Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan is arguably the greatest piece of political philosophy written in the English language. Written in a time of great political turmoil (Hobbes' life spanned the reign of Charles I, the Civil Wars, the Commonwealth and the Protectorate, and the Restoration), Leviathan is an argument for obedience to authority grounded in an analysis of human nature. Since its first publication in 1991 Richard Tuck's edition of Leviathan has been recognised as the single most accurate and authoritative text, and for this revised edition Professor Tuck has provided a much amplified and expanded introduction, which will provide students unfamiliar with Hobbes with a cogent and accessible introduction to this most challenging of texts. Other vital aids to study include an extensive guide to further reading, a note on textual matters, a chronology of important events and brief biographies of important persons mentioned in Hobbes' text.
1、Leviathan是作者Thomas Hobbes (Autho创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
Z娘_毕业摸鱼的评论和美少女们度过的一天[偷笑][偷笑][偷笑]猫罗的馒头是真的胖啊[笑cry][笑cry][笑cry]@夏夏夏Lin @Leviathan_北夏川 @归梦青袍白马
我是沿途看风景的人哪的评论@钱-大公子leviathan 是时候换辆车了
拨片网的评论#电吉他视频#精选:A Place Far Beyond《Dawn Of Leviathan》Guitar Playthrough - #拨片网# 网页链接
某乐队撸琴兽的评论#2016西安世园音乐节#说不定可以和利维坦还有郁在一个台子演出[爱你][爱你]@郁乐队 @Leviathan_official 渭南
同殊王的评论这整个过程中,我把头发盘了起来,又把头发散了下来,一直睁着眼睛,手脚都是自由移动的。之后直呼没玩够,还想再来一次。 @ Leviathan at Canada's Wonderland 网页链接
UVER养分不足的滚球chel的评论昨天才拍完?的下篇……………………风格………嗯……………………………@Leviathan_你在逗我 @Ubukata-Shinichi
Wendy__B的评论昨天Canada Wonderland Leviathan那个绿色的最大的炒鸡好玩! 下次要专门抽一天来玩!!!
克克是法克的评论今天人太多,没好好拍,脖子疼,最后返场没挤进去,告别了曾经的地方,还有新的明天@李成龙-Deathcore @Leviathan_official @屍貓喵 @胡家康-Deathcore 今天表情包变高冷了,不开心@zombie豆_ @某乐队撸琴兽 衣服很合适
agurk的评论librivox好听名单:Carl Manchester (Leviathan/philosophy etc), Mil Nicholson (Dickens/Trollope), Clive Catterall (niche ACD/The Prince)... 持续补充
iconolist的评论总结这次划船失利的原因,训练少人,预选受伤,决赛临换,别人比赛时我们一直在打牌。 leviathan 队长引咎身退(受伤的是我,带牌去的也是我)
UVER养分不足的滚球chel的评论包的好好的收到了[笑cry]@Leviathan_你在逗我 @青禾adiantum
游离墨客的评论听看都是一样的享受【指弹】精彩!Matthew Trujillo - Leviathan UP主:Ache.#哔哩哔哩动画# 【指弹】精彩!Mat...
Liu柯慈的评论我以为我会死在这条大青龙上 结果发现海盗船比这个还吓人[眼泪]再也不坐海盗船了( Wonderland的Leviathan ) 加拿大·Canada...
月鸟飞飞飞的评论终于来了,歌猛的没话说,没毛病[眨眼]。一个人在宿舍把音响开到最大,简直爆炸。利维坦牛逼!!!期待更多作品。不说了,我得pogo了[酷]@李成龙-Deathcore @Leviathan_official 兰州
MetalJJ_鲸Tattoo的评论@Leviathan_official [喵喵][喵喵][喵喵]酷 酷乐儿 酷利斯特 一定会登上更大的舞台[冰川时代迪亚哥][冰川时代迪亚哥][冰川时代迪亚哥][冰川时代迪亚哥] 天津·王顶堤街区