons成立文艺复兴前的那一段很有意思,Mercer的政治影响也有意思。不要期待有太多量化干货,但看上去也还靠谱。超级多的小八卦和趣闻轶事。
  • lbyiuou的评论
  • cccc的评论
  • Vera.W的评论
    The journey of Renaissance.
  • Foe的评论
  • Sunny的评论
  • 等待如果的评论
  • ColdHumour的评论
    3.5, worth to read but not amused
  • henryu¥拉丝裤的评论
    tcost, tcost, tcost.
  • 伊艮聪的评论
    An essentially anti-hero, human story.