在线阅读本书 By the time Henry Kissinger was made secretary of state in 1973, he had become, according to the Gallup Poll, the most admired person in America and one of the most unlikely celebrities ever to capture the world's imagination. Yet Kissinger was also reviled by large segments of the American public, ranging from liberal intellectuals to conservative activists. Kissinger explores the relationship between this complex man's personality and the foreign policy he pursued. Drawing on extensive interviews with Kissinger as well as 150 other sources, including U.S. presidents and his business clients, this first full-length biography makes use of many of Kissinger's private papers and classified memos to tell his uniquely American story. The result is an intimate narrative, filled with surprising revelations, that takes this grandly colorful statesman from his childhood as a persecuted Jew in Nazi Germany, through his tortured relationship with Richard Nixon, to his later years as a globe-trotting business consultant.
1、Kissinger是作者Walter Isaacson创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
光和爱5908929764的评论据我们可说的,亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger’s)劫持美元的恶霸行为已经结束,掌控M1(货币供应量)美元位置或美元控制系统中,有两个人要被揪出。一个是尼尔·基南(Neil Keenan),另一个被认为是菲律宾前总统费迪南德·马科斯(Ferdinand Marcos)在加拿大的长子,现改名为大卫P·克雷福德
新闻工厂的评论#时代周刊#网页链接 Politics : How Henry Kissinger May Help Hillary Clinton in Email Lawsuit He set a precedent at the Supreme C…
证明自己-CFA必过的评论A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure. --Henry Kissinger
HHH_PaulLevesque的评论Honored to spend time with Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger talking WWE and MuhammadAli. 非常荣幸能跟美国前国务卿基辛格博士探讨WWE的发展,听他讲述拳王阿里的事迹。 @史黛芙妮StephanieMcMahon
ETtoday新聞雲的评论【戴秉國:美國不要等到失去中國才追悔】2016年中國發展高層論壇19日在北京舉行,久未露面的前中國大陸國務委員戴秉國出席參加,與前美國國務卿季辛吉(Henry Alfred Kissinger)進行對談。兩人在會中談起中美關係,戴秉國表示,中美絕不能天天吵架,美國不要等到失去中國才追悔莫及。#ETtoday新聞雲#
FoolishWaving的评论看完了Henry Kissinger世界秩序的第二张,想想现在的中国,觉得还真是智慧。
天天好心情JJ的评论(美)亨利·基辛格(Kissinger, H. A.) - 《论中国》 《论中国》是美国前国务卿、“政坛常青树”亨利·基辛格唯...网页链接
咪咪小姨的评论2016听书日记:论中国 基辛格 Dr.Kissinger 投胎是德国犹太人,读书拿到博士学位,做老师做到教授,搞政治是曾是国务卿,还得过诺贝尔和平奖,研究中国,和中国五代领导人打过交道。拯救银河系都不足以概括的人生赢家。
国家图书馆的评论#书刊介绍#《世界秩序》:(美)亨利•基辛格(Henry Kissinger)著;本书介绍了“欧洲:多元化的国际秩序”、“欧洲均势体系及其终结”、“伊斯兰主义和中东:世界乱局”、“美国与伊朗:不同的秩序理念”、“亚洲的多样性”等内容。【馆藏信息】网页链接
telestone的评论Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Was Kissinger's famed explanation
晨银的评论(美)亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger) - 《世界秩序》近一年多来,乌克兰乱局,卢布危机,日元欧元暴跌,美军撤出...网页链接
肚肉圆的评论泡壶好茶 听Dr.Kissinger谈谈中国……
CTOCEO的评论The Key to Henry Kissinger’s Success: Applied History - The Atlantic the longer you can look back, the farther you can look forward.” 网页链接
NancipiaZ的评论别的不想谈了,就引用基辛格(H. Kissinger)在《大外交》一书中说过的一段话,“在一个推崇国家利益至上而又以实力为基础的国际社会,国家往往不会去考虑什么是应该做的,接受的是只要国家足够强大,做什么事情都会得到别国的认可。”
尤金的悖论的评论Contemporary realpolitik master Henry Kissinger read Deng Xiaoping through the smoke and mirrors: whatever the shortcomings of its execution, the Chinese campaign reflected a serious, long-term strategic analysis.