Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements

Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements

作者:James DeFronzo




出版社:Westview Press

标签: 政治理论 


With crucial insights and indispensable information concerning modern-day political upheavals, Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements provides a representative cross section of the most significant revolutions of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This fourth edition is revised and updated with special focus on Islamic fundamentalism and Islamic revolutionary movements and a new chapter on the Latin American democratic revolutions of the past decade. In this widely used text, students can trace the historical development of nine revolutions using a five-factor analytical framework. Author James DeFronzo clearly explains all relevant concepts and events, the roles of key leaders, and the interrelation of each revolutionary movement with international economic and political developments and conflicts, including World Wars I and II, the Cold War, and the War on Terror. Student resources include multiple orienting maps, summary and analysis sections, suggested readings, chronologies, and documentary resources.


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