Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, the Drama Desk Award, the Outer Critics Circle Award, the Lucille Lortel Award, and the Oppenheimer Award Margaret Edson's powerfully imagined Pulitzer Prize-winning play examines what makes life worth living through her exploration of one of existence's unifying experiences--mortality--while she also probes the vital importance of human relationships. What we as her audience take away from this remarkable drama is a keener sense that, while death is real and unavoidable, our lives are ours to cherish or throw away--a lesson that can be both uplifting and redemptive. As the playwright herself puts it, "The play is not about doctors or even about cancer. It's about kindness, but it shows arrogance. It's about compassion, but it shows insensitivity." In "Wit, "Edson delves into timeless questions with no final answers: How should we live our lives knowing that we will die? Is the way we live our lives and interact with others more important than what we achieve materially, professionally, or intellectually? How does language figure into our lives? Can science and art help us conquer death, or our fear of it? What will seem most important to each of us about life as that life comes to an end? The immediacy of the presentation, and the clarity and elegance of Edson'swriting, make this sophisticated, multilayered play accessible to almost anyinterested reader. As the play begins, Vivian Bearing, a renowned professor of English who hasspent years studying and teaching the intricate, difficult Holy Sonnets of theseventeenth-century poet John Donne, is diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer. Confident of her ability to stay in control of events, she brings to her illness the same intensely rational and painstakingly methodical approach that has guided her stellar academic career. But as her disease and its excruciatinglypainful treatment inexorably progress, she begins to question the single-mindedvalues and standards that have always directed her, finally coming to understand the aspects of life that make it truly worth living.
1、Wit是作者Margaret Edson创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
熊天宇1982的评论So sweet of them to still remember me and invite me for phototaking wit 网页链接
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张桂东90354的评论每日英文谚语一则:A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。
智课网的评论#晚安英语#Sloth turneth the edge of wit。——懒散能磨去才智的锋芒。
萌皇上的评论A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit[微笑] Refrain from curse.[微笑] good night.Bf
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死亡大篷车的评论Vise wise wit spirit wish wisdom supervisw survey envy watch witness surplus interview Voc vok voice voc vocal vocable vocabulary advocate evoke wake provoke vocation asleep awake apart vowel vote veto
梁华宇Liang的评论lil fish wit big goal 秒拍视频 .
黄惠宗的评论2 Brevity is the soul of wit.
全球电影资讯网的评论据台媒报道,宫崎骏成立的“吉卜力工作室”昨天(9月1日)发表新作品《#红海龟#》,这是动画大师宣告退休后,该工作室首次跨国作品,由荷兰动画师Michaël Dudok de Wit执导制作,不但风格与吉卜力过去的经典之作迥异,也没有任何对白。原来,在这个作品初完成时,宫崎骏看了后,觉得非常心动,因此告诉
invisible6_的评论我一直疑惑一个问题 为什么会有一部分男性那么不尊重女性呢?关键在于 我们从来不是弱者,我想我现在知道了。因为有一小部分女性 自己都不尊重自己。一个女人被攻击的背后 骂她的人女性占大多数。而关键在于 女性和女性之间从来就不是敌人. 引用一句话Other woman are not my competition. I stand wit
玉玉玉儿__的评论A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Keep in mind.
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帕特裡夏君的评论"If I would compare him with Shakespeare, I must acknowledge him the more correct poet, but Shakespeare the greater wit. Shakespeare was the Homer, or father of our dramatic poets; Jonson was the Virgil, the pattern of elaborate writing; I admire him, but I love Shakespeare."
冯小胖胖胖的评论第三百三十三天【撒母耳记下(2Samuel)15:26】 倘若他说,我不喜悦你。看哪!我在这里,愿他凭自己的意旨待我!” But if he says, 'I am not pleased wit 网页链接
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你是_窗外另外一片风景的评论反省自己,这两年浪费了多少时间在无用的人和事上。A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
日尧文武wu的评论「Acne Paper | Timeless Wit 智慧不灭」在速食信息当道的新媒体时代,主打“细煮慢炖”平面内容的Acne Paper在形式上也算不上讨巧。然而,偏执的主创团队却不以为然,另辟蹊径,果断抛弃流行文化语境下“时尚”与“潮流... 戳: Acne Paper... (来自@MONO猫弄)