Psychology: Core Concepts represents the marriage of great science with great teaching--Applying the principles of psychology to the teaching of psychology. Within this fourteen-chapter text, the authors focus on the core topics the majority of introductory psychology instructors cover--all while applying the principles of psychology to the teaching of psychology. Psychology: Core Concepts focuses on a manageable number of core concepts (usually three to five) in each chapter, allowing students to attain a deeper level of understanding of the material. Learning is reinforced through focused application and critical thinking activities, and connections between concepts are drawn across chapters to help students see the big picture of psychology as a whole. The 6th Edition features an enhanced critical thinking emphasis, with new chapter-opening "Problems" and new end-of-chapter critical thinking applications that promote more active learning of the content.
1、Psychology是作者Philip G. Zimbardo,R创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
爱可可-爱生活的评论“15th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop” 网页链接
糖儿今天作业写完了吗的评论Most psychology facts are interesting to know, but painful to remember by heart.
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JUNTIZEN的评论Politicians distort the truth more often, use more self-justifications and deceive in larger ways, and with more consequences, experts in psychology and political science say.
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师姐教你拿offer的评论诺丁汉大学Occupational Psychology MSc(职业心理学)是在英国很受尊重的一门课程,由英国心理学会批准(BPS),是一门可以用权威来形容的课程。
魔羯小桂子的评论打開封印已久的書櫃 映入眼簾是以前讀心理學的入門書《Psychology and Life》打開一看 嗯 全忘了[拜拜] 有空多看看書 挺不錯[饞嘴]
石北禅_远游的评论基因让枪上膛,心理对准目标,环境扣动扳机。(Genetics load the gun,psychology aims the target,and environment pulls the trigger.)
生物探索的评论【孕妈注意!孕期不健康饮食可导致儿童多动症】 近日,由伦敦国王学院和布里斯托大学的研究小组发表于Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry杂志上的一项研究发现,在怀孕期间,高脂肪,高糖饮食可能与儿童早期的多动症(ADHD)有关。 (分享自 @生物探索) 网页链接
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