You can study Chinese for years, but do you really know how to talk like a native speaker? The next book in Plume's foreign language slang series, Niubi! will make sure you learn all the colorful vernacular words and phrases used by Chinese people of all ages in a variety of situations, including flirting and dating, wheeling and dealing, and even specific Internet slang-not to mention plenty of Chinese words that are . . . well, best not to mention. Accessible and useful to complete novices (Niubi! newbies), intermediate students of Mandarin Chinese, or just anyone who enjoys cursing in other languages, this irreverent guide is packed with hilarious anecdotes and illustrations, mini cultural lessons, and contextual explanations. So whether you're planning a trip to Beijing, flirting with an online acquaintance from Shanghai, or just want to start a fight in Chinatown-Niubi! will ensure that nothing you say is lost in translation.
1、Niubi!是作者Eveline Chao创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
灬老友与酒灬的评论Niubi【【内蒙古爆笑视频】车主实拍:这收费站太牛了】 网页链接
村头儿王师傅的评论niubi //@AlvISs_红白:hhhh//@草菇P_中村屋支配人: 草 //@黄瓜爆弹P:喷了 //@SETSUNA-Catheter-:笑死//@索菲Rosalia: hhhhhhhh //@逸见艾丽卡:哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈//@渣洁Syunketsu:噗//@秋津洲改:我操哈哈哈哈哈哈//@Lilith量产机假释中:哈哈哈我日,到最后真的压成屎了 查看图片
sojourner_Lina的评论RT @niubi: Interesting picture of Mao Zedong's former secretary and her son making rounds of Chinese Internet 网页链接
别用知足敷衍自己的评论还真tama有人在上课的时候吃方便面[赞] 真是niubi
刘青是二龙的评论第一天终于结束了,明天还有炉石传说新版本全球发布会的直播连线,国外的暴雪观众也会同步收看直播,压力好大,不知道我这牛腻的英语是否能震慑住美国人,I will let waiguoren look 1 look china's english is so niubi!
1个怂逼的评论niubi 刚才看朋友圈发现初中喜欢的男孩子今天登记结婚了 然后我喜欢的好像都是叔叔级别的额 都比我大了5,6岁[想一想]
王胤的一个人小宇宙的评论niubi //@我和贱人的狗血经历:女侠
破烂小娃的评论不知道,我们的感情能不能经历金钱,女人,权力的干扰~十年后也不知道我们还是不是这样能谈笑一场,互相听着对方吹的niubi[话筒] 秦皇岛·西山街区
敦尼敦尼的评论#分享日常# Nice to meet u/来抱抱/抱抱宝宝/蓝字niubi/税局打人/开心比耶/激动比耶/肉卷给你吃/啊我要吃
一头小吃货的评论niubi//@优熊周刊: 天降大任,于斯熊。。。。
藤原里美的评论发点之前的照片,不得不说这软件真…niubi 今天发生了很多事……先是腮红掉地上…碎了一块 虽然是砍妹克的!但还是灾难啊!!然后…晚上………老公第一次去挑战大魔王打副本,勇气可嘉。我和麦克两条咸鱼没有帮上任何忙…全程吃东西没讲话…最后这家酒店…全是认识的人啊,可以从隔壁桌一路打招呼过去
乔小格格格格格的评论安邑瘫 NIUBI [思考] @JIANGXIAOLIN- @CHENGYUJIAO11 运城·安邑街区
三俗师的评论Baoding donkeyfire niubi! No money for big gugugu cock.
大咕咕咕鸡_25的评论tianjin local niubi!better stab him to death,No respect for women and children.
新世界福音蛋的评论有生之年我能把一只口红用到快完结是不是也是很niubi啊!谁敢跟我比?@小竹SumMer @岚岚岚得理你