

作者:Robert Sedgewick,Kev




出版社:Addison-Wesley Professional

标签: 算法  Algorithms  计算机科学  计算机  Algorithms  算法&数据结构  编程  Programming 


Essential Information about Algorithms and Data Structures A Classic Reference The latest version of Sedgewick,s best-selling series, reflecting an indispensable body of knowledge developed over the past several decades. Broad Coverage Full treatment of data structures and algorithms for sorting, searching, graph processing, and string processing, including fifty algorithms every programmer should know. See


1、Algorithms是作者Robert Sedgewick,Kev创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 昊峰InFMajor的评论
    General-porpose learning algorithms
  • 爱可可-爱生活的评论
    【深度学习原理(前三章预览版)免费下载】《Fundamentals Of Deep Learning: Designing Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence Algorithms》by Nikhil Buduma 网页链接
  • 糖醋陈皮的评论
    推荐一本适合零基础学习者的【算法】书:Grokking Algorithms: An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious people 才开始看,看了 20 多页,觉得蛮不错。
  • 蔡学镛的评论
    买了 Robert Sedgewick 的 Algorithms 第四版,想找机会复习复习算法。
  • 网路冷眼的评论
    【Introduction to greedy algorithms】网页链接 贪心算法简介。
  • 趙曉寧的评论
    Zhu Yukui and Hongwei Sun. Consistency Analysis of Spectral Regulariza-   tion Algorithms. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2012, Article ID 436510, 16 pages doi:10.1155/2012/436510. (SCI, IMF:1.318,2013) 某人发表在美国财富杂志上的硕士毕业论文,除了他的名字其他单词都不懂
  • 南京大学的评论
    #南大新闻#【China issues first report on command and control】Professor Zhou Xianzhong from Nanjing University said during the Wednesday press conference that the most popular topics for postgraduate and doctorate degree-seekers are information fusion, genetic algorithms and dron
  • Jackie_Chen的夏天的评论
    [晕]『Lecture Notes | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare』网页链接
  • Leonid_Kotlyar的评论
    Are Algorithms Endangering Our Ability To Fight For The Music We Love? 网页链接 …
  • 网路冷眼的评论
    【MIT Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Spring 2015)】网页链接 麻省理工学院(MIT)的《算法设计与分析》课程(2015年春季)教学视频。
  • 梁杰_numbbbbb的评论
  • 姚大钧_V的评论
    竟有這等酷書>Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions 日常生活中的程序邏輯 [good] 网页链接
  • 网路冷眼的评论
    【Getting Started with Genetic Algorithms】网页链接 基因算法使用入门。
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    特征归一化 About Feature Scaling and Normalization – and the effect of standardization for machine learning algorithms 网页链接
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    【The 10 Algorithms Machine Learning Engineers Need to Know】网页链接 机器学习工程师必知必会的10大算法。
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    Reinforcement Learning: From Classical Algorithms to Modern Arts - 作者:Gerry Che,网页链接(想看更多?下载知乎 App:知乎)
  • NeilGerardo的评论
    网页链接 MRX employs highly sophisticated, continuously evolving advanced algorithms and advanced sensor technologies to locate, trace and track personal and corporate assets anywhere in the world.
  • GigaScienceJournal的评论
    Streaming algorithms for identification of pathogens and antibiotic resistance potential from real-time MinIONTM sequencing 网页链接
  • 文定山人的评论
    BBC 人类面对大数据(The.Secret.Rules.of.Modern.Living.Algorithms)72 UP主:哔哩哔哩小红花lmx#哔哩哔哩动画# BBC 人类面对大...