#1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller
New York Times Bestseller
USA Today Bestseller
The team behind How Google Works returns with management lessons from legendary coach and business executive, Bill Campbell, whose mentoring of some of our most successful modern entrepreneurs has helped create well over a trillion dollars in market value.
Bill Campbell played an instrumental role in the growth of several prominent companies, such as Google, Apple, and Intuit, fostering deep relationships with Silicon Valley visionaries, including Steve Jobs, Larry Page, and Eric Schmidt. In addition, this business genius mentored dozens of other important leaders on both coasts, from entrepreneurs to venture capitalists to educators to football players, leaving behind a legacy of growing companies, successful people, respect, friendship, and love after his death in 2016.
Leaders at Google for over a decade, Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, and Alan Eagle experienced firsthand how the man fondly known as Coach Bill built trusting relationships, fostered personal growth—even in those at the pinnacle of their careers—inspired courage, and identified and resolved simmering tensions that inevitably arise in fast-moving environments. To honor their mentor and inspire and teach future generations, they have codified his wisdom in this essential guide.
Based on interviews with over eighty people who knew and loved Bill Campbell, Trillion Dollar Coach explains the Coach’s principles and illustrates them with stories from the many great people and companies with which he worked. The result is a blueprint for forward-thinking business leaders and managers that will help them create higher performing and faster moving cultures, teams, and companies.
1、Trillion Dollar Coach是作者Eric Schmidt / Jonathan Rosenberg / Alan Eagle创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
MiJ-™的评论今天JR本人来公司宣传这本书,有时候觉得道理听上去很简单 比如要的管理者是把team放在自己之前的人,但是现实中怎么都是相差甚远拼命抢地盘抢credit永远把自己放在team之前的人混得轻松又自如呢? 实在是很迷惑啊。不过很久没有听到能inspire人的高管讲make sense的话了
Clyde.L的评论Have a heart ❤️
丸子(^.^)v的评论公司2019 reading club推荐书目 = =
凱達格蘭大道的评论Great book on leadership
魚的评论be human
莱布尼兹*牛顿的评论我就在想为啥tech里能容忍brilliant jerks但entertainment里就不行…
失足青年的评论Authors show gigantic ego throughout the book. Who fucking cares about what do these guys do at Google in a book that is supposed to portrait THE COACH BILL CAMPBELL? Give us more insights to Bill Campbell and less half-baked stories about Google. What a shame.
乌贼坊主的评论All the principles are simple but not easy. Bill is a legend who perfected them all.
Jimmy47的评论得到听书: 管理者必须具备“教练思维”。一个人的职位越高,就越需要通过成就别人来成就自己,他也就越需要教练思维;而一个团队的成员越出色,也越需要管理者运用教练思维,来实现团队的高效运作。 管理者带好团队的第一招,就是充分利用好开会。开会之前,要和每个人就会议主题进行沟通;会议开场时,可以先用闲聊来拉近距离;会议讨论时,每个人都要充分发表意见、形成集体决策,而领导必须等到最后才能发言。 管理者带好团队的第二招,就是要掌握非正式沟通的技巧。首先是要尽可能地多提问题,少下结论;第二是要善于给出反馈意见。高段位的管理者,能够让团队成员真切地感受到爱和关切,坦率的批评反而会增强情感链接。 最后,吴军老师在这本书的序言中提醒我们,《成就》这本书适合所有的管理者和知识型员工阅读,而非所有人。
王三十九的评论Bill Campbell,大学橄榄球队教练,四十几岁才来到加州,作为 Intuit 的 CEO 和其他一些角色商业环境里取得了巨大的成功。他把自己带领球队取胜的经验放到了科技公司的团队管理上。被他辅导(coach)过的都是非常聪明和有能力的公司高管,以及由这些高管组成的团队,例如 Google 的两位创始人以及CEO。这些人并不缺少如何做事的方法论,反倒是对他们本人和家人的理解关怀,情感支持,以及以第三方的视角更清晰的看待他们面临的问题并引导其分析并思考出解决方案,对他们来说更有帮助。个人认为他那种用心去 coach 团队和合作伙伴的方式,是未来领导者取得成功的关键要素。
yusen的评论读了一半,其实很多管理的方式都是大道至简,真正不一样的是使用的人。当然几位作者自己也是非常经验丰富,但是他们对Bill Campbell的溢美之词和对其在硅谷地位的高度评价啊仍然让人惊讶。
容易被at的殇鱼的评论easy read, manage as a human
小蘑菇的评论Three points 1)1 smart, make connections in different areas 2 hard work 3 high integrity 4 grit, perseverance 2) tackling with the issues, instead of blame 3) have team full attention