Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy

Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy

作者:Daron Acemoglu,James




出版社:Cambridge University Press

标签: 政治经济学  经济学  Acemoglu  economics  政治  Politics  政治学  社会学 


What forces lead to democracy's creation? Why does it sometimes consolidate only to collapse at other times? Written by two of the foremost authorities on this subject in the world, this volume develops a framework for analyzing the creation and consolidation of democracy. It revolutionizes scholarship on the factors underlying government and popular movements toward democracy or dictatorship. Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson argue that different social groups prefer different political institutions because of the way they allocate political power and resources. Their book, the subject of a four-day seminar at Harvard's Center for Basic Research in the Social Sciences, was also the basis for the Walras-Bowley lecture at the joint meetings of the European Economic Association and Econometric Society in 2003 and is the winner of the John Bates Clark Medal.


1、Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy是作者Daron Acemoglu,James创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!

