






标签: 木原音濑  木原音瀬  日本  耽美  小说  耽美小说  BL  BL 








  • 海滩边的小蜗牛的评论
    Being a woman is hard, our body is so fragile, oversensitive, and delicacy. I worked hard on my body in the past 9 months, so as the result i got the body weight that i have craved for so many years, but i never expected that there is a side effect....God, this is so unfair....
  • 喂明天你好的评论
    在这个chef说狗都不会生病的夏天[哈欠][哈欠][哈欠][哈欠]我貌似不是这样的。所以有点sensitive,fragile and moody……快快晴朗起来吧
  • SunnyinLA的评论
    You point out a problem to a businessperson in BH, she fixes it in under 10 seconds and tells you thank you. The end.
  • 桐桐菌的吐槽馆的评论
    we are so beautifully fragile when we are painfully strong
  • 同声传译带发修行丁的评论
    5 To 7. Unethical or not, touched the cord of the heart. Writer's testament of love. But love, is so fragile in this real world. 网页链接
  • 簡淑兒Jessica的评论
    Behind the wall... There's a girl who acts tougher than she seems, yet she's more fragile than she acts. 网页链接
  • 云逍_0120的评论
    #张翰古力娜扎公布恋情# 张翰怎么总是喜欢上这种fragile心思细需要他保护的女生,我觉得他应该找像杉杉那样有力量有能力照顾自己的女生,whatever,喜欢就好吧,祝幸福
  • Haha中國的评论
    玻璃心 [bō lí xīn] n. Glass+heart. Glass-like fragile heart. This Internet slang term is used to describe someone who is hypersensitive and emotionally vulnerable. It also alludes to low self-esteem. The term is sometimes used to describe oneself for humorous effect.
  • dabingar的评论
    Too Fragile to Open, World’s Oldest Multicolor Printed Book Is Digitized via /r/China 网页链接
  • 关尔女子的评论
    Misery made me growup and realized how fragile the feeling is[闭眼] 美国Boston
  • 狗挽了个剑花的评论
    Eventually come the knowledge that our own experience is seldom unique .Everyone's happiness is fragile .Expectation can be dashed .
  • 夢a_rAou的评论
    Time is not cruelty. Just for it we are too fragile.时光并不残忍。只是对于它来说我们太脆弱。
  • ZHaOrUoQIaN的评论
    Why people so fragile . Just hope that God bless .
  • Licca花园的评论
    在机场托运salsa-air箱子 居然被柜台人员说号称史上最坚硬的箱子 却最容易碎 还让我签名 箱子还被贴了fragile标签 @rimowa官方
  • Serenthiaaa的评论
    Life is a fragile thing . Pray for peace , pray for lives that are lost , pray for those who are still fighting that battle [祈祷]
  • 拜占庭帝国王的评论
    A beautiful day begins with a cup of marshmallow chocolate and Calbee cereal. Life is so fragile that we have to carry on and, be happy.
  • 寇稳佳的评论
    由Studio Drift 团队设计的蒲公英灯具(Fragile Future),采用多种金属、LED 灯、各式电子机械以及真正的蒲公英种子制作而成,利用特殊的方式把蒲公英种子固定在灯具上,然后固定在玻璃里,让人赏心悦目。
  • tihayaburu的评论
    I want to leave this place . I am so fucking fragile that I just can't help crying every night. God why should this happen? What do you want from me? I am nothing please let me go!
  • Jean-Christophe的评论
    the only adrien brody film that i've truly liked. in it he is an angel. everyone is angry, fragile, hurt and desperate. everyone harms the others to harm him/herself for the detachment. fantastic music and editing. we always want to detach, as we can never. how lucky are we...
  • Mikaku_Arikashi的评论
    我艹这照片太牛逼了! [150820] Incheon Airport Morning~♡ Hoshi in this pic look fragile and vulnerable, somehow I hate this pi…网页链接