After the last page is turned and the cover closed on a great book, is it really over? Ever wonder what happens to Harry Potter after, say, twenty years of marriage and a steady government gig? Or what Karl Marx would say about today's financial crisis? What did Scarlett O'Hara really think about tomorrow? What comes after ''ever after?'' BOOK: The Sequel dares to answer these burning questions with imagined first sentences from would-be follow-ups to classics from The Bible to Lord of the Rings, and from Green Eggs to Hamlet. A delicious and unexpected return engagement from favorite characters like Jane Eyre, Ebenezer Scrooge, Jay Gatsby, Holden Caulfield, Wilbur the Pig, and Captain Ahab, BOOK: The Sequel is a perfect gift for book lovers everywhere, or anyone to whom ''The End'' is simply the starting point for their imagination.
1、Book是作者Priddle, Clive (EDT)创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
INDUSTRIAL_company的评论美国西海岸最大的中古书店“the last book store”,由一所1914年的national bank改造而来,至今店内当年的towers还是屹立不倒的作为标志性的设计之一[酷]
陈小美isoo的评论[星星][星星][星星][星星][星星],每听一次就心疼莪book一次,幸好后来有迩老攻来替莪心疼迩[心][haha]@ohmpawat @ttoeysittiwat
小萝莉有不为domyself的评论这样!之前被这个drinkable book 刷过屏呢!
爱纪录工作室的评论Vol.342 前沿丨可以喝的书 Drinking BookVol.342 前沿... 有一个姑娘设计一本可以喝的书 要改变6亿人的命运
爱生活的princess的评论Animal testing动物实验;animal cruety虐待动物;harsh残忍的;book series系列书;sweet tone like a bird鸟鸣般优美的声音;in charge of负责;oversee监督;compliance with符合;liaison联络人;labour union工会;Day 151,今天一口气说了5分钟的英语,不要被我魔性的打卡吓跑,明天继续。
希希迷你考拉的评论一头扎进了书的海洋,I really enjoy the book! That's fantastic!
Partialll的评论BOOK ONE / 让过去不再消失
杏仁味的蚕室绝色总攻大人的评论#哔哩哔哩动画# 【爱来了别错过】【FB】第一季Frame x Book全集高清中字cut 哦,爱情来的太快就像龙卷风[色][色][色] 【爱来了别错过】【F...
VIVIXXX_的评论#Happy818GDay# #权志龙# 【Shine a Light Making Book[心]】(cr monozukikansatsu)
大大嘿嘿嘿的评论一本教你如何在海边拍出高逼格照片的实用Book 日本·蔦屋書店
Alice啉咕咕咕咕的评论Kin Chung Matthew Book, nice to meet you!!! kkkkkk......Add and drop过程太成功了!! 即使换了两节英语早课也开心,只要不和s*boy一个班。
Hermann中国零售微博的评论【盘点魔都"最美书店",文艺圣地阅读拍照两不误!】1.钟书阁(闵行店);2.西西弗书店;3.MUJI BOOKS;4.言几又今日阅读;5.韩寒「在一起·爱的闪店」2.0;6.衡山·和集Dr.White;7.Harbook+湾里书香;8.钟书阁;9.汉源书店;10.新华一城书集;11.新华书店(顾村店);12.陋室设计书吧;13.1984 BOOK STO
如淡雅之清幽的评论#酷艾英语2016年全年团#Day235 Too focus on this book, so didn't realize the time to record. Keep on learning.@艾力酷艾英语
信仰会胜利的评论分享 Said The Sky;Mothica 的歌曲《Book Of Us》Book Of Us(分享自@虾米音乐)
痴线蜘蛛LWying的评论I read the book not for the fame of the book enjoying. To read a book, your mind will follow the author, and discover why the author sets up a suspension here.....To read a book is to promote your value of the world and the life, and your taste. 痴线蜘蛛LWying...
海衣苍朵十的评论立体书《绿野仙踪》The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Pop-up book by Robert Sabuda 秒拍视频 .
遥远的情书的评论#book##推荐# 《君主论》马基雅维利[灯泡]想看读后感戳图一。[灯泡]另外,摘录了一些句子。都是非常经典的,算作分享吧。请不要嫌弃字丑。[灯泡]补充一点,抛开书本内容读金句其实没有太大意义。尤其是理论著作,把握作者的思想脉络和理论体系比看几句句子的摘抄更加重要。所以,还是要去阅读并体会。
美女图片墙的评论[心]A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. 医书里说有两样东西, 是最好的灵丹妙药:一个是开心的笑容,一个是睡个饱觉。[心]