真芝と蜜月を過ごしつつ、泰野は一抹の不安を消せず、同棲もできない。どんなに激しく求められても、「彼」の影が過ぎるのだ。 ☆シリーズ既刊「ANSWER」 著者:崎谷はるひ イラストレーター:やまねあやの 真芝と過ごす蜜月。だが秦野の裡の悲愁はまだ残る。それは、真芝に肉を開かれ欲望を叩きつけられて満たされる。そして更に渇くのだ。そんな浅ましさを晒せなくて、同居にも応じられない。秦野を慮りつつも、落胆と戸惑いを隠し切れない真芝の返答が、心苦しい。だが次には苛立ち激しく求めてくる彼に密かに思う、酷くてもいい、もっと欲しがって、と。あのカレよりもっと強く、と―。書き下ろし190P、大人気ノベル。
夏徛荣考研英语的评论20150806 (310): suggest v. ①建议,提议 ②暗示,含蓄地指出:It would be foolish to ~ that the accident was your fault. ③(间接地)表明,使人联想到 【派】suggestion
老虎曼的评论Feel the power of auto-suggestion.
dyopii_1213的评论I really thinking one last time. That you came to suggestion application EXO-L for us. ♡♡♡ do kyungsoo. Thankfully you can make everything that doing is well done.
博格因派的评论Nothing gets people talking like the suggestion. Nothing....like.....最高级 Nothing gets people talking like the suggestion The suggestion gets people talking. ------no one is diors like me 没人像我一样屌丝。 我是最屌丝的[挖鼻]
布布and果果-猫主子笔记的评论家里还有一个当仓库用的房子,最近有一只老鼠咬破纱窗钻进去了...妈竟然提议说把布布或者果果带了去 让他们去叫几声吓走老鼠.... 气死我了[怒][怒][怒],就只是一个suggestion我也不想听...我的布布果果是宠物宠物,不是功能型的捕鼠喵~!这么热的天出门他们会中暑的[崩溃] 妈妈真的是够了[别烦我]
全家都是厨子的评论回复@相似性之间的相似性:说说我的理解:No suggestion you give will be right, because a toddler has opposing inner needs of his own. 1-2岁的孩子其实已有拒绝和接受的意识,所以建议口吻形式的对话比如“我们穿衣/吃饭/不要打小朋友好吗?”是真实存在的。
_Sherry4NZ的评论Day 394, first time to stay on the beach together, thanks to my suggestion anyway.
Ann-zs清浅的评论[害羞][心] Thanks for your good suggestion before the competition!这次非常感谢在赛前给我们的建议![泪][泪][泪][作揖][作揖][作揖]//@麗華coser:good performance!!!
要给兔纸挂号看眼科的橘子的评论"These scenes of devastation were the first suggestion of how far Amazon’s financial support could boost the show: visually arresting, this was the Ripper Street we knew and loved, but on a far grander scale."←总觉得这话嘲唧唧的,傍上了土豪的感觉[笑cry]每日电讯这篇review也不错
陳驍的评论嗯 我是一个good listener 但还不是一个合格的suggestion provider 嗯
体育画报RichardDeitsch的评论philmcrackinn Can I make a suggestion? I think we should part ways so it's no longer an issue for you. Let's do it civilly. Cool?
DesignerNewsRSS的评论Auto Suggestion of User Name and Email Id on User Registration Using jQuery,Ajax And PHP. 网页链接
Pchypeace的评论回复@Sue_susu_:definitely yes Sue!! you have an eagle eyes thank you so much for your suggestion.[鼓掌][鼓掌][鼓掌][鼓掌][鼓掌]//@Sue_susu_:I told you[嘻嘻]
Billnorthey的评论RT TVTorpy: Thanks to BNorthey for the pie suggestion at Tom Thumbs in Fort Dodge. It was fantastic!
oLo兜的评论理性派,圈子太小,怎么去轻易爱一个人?。。。呵呵,还 爱 呢,连喜欢都懒得了[笑cry]。。。还有就是,对于敢爱的同龄人,不算是 羡慕,是感叹!感叹!感叹!。。。对,毕竟是要洗脑,还没有病入膏肓,对 没有!self-suggestion, self-hypothesis...say sth to oneself in mind[呵呵][拜拜][月亮]
meidusha20的评论I only want to be myself in face of love . No suggestion . No advise . No influence. I only want to be brave and bold only in pure loving you I always put my sincere believe in love and you . I never think of leaving you or you leaving me
蒋晓勤betty的评论Finally she also asked B and C to translated the passage. However i found there are so many garammer mistakes in it. I give one of them some suggestion. He thanks me a lot. But i have no desire to tell A for she show her inclination on C. How terrible the thing is. [伤心]
VomitUpBug的评论哎哟卧槽 这小学生字体[doge]poe的的名字叫 suggestion from cum
彗心十尃的评论选择困难症,迷惘了,give me a suggestion
geelaw的评论我给很多无意义的 bug report / suggestion 下面加了很多指导他们如何正确填写 bug report / suggestion。//@geelaw: 我想表达的是,ruanfans 论坛急需一个准入机制。//@特-GUID妗糊魇: 所以为了照顾这部分人的智商,应该只显示一个“系统最后一次动这个文件的时间”