

作者:Joseph Heller




出版社:Simon & Schuster

标签: 黑色幽默  Joseph.Heller  美国文学  小说  英文原版  外国文学  美国  现实主义 



Catch-22 is like no other novel. It is one of the funniest books ever written, a keystone work in American literature, and even added a new term to the dictionary.   At the heart of Catch-22 resides the incomparable, malingering bombardier, Yossarian, a hero endlessly inventive in his schemes to save his skin from the horrible chances of war. His efforts are perfectly understandable because as he furiously scrambles, thousands of people he hasn't even met are trying to kill him. His problem is Colonel Cathcart, who keeps raising the number of missions the men must fly to complete their service. Yet if Yossarian makes any attempts to excuse himself from the perilous missions that he is committed to flying, he is trapped by the Great Loyalty Oath Crusade, the hilariously sinister bureaucratic rule from which the book takes its title: a man is considered insane if he willingly continues to fly dangerous combat missions, but if he makes the necessary formal request to be relieved of such missions, the very act of making the request proves that he is sane and therefore ineligible to be relieved.   Catch-22 is a microcosm of the twentieth-century world as it might look to some one dangerously sane -- a masterpiece of our time.   There was a time when reading Joseph Heller's classic satire on the murderous insanity of war was nothing less than a rite of passage. Echoes of Yossarian, the wise-ass bombardier who was too smart to die but not smart enough to find a way out of his predicament, could be heard throughout the counterculture. As a result, it's impossible not to consider Catch-22 to be something of a period piece. But 40 years on, the novel's undiminished strength is its looking-glass logic. Again and again, Heller's characters demonstrate that what is commonly held to be good, is bad; what is sensible, is nonsense.   Yossarian says, "You're talking about winning the war, and I am talking about winning the war and keeping alive."   "Exactly," Clevinger snapped smugly. "And which do you think is more important?"   "To whom?" Yossarian shot back. "It doesn't make a damn bit of difference who wins the war to someone who's dead."   "I can't think of another attitude that could be depended upon to give greater comfort to the enemy."   "The enemy," retorted Yossarian with weighted precision, "is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on."   Mirabile dictu, the book holds up post-Reagan, post-Gulf War. It's a good thing, too. As long as there's a military, that engine of lethal authority, Catch-22 will shine as a handbook for smart-alecky pacifists. It's an utterly serious and sad, but damn funny book.


1、Catch-22是作者Joseph Heller创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • Alchemist_GTL的评论
    They can do anything to us we can't stop them from doing. - Catch-22
  • G_机智如我小透明的评论
    catch-22. A situation in which a desired outcome or solution is impossible to attain because of a set of inherently illogical rules or conditions.
  • 小小小正点的评论
    看完只记得catch-22这个单词[doge]//@纪录片之家: 【科普 屏幕前的你浪费了多少能量?】//@阿尔法小分队: 能量♂会给我答案♂[doge]
  • 平川綾的评论
    泌尿与男性生殖系统[doge]//@鬼丝狐:神的历史 //@啊酱油君:劳动法。。? //@明疆_莫再提:朱生豪情书集//@naiveee_龃龉:《爱因斯坦的梦》,但是就看了开头,看完的是《托斯卡纳艳阳下》//@Lyth__:黑猫馆 //@懶出翔的烏魚子:新日本语教程?//@阿灵_Glory:追风筝的人//@秋收雪藏:catch-22//
  • 杜克教育-SAT培训的评论
  • 江淮小龙虾的评论
  • 沙丁鱼2的评论
  • 钟杰是塊木頭的评论
    #bilibili#【喜剧/战争】第二十二条军规 Catch-22 (1970)黑色幽默,荒诞反战 UP主:蟹肉汤包 【喜剧/战争】第二十二条军规 Catch-22 (1970)黑色幽默,荒诞反战
  • 译言的评论
    【英语文化必读书单:《第二十二条军规》】这本书可能是有史以来最幽默的文学作品。小说人物荒诞,结果更是让人笑破肚皮。但是真正让“Catch-22”成为一代杰作的原因是它让你最终意识到战争并不好笑。而为传达这一主旨,海勒的手法,唯大师可企及。网页链接 (译者看东西_KanDongSee)
  • 玩手指的评论
    分享UP主 蟹肉汤包 投稿的:【喜剧/战争】第二十二条军规 Catch-22 (1970)黑色幽默,荒诞反战【喜剧/战争】第二十二条军规 Catch-22 (1970)黑色幽默,荒诞反战 【喜剧/战争】第二十二条军规 Catch-22 (1970)黑色幽默,荒诞反战
  • 郑州市教育局的评论
  • 智能家居小能手的评论
    英语文化必读书单:《第二十二条军规》 网页链接 Managershare:《第22条军规》听过很多次。 内容概览 西方世界,每个人几乎都能解释“Catch-22”的意思:深陷悖论的两难局面,终将无法达到目的,因为付诸行动就注定了你从…
  • Sheona-Khayam的评论
  • Breathe_情深至浅的评论
    高考必刷题化学选修五[拜拜]//@阿灵_Glory:追风筝的人//@秋收雪藏:catch-22//@夜白_静候灵归: 高中数学必修5[微笑]//@既白_我法好好好:龙与少年游 //@渣二飘_蹲在辅猫坑底:盛夏光年//@掐掉叶不羞的香烟: 和你在一起,我很高兴 //@渣子与猹:澜本嫁衣//@谢某风:五年高考三年模拟[微笑]
  • 浩气呆花蹲墙角的评论
    The Lord of the Rings依旧是进行时//@此身何时现山门: 圣鞠斯特//@naiveee_龃龉: 《爱因斯坦的梦》,但是就看了开头,看完的是《托斯卡纳艳阳下》//@Lyth__:黑猫馆 //@懶出翔的烏魚子:新日本语教程?//@阿灵_Glory:追风筝的人//@秋收雪藏:catch-22//@夜白_静候灵归: 高中数学必修5[微笑]
  • 爱弹琴的小苏苏的评论
    现代汉语形容词功能与认知研究//@此身何时现山门: 圣鞠斯特//@naiveee_龃龉: 《爱因斯坦的梦》,但是就看了开头,看完的是《托斯卡纳艳阳下》//@Lyth__:黑猫馆 //@懶出翔的烏魚子:新日本语教程?//@阿灵_Glory:追风筝的人//@秋收雪藏:catch-22//@夜白_静候灵归: 高中数学必修5[微笑]//@既白_我法好好好
  • 此身何时现山门的评论
    圣鞠斯特//@naiveee_龃龉: 《爱因斯坦的梦》,但是就看了开头,看完的是《托斯卡纳艳阳下》//@Lyth__:黑猫馆 //@懶出翔的烏魚子:新日本语教程?//@阿灵_Glory:追风筝的人//@秋收雪藏:catch-22//@夜白_静候灵归: 高中数学必修5[微笑]//@既白_我法好好好:龙与少年游
  • 亲分的洋柿子园_matt的评论
    好像叫做 西班牙不是个神话//@Lyth__:黑猫馆 //@懶出翔的烏魚子:新日本语教程?//@阿灵_Glory:追风筝的人//@秋收雪藏:catch-22//@夜白_静候灵归: 高中数学必修5[微笑]//@既白_我法好好好:龙与少年游 //@渣二飘_蹲在辅猫坑底:盛夏光年//@掐掉叶不羞的香烟: 和你在一起,我很高兴 //@渣子与猹:澜本嫁衣/
  • 我是一隻軟體動物啊的评论
    新日本语教程?//@阿灵_Glory:追风筝的人//@秋收雪藏:catch-22//@夜白_静候灵归: 高中数学必修5[微笑]//@既白_我法好好好:龙与少年游 //@渣二飘_蹲在辅猫坑底:盛夏光年//@掐掉叶不羞的香烟: 和你在一起,我很高兴 //@渣子与猹:澜本嫁衣//@谢某风:五年高考三年模拟[微笑]//
  • 抱着蓝河说的评论
    英文版哈利波特……//@阿灵_Glory:追风筝的人//@秋收雪藏:catch-22//@夜白_静候灵归: 高中数学必修5[微笑]//@既白_我法好好好:龙与少年游 //@渣二飘_蹲在辅猫坑底:盛夏光年//@掐掉叶不羞的香烟: 和你在一起,我很高兴 //@渣子与猹:澜本嫁衣//@谢某风:五年高考三年模拟[微笑]//