On October 1, God is in His heaven, the stock market stands at 10,140, most of the planes are on time, and Clayton Riddell, an artist from Maine, is almost bouncing up Boylston Street in Boston. He's just landed a comic book deal that might finally enable him to support his family by making art instead of teaching it. He's already picked up a small (but expensive!) gift for his long-suffering wife, and he knows just what he'll get for his boy Johnny. Why not a little treat for himself? Clay's feeling good about the future. That changes in a hurry. The cause of the devastation is a phenomenon that will come to be known as The Pulse, and the delivery method is a cell phone. Everyone's cell phone. Clay and the few desperate survivors who join him suddenly find themselves in the pitch-black night of civilization's darkest age, surrounded by chaos, carnage, and a human horde that has been reduced to its basest nature...and then begins to evolve. There's really no escaping this nightmare. But for Clay, an arrow points home to Maine, and as he and his fellow refugees make their harrowing journey north they begin to see crude signs confirming their direction: KASHWAK=NO-FO. A promise, perhaps. Or a threat... There are one hundred and ninety-three million cell phones in the United States alone. Who doesn't have one? Stephen King's utterly gripping, gory, and fascinating novel doesn't just ask the question "Can you hear me now?" It answers it with a vengeance.
1、Cell是作者Stephen King创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
i令狐冲的评论Soul mate 听上去像是 cell mate
路qi了的评论有关干细胞治疗:Stem cell therapies are still mostly theory, yet clinics are flourishing. 美国况且如此,国内借新概念炒作骗钱的就更多了。网页链接
西吧啷给的评论最近脸要烂 天气丹都拯救不了我[拜拜][拜拜]试试韩国美容院线产品 希望能快快好起来 #Rene-Cell韩国科学护肤专家来中国啦.##Rene-cell#
姓高采莲的评论睡前听这首,我真有品位!师匠强无敌! 分享 平沢進 的歌曲《WORLD CELL》WORLD CELL(分享自@虾米音乐)
时光默念旧知己的评论这两天读paper读的整个人七荤八素 读到一个需要的点顺便翻了一下ref 发现一作是一个姓sternberg的哥哥 这哥哥在我念大学那年从Columbia 本科毕业 在Berkeley读了7年 在14年和15年分别发了一篇cell 两篇nature ……虽然我是一个对学术没有啥追求的人 但看到这种开了挂的人生成就还是惊呆了
夜行侠也迷向阳花的评论白细胞(英文:leukocyte,white blood cell,简称:WBC),旧称白血球。血液中的一类细胞。白细胞分为中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞、单核细胞、淋巴细胞。前三种因其胞质内含有嗜色颗粒,故称为粒细胞。显微镜下可看到血细胞中体积比较大、数量比较少。具有主要作用是吞噬细菌、防御疾病。
皮科大夫吴博士的评论华盛顿大学医学院研究员在美国《细胞》(Cell)杂志发表的报告说,他们利用兹卡病毒感染一种转基因小鼠,使其免疫系统产生兹卡病毒的抗体,然后从中筛选出了六种候选抗体。在细胞与小鼠实验中,有两种抗体可同时有效预防和治疗亚洲株、非洲株和南美株的兹卡病毒感染。 美研究员发现可阻止兹...
羽哥1986的评论There are a lot of your photos in my cell phone[可爱][可爱].This is my collection of private photos for a long time.We will wait for you.love you Park Yu Chun [爱你][爱你]@朴有天_Official
苟活此刻的评论You used to call me on my cell phoneLate night when you need my love
哈勃特累的评论【干细胞_百度百科】干( gàn) 细胞(stem cell)是一类具有自我复制能力(self-renewing)的多潜能细胞。在一定条件下,它可以分化成多种功能细胞。根据干细胞所处的发育阶段分为胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cell,ES细胞)和成体干细胞(somatic stem cell)。根据干细胞的发 网页链接
StoryteIIer的评论Don't feel bad for me,I want you to know,Deep in the cell of my heart,I really want to go,There is another world,There is a better world,Well, there must be,Well ...Bye bye,Bye bye。
小K宝贝快来的评论宫腔镜Biopsy的报告终于拿到了 果然没啥器质性的问题 觉得免疫NK cell异常 只能用脂肪乳和强的松啦
通信业信安资讯的评论New Area of Expertise for Solar Cell Technology at Rejlers 网页链接 Firefighter describes life after historic face transplant 网页链接
生物探索的评论【Cell Stem Cell:iPS细胞进入临床的重要一步】 斯坦福大学医学院的研究人员最近证实,源自诱导多能干细胞的心肌细胞能忠实反映供体原始心脏组织中关键基因的表达模式。这些细胞可以作为患者的替身,帮助医生们判断治疗药物的副作用。这项重要的研究成果 (分享自 @生物探索) 网页链接
goddesert的评论分享自你若美好 《MATLAB中cell数组的全面介绍》 - 转载:网页链接 由于工作需要,经常要处理大量的实验数据.基... (来自 @头条博客) - MATLAB中cel...
rum-baba的评论girl with moter cell in an artistic way
MLB北美职棒资讯的评论白袜球场要改名了。。。11月1号生效,以后叫Guaranteed Rate field.......好难听,译名“保证利率球场“吗?还我the cell
偶吧桑啊的评论And my cell phone to say goodbye