In addition to its interest as one of Plato's most brilliant dramatic masterpieces, the Protagoras presents a vivid picture of the crisis of fifth century Greek thought, in which traditional values and conceptions of humanity were subjected to criticism of the Sophists and to the far more radical criticism of Socrates. The dialogue deals with many themes which are central to the ethical theories which Plato developed under the influence of Socrates, notably, the nature of human excellence, the relation of knowledge to right conduct, and the place of pleasure in the good life. This revised edition includes a new Preface and Introduction, as well as numerous changes to the translation and commentary.
1、Protagoras是作者Plato/ Lombardo, Sta创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
windbell的评论"......because Plato, in the Theaetetus, suggests, as an interpretation of Protagoras, that one opinion can be better than another, though it cannot be truer." —— Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy
丑鱼囡囡的评论网页链接 当然,逻辑中有“ 双刀论证” ,成为诡辩者的利器。譬如,希腊一位辩士普罗塔哥拉(Protagoras )曾与一个学生约定:暂时免交学费,待学生结业后,到法庭辩论赢了再付钱。结果学生结业后,始终不肯交学费,老师只好找他谈判。老师说:“ 我... 分享自Kindle
尝尽似水流年的评论Socrates:And they met together and dedicated in the temple of Apollo at Delphi,as the first-fruits of their wisdom,the far-framed inscriptions,which are in all men's mouths—"Know thyself,"and "Nothing too much."——《Dialogues of Plato》-Protagoras
兔子汤家的阿凡提的评论每上完一节classical philosophy就觉得自己的脑子需要回炉重造一回…理解Heracleitus和Protagoras已经很困难了哪晓得还有更奇葩的Parmenides…本来Presocratics那一堆就没弄清[衰]just kill me!!!!
Caesitas的评论@La_Petite_PP 我的项目也有summer readings[生病]……Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Protagoras, Meno, Gorgias, Symposium, and Phaedrus……有种余生就要与柏拉图为伴了的感觉,你知道我的心情么……世界再见[拜拜]
鱼叉手尼德兰的评论网页链接 希腊一位辩士普罗塔哥拉(Protagoras)曾与一个学生约定:暂时免交学费,待学生结业后,到法庭辩论贏了再付钱。结果学生结业后,始终不肯交学费,老师只好找他谈判。老师说:“我到法院告你不交学费。若法官判我赢,那么依照判决,你必须交学费... 分享自Kindle
汉译名著的评论据柏拉图记载(Menon, 91d),普罗泰戈拉(Protagoras)从他教授的技艺中获得了比斐迪亚斯(Pheidias)和其他10位雕刻家总和还要多的报酬。
日光之上的评论人文主义 网页链接 公元前五世纪,希腊哲学家普罗泰哥拉(Protagoras)提出不可知论,震撼了雅典社会。他说:「至于神,我没有方法知道他们存在或不存在。」「人是万物的尺度。」现在的世俗人文主义学者,根源可以追溯到比普罗泰哥拉更早的时期。他们不断... 分享自Kindle
倔强的徐雪梅的评论【心理学人。西方】普罗泰戈拉(Protagoras,约前490-前420) 古希腊哲学家,他是第一个“智者”,“在私事上和公事上的明智”,智者派的主要代表人物。
智障残师的评论Man is the measure of all things, of the existence of what exists, and of the non-existence of what does not exist.——Protagoras
该账号已被禁用的评论诡辩学家普罗塔哥拉斯(Protagoras,约公元前四八五一公元前四一O年)曾说过:“人是衡量一切的尺度。”他的意思是:一件事情是对是错、是好是坏,完全要看它与人类的需求有何关系而定。 (苏菲的世界)
Jae-D-S的评论原来Hermes是希腊神话中在人们缺乏art of politics无法团结时,受宙斯之令把justice和shame平均分给每个人的人物。而且我还是从Protagoras和苏格拉底的对话中了解到的。
Dopier的评论Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are, and of things which are not, that they are not. by Protagoras