






标签: 崎谷はるひ  耽美  日本  小说  耽美小说  BL  やまねあやの  BLノベル 


☆シリーズ続刊「SUGGESTION」 著者:崎谷はるひ イラストレーター:やまねあやの 同情みたいな優しさ。それが気に入らないと、秦野は真芝に強姦されてしまう。脅迫まがいの強引さで、さらなる関係を迫ってきた真芝に性欲の捌け口にされる日々。快楽と羞恥の狭間で、体はすっかり陥落してしまい、心までも引きずられていく。それが怖い。時折見せる欲望以外の顔に、次第に強く熱くなる抱擁に、何か意味を見つけてしまいそうで…。支配の様なエゴと激情の様な愛が交錯するセクシャルノベル。






  • 哥萨克进柏林-战争就是我们这样的评论
    41.8.10 M sun Get up 8:30 go to the lab and show the simulation to K He satisfied. Read the new paper toughly. Turn to the Discrete control. I should learn carefully all the things in the textbook before. K say itis good really encourage me. He is willing to answer my questions.
  • 爱LadyinBlack的评论
    U r going thru sth, aren't u? Pray more, worry less! And God will answer your prayer[祈祷]
  • 小乖j的昵称的评论
    When someone asks you a question you don’t want to answer, smile and say, “Why do you want to know?” - 当别人问你不想回答的问题时,笑着说:“你为什么想知道?”。
  • 十年誓约wLLwq的评论
    A perfect plan isn't better than action and life isn't determinate.Pondering won't bring the answer of your doubts.Just do it harder and h
  • 武汉微电影大赛的评论
    Some may ask, "why act now? why not wait?" The answer is clear. the world could wait no longer. 有些人会问,为什么现在行动?为什么不等等呢?回答很明了,世界不会等你。——《荒野生存》#电影经典台词#
  • Abner王尔德的评论
    the answer,my friend,is blowing in the wind.
  • 雅思核心语法的评论
    To find the answer, the AFI rounded up the usual suspects, filmmakers and scholars from across the land, to vote on the possibilities.?“The Usual Suspects”惯常嫌犯——也是一部1995年的电影。?
  • 如若夏末的评论
    @小巫某某 @缘景星辰 @龍龍龍龍龍Answer-艾 对好口型啦,福州那点事儿
  • CodeSecurity的评论
    【*Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by [duplicate]*】Thisquestionalreadyhasananswerhere:Howtofix“Headersalreadysent”errorinPHP12answer ...网页链接
  • Lily-stay-hungry的评论
    美what r u doing here answer my question 中记者eeeee [笑cry][笑cry][笑cry] //@肿瘤学博士蔺宏伟://@假装在纽约:真实情况是这个央视驻美记者竟然不懂英文,造成无法和美国警察沟通问题.
  • 篁氲的评论
    我发成了double meaning,我要发的是the answer啊!!!!妈个鸡我的智商太感人了!!!云盘里只有double meaning,the answer当时忘了传,我艹艹艹艹艹艹艹艹还让不让人好好卖安利了啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!【要是double meaning没有刚哥,我姐应该已经在我门外泼汽油了→_→
  • 吾名边Aliee_chen的评论
    my answer超级喜欢结尾伯贤的钢琴[心]改编收尾仙气十足[害羞]
  • 张艺兴吧_XingPark的评论
    #张艺兴,晚安# #张艺兴极限挑战# 宁静,是深夜独自的乐章:喧嚣,是虚张声势的孤寂。在宁静中想你,在月夜中念你,为你痴愁为你哀,只愿抚平你眉间的愁绪。晚安,张艺兴@努力努力再努力x 。晚安视频☞ 张艺兴钢琴独奏《my answer》 秒拍视频 【文by喜喜 图&视频cr:logo】
  • Zz给野兽献花的评论
    剪or不剪? Give me an answer
  • heathriel的评论
    RT @alphabetsuccess: Be curious. A good question can take you a lot farther than a quick answer. ~ @JesseLynStoner …网页链接
  • i-mode的评论
    鉴于很多人不谙英文,简单翻译一下。what are you doing up here?=你是哪个单位的?answer my question=删了!删了!do you need somebody that speaks your language=草泥马的小日本不删嫩死你
  • 右大爷霜子的评论
    Sugar v Fat - what's worse?To answer the hottest question in nutrition, twin doctors Chris and Xand Van Tulleken go on month-long high-fat and high-sugar diets. The effects on their bodies are shocking…网页链接
  • 是XiingXing的瑛子姐姐的评论
    欲罢不能!需要置个顶!!!TTTTTTTT#bilibili#【张艺兴】My answer-混剪,钢琴哥哥suai不suai! UP主:张先森的小羊LLL 【张艺兴】My answer-混剪,钢琴哥哥suai不suai!
  • 51区熊孩子的评论
    From now on, I'm gonna say yes-- yes to love, yes to adventure, yes to life; whatever it may be, the answer's going to be yes. ——《TBBT》
  • NovaKong的评论
    From now on, I'm gonna say yes---yes to love, yes to adventure, yes to life; whatever it may be, the answer's going to be yes.