The Future of Capitalism

The Future of Capitalism

作者:Paul Collier





标签: 经济 


Paul Collier is the Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government. He is the author of The Bottom Billion, which won the Lionel Gelber Prize and the Arthur Ross Prize awarded by the Council on Foreign Relations, The Plundered Planet, Exodus and Refuge (with Alexander Betts). Collier has served as Director of the Research Department of the World Bank, and consults with the German and many other governments around the world.


From world-renowned economist Paul Collier, a candid diagnosis of the failures of capitalism and a pragmatic and realistic vision for how we can repair it.

Deep new rifts are tearing apart the fabric of the United States and other Western societies: thriving cities versus rural counties, the highly skilled elite versus the less educated, wealthy versus developing countries. As these divides deepen, we have lost the sense of ethical obligation to others that was crucial to the rise of post-war social democracy. So far these rifts have been answered only by the revivalist ideologies of populism and socialism, leading to the seismic upheavals of Trump, Brexit, and the return of the far-right in Germany. We have heard many critiques of capitalism but no one has laid out a realistic way to fix it, until now.

In a passionate and polemical book, celebrated economist Paul Collier outlines brilliantly original and ethical ways of healing these rifts—economic, social and cultural—with the cool head of pragmatism, rather than the fervor of ideological revivalism. He reveals how he has personally lived across these three divides, moving from working-class Sheffield to hyper-competitive Oxford, and working between Britain and Africa, and acknowledges some of the failings of his profession.

Drawing on his own solutions as well as ideas from some of the world’s most distinguished social scientists, he shows us how to save capitalism from itself—and free ourselves from the intellectual baggage of the twentieth century.


1、The Future of Capitalism是作者Paul Collier创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 恶魔骑着驴子来的评论
    从比尔盖茨的博客看到的推荐。提出的问题没啥问题,但是解决方案倒是有种站着说话不腰疼的感觉。自己虽然不属于作者所说的WEIRD(Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, And Democratic),但还是属于他想要遏制的high-skilled & immigrant群体。看的时候内心想法: 自己学的这么努力,一部分原因不就是因为想和那些曾经嘲笑我的less-educated的初高中本科同学远一点么。
  • 容易被at的殇鱼的评论
  • Laniaho的评论
  • 的评论
    近期最喜欢的一本书。 它一上来就不管左右,几乎鄙视了几乎所有意识形态(可能除了实用主义)。之后像百科全书一样,对当下各种社会问题作出解释。不单分析得精彩,光是对“社会问题”的选择,都让我想把作者引为知己——有太多的媒体忽略本质或者重要的问题,而讨论鸡毛蒜皮。 相比于精到的分析,作者提出的解决方案就显得很难服人。作者认为这很难直接靠市场和宏观调控解决,而应该重塑道德,从更高目标优化。我在读的时候也是那种“道理好像是没错,但这很难让我接受啊”的状态。然而快看到结尾的时候,说回“身份认同”,我有点更能接受作者的观点了——对自我价值实现的追求,对亲朋好友的爱,以至于对民族国家的感情,是确实可能不完全依靠利益而真实存在的。 不管他说的对还不对,这本书是一个很好的思考的起点。
  • 史丹利高先生的评论
    Gates summer书单拖了半年终于读完。总体感受:风格很学术,整体逻辑强。Collier对当今民主资本主义社会面临的危机及成因分析的极为透彻,核心理论(由市场资本主义转向道德资本主义)清晰易懂且有说服力。美中不足是提出的解决策略比较不切实际,这可能和作者大学教授的背景有关。但这并不影响这本佳作引发读者思考与共鸣的力量!