This acclaimed book is a master teacher's tested program for turning clumsy prose into clear, powerful, and effective writing. A logical, expert, easy-to-use plan for achieving excellence in expression, "Style" offers neither simplistic rules nor endless lists of dos and don'ts. Rather, Joseph Williams explains how to be concise, how to be focused, how to be organized. Filled with realistic examples of good, bad, and better writing, and step-by-step strategies for crafting a sentence or organizing a paragraph, "Style" does much more than teach mechanics: it helps anyone who must write clearly and persuasively transform even the roughest of drafts into a polished work of clarity, coherence, impact, and personality. A textbook edition with exercises, "Style" is available from Longman.
1、Style是作者Jm Williams创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
街拍S的评论#2017纽约春夏时装周##Gigi Hadid# street style + runway at Marc Jacobs + Anna Sui S/S 2017. 小马哥家的那套真是衬出她的逆天美腿![心][心][心]
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听风言情的评论我不化妆,你可以说我懒。但是我想,每个人的生活方式都不一样。今天我素颜朝天,因为我觉得舒服,但说不定明天我就突然想换种style了呢[挖鼻] 武汉·洪山区
Many-song的评论宝宝喜欢跟#小伴龙#听儿歌《江南style》,很可爱的,会用小手指点点屏幕,咿咿呀呀的跟着念,爸爸妈妈们不给手机上装一个吗?网页链接 从化市
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Chic韩风的评论✤ Chic Style ✤ ∷秋日简搭 from @ur里
Lauren-de-Graaf的评论#Lauren de Graaf#【Vogue】 The 10 best street style photos of New York Fashion Week: vogue.cm/OJaZVDK 刚刚好有我家德子[得意地笑][得意地笑]