

作者:Atul Gawande



出版时间:01 April, 2003


标签: 医学  美国  Medicine  心理学  醫學 


In gripping accounts of true cases, surgeon Atul Gawande explores the power and the limits of medicine, offering an unflinching view from the scalpel's edge. Complications lays bare a science not in its idealized form but as it actually is--uncertain, perplexing, and profoundly human.


1、Complications是作者Atul Gawande创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • Catrina婷妞的评论
    又Happy又有点Complications的Dinner[眼泪]下次要赔罪了[眼泪] 重庆·西南医院
  • ReXiao64的评论
    Watch face Data providers( apps) 特点: 不需要代码 Data provider 通过complications可以为任何的表盘提供数据支持 把数据集成到表盘上 Watch faces can receive complication data of various types (e.g. small text data or icon data) and then display it.
  • OpenAccessLibrary的评论
    #Metabolic Sciences# Correlation between C-Peptide Level and Chronic Microvascular Complications in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Sudanese Patients - Open Access Library 网页链接
  • 罗丽雯Lorraine_Even的评论
    #追梦早起团#Throughout life's complications, you should maintain such a sense of elegance.不管生活有多不容易,你都要守住自己的那一份优雅。@新东方#百日行动派#(视频分享:【超励志视频:《该起床了!》】)看完你还不起床努力吗?秒拍视频
  • SharingJR的评论
    #2016每日坚持##读新闻学英语# caesarean 剖腹产 induced labour 引产 complications after delivery 产后并发症
  • The-Rain-Shines-Too的评论
    "The procedure is done this morning. I will get the results next week. I'm in recovery. I am going ok just feeling tired and hungry. I'll be in overnite just in case because last time I had complications and was in for 4 days."So?是#求抱抱#吗?嘘寒问暖真不是我强项诶,要怎么回呢?
  • 醉登危楼笑问天的评论
    好久没晒书单了,看了一下kindle,从去年九月到现在,the postman always purls twice, hard times, the first day, jamaica inn, gone girl, man on the run, complications: a surgeon's notes on an imperfect science, stoner, Steven James 的一系列七本侦探小说,中文的就都没留下了。
  • Chromosome23的评论
    读过《Complications》 我的评分:★★★★★ 'We look for medicine to be an orderly field of knowledge and procedure. But it is not. It's an imperfect science, an enterprise of constantly changing knowledge, uncertain information,... 网页链接 来自@豆瓣App
  • Dennis囖的评论
    He wanted to live life to the extreme, but without any mess or complications. 分享自Kindle
  • MrZhouAndy的评论
    The causes of autism are not well understood. Research on identical twins suggests that genes play a big ,probably dominant,role. But some environmental factors appear to matter too,such as complications at birth or prenatal exposure to viruses or air pollution.Researchers belie
  • 渴望孤独的星星的评论
  • 镝猫儿的评论
    observer报道指路☞ 网页链接 信息量巨大 大爷育儿经感人 特别是和raff的关系 还有关于裘粑粑的故事 原来裘的粑粑麻麻都是孤儿 感觉球球又是好爸爸又是孝顺儿子 我喜欢的人怎么都这么nice 妈妈我爱他一万年!Prince charming no more: Jude Law Opens Up About Complications of Fatherhood
  • TheCommonReader的评论
    -"If we were an old couple and dated for years, graduated away from all these scholastic complications, and I reached over and kissed you, you wouldn't say a word - you'd be delighted... probably. But if I was to do that now, it would be quite forward. And if I did it the first t
  • BREGUET宝玑的评论
    #创时计# 宝玑Classique Grandes Complications 5347腕表,搭载精妙复杂的双旋转陀飞轮,以顶级复杂工艺匠心独运,展现非凡气度,璀璨辉煌,是世上无与伦比的传奇佳品,更彰显了宝玑将陀飞轮旋转美学推至巅峰的非凡成就。更多详情:Double Tou... 或 宝玑 经典复杂系列 ...