1、Linked是作者Albert-László Barabá创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
大名鼎鼎的鱼洞的评论#王源# #TFBOYS王源# 002:这世界本不应有相同的两个人 隋玉:机器人不应该有自主意识 You’re me with your arms on a chain linked eternally in what we can’t undo,I am you. 【王源】【002×隋玉】I Am You(超少剧情向)【王源】【002×隋...
abcd92349_ios的评论La Liga: Barcelona agree deal with Valencia to sign Andre Gomes after the midfielder had been linked to Real Madrid (ESPN)
白兔小毛的评论登陆许久没上的linked in ,居然发现n年前心仪的公司居然给我发过面试邀请,也不知道这两年都在忙什么乱七八糟的,这个世界变化太快,各个方向潮流涌动,身处其间茫然不知所措,也许安顿好身心,沉下来会知道自己的去向
李大光的微博的评论美国科学家对7万成年人进行跟踪调查,发现每天久坐10小时将会使患心血管疾病风险提升8%。Only extreme sitting linked to increased heart disease risk
BackToJF的评论【MV】自由の翼 OP MAD-Linked Horizon 动漫专属 (动漫)-MV在线观看-高清MV|MTV歌曲|歌词|下载-音悦台-看好音乐 自由の翼 动漫 进...
恋光照相馆的评论春风十里 不如你[微风] ║Linked Light 恋光 定制你的美一寸#最美形象照##大连高校约拍#大连·大连理工大学
chengjie-day的评论0719/132/Voltaire#夏说句读# 1. a concatenation of event : a series of things linked together.2. La Mettrie believes mechanism.
星樱stary的评论我已经感受到你浓浓的爱意啦[眼泪]在此我承诺我只有这一只爱宠@青樱未来 ~也仅此一人~Hoping our two hearts are linked together forever.
瞳影微微的评论大略逛了一圈Linked In,有一种被世界抛弃了的感觉…[悲伤]
Leonid_Kotlyar的评论Imbalance Of Gut Bacteria Linked To Elevated Risk For Diabetes 网页链接 …
深圳日报-英文的评论【日本战败日 安倍再次向靖国神社献祭祀费】Regardless of the feelings of the peoples of neighboring countries, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe today sent a ritual offering to the notorious war-linked Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on the 71st anniversary of Japan's unconditional surre
英语即时新闻的评论71年前日本无条件投降 安倍晋三向供奉有14名甲级战犯的靖国神社奉上祭祀费:Japanese PM Shinzo Abe sent a ritual offering to the notorious war-linked Yasukuni Shrine on Monday in Tokyo for the 71st anniversary of Japan's unconditional surrender in World War II. The Shrine honors 14 Cl
从学英语的评论【英语头条】[话筒][围观] Scientists identify two Zika proteins linked to microcephaly 网页链接
dayan天王的评论医学常识早知道:肥胖意味着脑容量下降 Obesity Linked to Smaller Brain Volume 网页链接
弗贝乐园的评论You use whereas to introduce a comment that contrasts with what is said in the main clause. 而 (引导与主句内容相对比的评论) 例: Benefits are linked to inflation, whereas they should be linked to the cost of living. 救济金与通货膨胀联系了起来,而它们应该与生活费用挂钩。
SWILLG的评论How to use Excel with SQL Server linked servers and distributed queries网页链接
philou155的评论In China, Rejuvenating a Classical Music Heritage Linked to a Jewish Community 网页链接
Cara的微笑的评论#DailyEnglish#I am linked to be a raindrop which washes away the mountain; an ant who devours the tiger; a star which brightens the earth. I will build my castle one brick at a time for I know I will succeed as long as I persist.--By Butcher#今日贴纸打卡# 新郑·龙湖镇
固执的考拉君的评论Totally Lost, Places Linked to Totalitarian Regimes in EuropeTotally Lost is a is an open and evolving project: a photographic and video research throughout Europe to discover, survey and map the abandoned architectural heritage of the Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th century i
EpiWLi的评论继空气污染之后又来了水污染。听说PFAS成了大新闻,先mark,回头仔细读读。。。Detection of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in U.S. Drinking Water Linked to Industrial Sites, Military Fire Training Areas, and Wastewater Treatment Plants 网页链接