在线阅读本书 Benedict de Spinoza lived a life of blameless simplicity as a lens-grinder in Holland. And yet in his lifetime, he was expelled from the Jewish community in Amsterdam as a heretic, and after his death his words were first banned by the Christian authorities as atheistic, then hailed by humanists as the gospel of Pantheism. His "Ethics Demonstrated in Geometrical Order" shows us the reality behind this enigmatic figure. First published by his friends after his premature death at the age of 44, the "Ethics" uses the methods of Euclid to describe a single entity, properly called both "God" and "Nature", of which mind and matter are two manifestations. From this follow, in ways that are strikingly modern, the identity of mind and body, the necessary causation of events and actions, and the illusory nature of free will.
1、Ethics是作者Benedictus De Spinoz创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
走遍美国学英语-口语单词的评论20160709-2: 我在他的影响之下(under his influence),读了一本蔡元培翻译的(translated by Tsai Yuanpei)伦理学著作(I read a book on ethics)。微信:HooEnglish88
profmadams的评论Excited to be at launch of Ethics Index in Sydney. 澳大利亚·悉尼
莎鱼的泡泡的评论I live by my ethics. There are things I would do no matter how stupid people think I am; there are other things that I would never do no matter how beneficial. It's the integrity. [爱心]️
秋风秋雨入茶来的评论我们通常在道德(morals)和伦理(ethics)的方向上处理善恶问题的事实,证明了我们对善恶是多么无知。因为moral来自于拉丁语mores(行为规范)而ethics源于希腊语ethos(习惯)—— 阿伦特,the Life of the Mind
青春的beibei的评论小子不肯拍照,我只能从妈妈群里搞点照片来。小子选的课我知道的是American Popular Culture, Personal Statement and Impromptu Writing, 估计还有一门是Ethics in Science and Technology。所以他并没去参观the historical site associated with “Gone with the Wind"! 《飘》可是他娘的最爱[泪]!
壹仟壹仟的评论#夏说句读# 100/118 哲学的故事-Spinoza @-阿树老师- @教书匠小夏 The Ethics是一本不能粗略快读的著作,而是需要一点点慢慢前行、理解,需要辅以相关的书评,然后再重新通读。Sponoza is not to be read, he is to be studied.第100个音频,数字上也算是个小节点。夏老师谈到了术和道,也谈到了wea
乌冬面天使的评论Aristotle ethics里有一句话大概意思就是一个人就算有机会能够成为神也不会成为神 因为成为了神就不是他自己了 而没有人愿意变成不是自己 winston招供一切了但他还有一丝丝希望因为他还爱着julia 最后101房间他背叛了不仅仅自己的爱人还有自己 他已经不是自己了 我震惊因为他们能把你变成不是自己
那保质期的前一天怎么办的评论上sex, death and politic: the ethics of our lives的时候我在想什么。想喝酒。
南城有旧的评论我们四个的presentation就在刚才顺利结束了[馋嘴]刚刚好25min 一分不多一分不少[ok][哈哈]。接下来的一周Engineering Ethics考试加油[兔子][兔子][兔子]
马来西亚双威大学的评论[话筒] #双威大学事件簿# 8月15日,下午5点30分开始,马来西亚#双威大学# 请来了 JCDSS features Professor Kenneth Winston,给学生们一起探讨【Thinking About Ethics: Is a Good Professional Necessarily Good Person?】专业和性格是否相互影响?入场免费欢迎同学们出席。[鼓掌][鼓掌]
车辙印里的小鮒鱼的评论#Routledge打卡#38.Art and ethics
Carina失眠中的评论Ethics in finance: integrity demands the sacrifice of things (eg money status power) for its maintenance 我说 我什么都不要 心中无邪念 能过吗 聪聪说 正直如你我 一定考得过 但考完就要钱没钱要权没权了
赤道上的大橙子的评论深藏不漏的女票进了Dean's list,妈呀我都替她激动,感谢女票不嫌弃我这个学渣渣,以后Ethics还要抱你大腿[泪] 美国·拉斯维加斯
周丽娜Alina的评论七、成功销售的7个关键能力 (1)Study学习能力; (2)Understand观察能力和理解能力; (3)Communicate沟通能力; (4)Confidence坚定的信念; (5)Ethics品德能力; (6)Selection选择; (7)Solid Result业绩能力.
北外的美好生活的评论晚上我们ethics唯四小分队以日天和我生日为借口外出觅食#零点的时候又收到一份生日祝福挺感动的,point不在红包而在零点祝福题外话: 讲真从小到大似乎从来不会交朋友的我最近觉得交朋友好像其实没有那么难吧。
蔓溯_的评论Ukelele,French,Culture translation,传说中哲学的分支,让朋友圈扪心自问“我是谁我在哪儿我有脑子吗”的Ethics,啥都别说听得要睡的General translation,还有类似Linguistics的语言学导论⋯⋯我觉得这学期的课表就是用来给我装逼的