DreamGirls國際後援會的评论【Instagram留言】August 01, 2015 Bobo:Pls tell me this is for me..... And I said "no~~it's mine" haha #netset @netaporter #new [小嘴] by miqinddawoon@DreamGirls宋米秦
Beahaydennn的评论「Because while baseball, strippers, and guns can help, the only thing can really heal a broken heart is time.」 -How I meet ur mother S02E01 Ted.
CodeSecTeam的评论【*Guido on Python*】ByJakeEdgeJuly22,2015EuroPythonGuidovanRossum'sEuroPython2015keynotewasbilledaspartpreparedremarks,partQ&A,buthechange ...网页链接
境一的评论#Doctor Who##S05E01##从小十一开始倒着刷只想说要是我知道自己会如此爱你当时我一定会对你一见钟情# I'm definitely a mad man with a box. Hello, everything!
桃子依存症的评论#Doctor Who#S01E05 第三次世界大战 I can save the world but lose you.[心][心][心]
卡特要学习的评论Ugly Betty重温第三刷才发现S01E01的结尾用的是The Devil Wears Prada的开头曲Suddenly I See,居然现在才发现[衰]越看越觉得UB是Prada的超长版~
意趣英语的评论【他怎么说,你怎么说】#傲骨贤妻# S06E01 剧情+英文详解 ①I didn't say that we would meet. 我可没说我们要见面。②I don't see the downside. 我不觉得有什么不好。③We'll...and then we'll decide if... 我们先...然后决定要不要... ④Bring us $xx in business 给我们带来xx美元的生意 #场景一#
灯火阑珊时光盏的评论I should've dumped him.I need to perk up right now.『Learning from FRIENDS S01E01』
Cat-Tree的评论"He can't love me, but I see all those years of love...looking back at me. " "How old are you""Nine." "Oh you are just a child." "You will never losing me." "Look after him" "Always" "If I die, it means I've lived." 【英剧/科幻】真实的人类/Humans S01E06 【英剧/科幻】真实的人类/Humans S01E06【ZiMuZu】
Jade-SYC的评论“Hoping for something and losing it hurts more than never hoping for anything.”—Skye, S.H.I.E.L.D., S01E03
fzxhyeso的评论I like anita_bellaers01's Instagram "[ Renungan Malam ] "Bersabarlah Karena kelak pengorbananmu,air matamu,dan kesa…网页链接
Liz_Van的评论#Rectify# S03E01 I can't make you care about things.I can't even make myself care about things right now.And I can't make you try,either.It's gonna have to come from you.
意趣英语的评论【他怎么说,你怎么说】绝望主妇 S01E01 剧情+英文详解 本节内容 ①I was wondering if there was any chance that you... 我就是想知道有没有可能你... ②I have a clog in my sink. 我家水槽的管子堵了。③Plumber 水管工 ④Come over 去某人家里/来我家 ⑤You have company. 你有客人。#场景十#
钱晓朋的评论现在在想想, 到底是Y-M-d H:i:s好记呢? 还是2006-01-02 15:04:05好记? 后者.
Jackey116的评论Castle 8x01 Promo - Season 8 promo Castle 8x01 Promo - Season 8 promo PS:大致交代了下C叔在S8的角色定位,看来S7的P.I.故事线,是为了后续铺路
冷布丁Orz的评论CRAZY !!I【MythBusters】流言终结者S16E01.Blow It Out Of The Water【生肉】 UP主: 酚醇醚醛酮酸酯 #哔哩哔哩动画# 【MythBusters】流言终结者S16E01.Blow It Out Of The Water【生肉】
丶軍会的评论miumiu Why do we never know what we've got gucci till it's gone,How could I carry rv mb dioron the day you went away,【house of hello】 [v][x]:nivi01[亲亲]智慧属于人类,而风格属于作家。 —— 莫佩尔蒂
aim_one的评论Now I'm watching Sense8 s01E09,when asked what's the birthday of the sense8 members ,it's today-8th Aug-that shocks me,OMG, I think that's not a coincidence!!
觥埆的评论#Shameless S01 E11#—Want to go out sometime? —I'm only 12. —It's cool. I'm into older women.