Contents 1. DOING THE RIGHT THING....................3 2. THE GREATEST HAPPINESS PRINCIPLE / UTILITARIANISM....................31 3. DO WE OWN OURSELVES? / LIBERTARIANISM....................58 4. HIRED HELP / MARKETS AND MORALS....................75 5. WHAT MATTERS IS THE MOTIVE / IMMANUEL KANT....................103 6. THE CASE FOR EQUALITY / JOHN RAWLS....................140 7. ARGUING AFFIRMATIVE ACTION....................167 8. WHO DESERVES WHAT? / ARISTOTLE....................184 9. WHAT DO WE OWE ONE ANOTHER? / DILEMMAS OF LOYALTY....................208 10. JUSTICE AND THE COMMON GOOD....................244 NOTES....................271 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS....................293 INDEX....................295
Is killing sometimes morally required? Is the free market fair? It is sometimes wrong to tell the truth? What is justice, and what does it mean? These and other questions are at the heart of Michael Sandel's Justice. Considering the role of justice in our society and our lives, he reveals how an understanding of philosophy can help to make sense of politics, religion, morality - and our own convictions. Breaking down hotly contested issues, from abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage, to patriotism, dissent and affirmative action, Sandel shows how the biggest questions in our civiv life can be broken down and illuminated through reasoned debate. Justice promises to take readers - of all ages and political persuasions - on an exhilarating journey to confront controversies in a fresh and enlightening way.
1、Justice是作者Michael Sandel创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
一美不娶何耽的评论哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈在b站看法鸡用十二种语言喊天降正义,放到英语的时候一条顶部弹幕:Justice rains bangbangbang!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈笑吐
CCTVNEWS的评论【哈佛大学教授、风靡全球的哲学家迈克尔·桑德尔释“三观”:什么是仇视移民的根源?】Michael Sandel, professor at Harvard University, was nicknamed as one of “the most relevant philosophers of today.” His online course “Justice” has created a buzz around the world, which won him
撸剧侠的评论《正义联盟》(Justice League)首支预告来了!!蝙蝠侠、海王、神奇女侠、闪电侠、钢骨相继亮相!海王你居然掐老爷!!老爷试探小闪能力那段可爱死了!!大超未出现,期待后续预告大超出场!!扎克·施耐德执导,明年11月17日上映!秒拍视频
MicroloveWin的评论因为耶和华的言语正直; 凡他所做的尽都诚实。 他喜爱仁义公平; 遍地满了耶和华的慈爱。诗篇 33:4-5 For the word of Jehovah is right; And all his work is done in faithfulness.He loveth righteousness and justice: The earth is full of the lovingkindness of Jehovah. (Psalms 33:4-5)
通信业信安资讯的评论7种魅力用户自己的密码的 网页链接 Baltimore FOP: "Justice has been done" 网页链接
静引_的评论分享视频:等不及做到集锦里面去了,我现在就想分享给大家哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈-UP主: 守望逗比(#AcFun#娱乐) 卧槽哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈Justice然后就吐了 等不及做到集锦里面去...
紫荆寂寞在风逝后的评论突然就迷上了法拉,打了一晚上,虽然开大的时候还容易“justice rains from......A....!!!”就坠机了[笑cry][笑cry][笑cry]今天又掉了好多段[微笑],果然学医救不了中国人,好好练输出位,下个赛季还是好汉[拜拜][拜拜][拜拜]
茶包胖达的评论同事要我翻译一份考评表,里面有个公平公正,我打出“justice”的时候,满脑子都是法鸡justice rains from above⋯⋯中毒不浅[微笑][微笑][微笑]
木子曦墨的评论In her short life Jane Austen wrote six of the greatest novels in the English Language.Tom Lefroy had a successful career as a lawyer and became Lord Chief Justice of Ireland.He named his eldest daughter Jane.
鈡会_天降正义该熄灯了的评论"Justice ra……AHHHHHHHH!!!!!"一天不见法鸡我要死了【
守望好莱坞的评论杰瑞米·雷纳加盟3D动画《北极正义:雷霆战队》(Arctic Justice: Thunder Squad),将为主角——一只梦想是送快递的北极狐配音。剧情简介太可爱:北极狐Swifty在北极“爆裂”运输公司的收发室工作,却梦想着加入由哈士奇组成的Top Dog——该公司的明星邮递员队伍。某天他为了证明自己的能力,挪用了雪橇
艺述英国的评论#永恒的莎士比亚# #ShakespeareLives# Through tattered clothes great vices do appear; Robes and furred gowns hide all. Plate sin with gold, And the strong lance of justice hurtless breaks. Arm it in rags, a pigmy’s straw does pierce it. 褴褛的衣衫遮不住小小的过失;披上锦袍裘服,便
薄同志的评论Prosperous Democratic Civilized Harmonious Freedom Equality Justice Legal system Patriotism Dedication Integrity Kindness
看电影周刊的评论#好莱坞影讯# 华纳与DC联合打造的[黑暗宇宙](Dark Universe)又名[黑暗正义联盟](Justice League Dark)正式敲定交由道格·里曼执导。故事细节尚不得知,但影片将以群戏形式,围绕着康斯坦丁、沼泽怪物、死人、魔法师泽塔娜、恶魔伊特莱根等经典角色展开。
絕對比妳帥的评论四大天王:The king is always lucky——王老吉;The king is kept justice——王守义;The king is lead to peace——王致和;The king from the sky——王天来。(via美女 )
反美味的盘子的评论We should believe the soul to be immortal,capable of enduring all evil and all good,and always keep our feet on the upward way and pursue justice with wisdom. 啊啊啊终于看完了理想国整个人都好清爽[喵喵][喵喵][喵喵]
尸米虫冉的评论#夏说英文晨读# despite 尽管、即便 / scathing 尖刻的、严厉的 / reviews 评论 / Warner Bros 华纳兄弟 / dawn 黎明 / justice 正义 / set a record 创造纪录 [傻笑]打卡Day013[傻笑]谢谢茜茜和公主殿下送我的饭团小猪~大屁屁好可耐
宁波VTS的评论【浅滩计划】08月26日1330-1430时,铁矿船“FPMC B JUSTICE/台塑正辉”(远东环球)进口过浅滩。
terachiyuu的评论#Jeremy Renner#将在动画Arctic Justice: Thunder Squad中献声出演主角!重要的是,之前已经公布的卡司里还有Alec Baldwin!默默刷一记#局参#大法好(滚蛋
安利汉化组的评论【安利组汉化】young justice 016 度盘【网页链接】翻译@但求苍天怜一睡 校对@M香木rosemary 涂白@八千六六六大顺 填字 小猫 修图@蠢慧 【如果需要汉化发片at服务可以在这条下面留言[爱你]】