Beautiful. Willful. Charming. Blunt. Grace Coddington’s extraordinary talent and fierce dedication to her work as creative director of Vogue have made her an international icon. Known through much of her career only to those behind the scenes, she might have remained fashion’s best-kept secret were it not for The September Issue, the acclaimed 2009 documentary that turned publicity-averse Grace into a sudden, reluctant celebrity. Grace’s palpable engagement with her work brought a rare insight into the passion that produces many of the magazine’s most memorable shoots. With the witty, forthright voice that has endeared her to her colleagues and peers for more than forty years, Grace now creatively directs the reader through the storied narrative of her life so far. Evoking the time when models had to tote their own bags and props to shoots, Grace describes her early career as a model, working with such world-class photographers as David Bailey and Norman Parkinson, before she stepped behind the camera to become a fashion editor at British Vogue in the late 1960s. Here she began creating the fantasy “travelogues” that would become her trademark. In 1988 she joined American Vogue, where her breathtakingly romantic and imaginative fashion features, a sampling of which appear in this book, have become instant classics. Delightfully underscored by Grace’s pen-and-ink illustrations, Grace will introduce readers to the colorful designers, hairstylists, makeup artists, photographers, models, and celebrities with whom Grace has created her signature images. Grace reveals her private world with equal candor—the car accident that almost derailed her modeling career, her two marriages, the untimely death of her sister, Rosemary, her friendship with Harper’s Bazaar editor-in-chief Liz Tilberis, and her thirty-year romance with Didier Malige. Finally, Grace describes her abiding relationship with Anna Wintour, and the evolving mastery by which she has come to define the height of fashion. NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY FINANCIAL TIMES “If Wintour is the Pope . . . Coddington is Michelangelo, trying to paint a fresh version of the Sistine Chapel twelve times a year.”— Time
1、Grace是作者Coddington, Grace创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
RooPletelchamM的评论Grace-Oohy... 时间是个奇妙的东西[心][心][心]
美少女酱的评论今天下午在诚品一楼偶遇@曹格 [泪]本人亲和力爆棚 还有最最可爱的grace和joe萌萌哒[害羞]麻麻健身装扮 又瘦又高挑太女神了没敢要合影 我好幸福! 台湾·台北101大楼
小海豚哈那的评论分享 岡崎律子 的歌曲《Morning Grace 》Morning Gr...(分享自@虾米音乐)
叠九塔的评论突发选困,猫表示短期实现E文口语突破miu问题,不过需以包办聚会时的两道热菜做交换。喂!上回是谁对着钱包发誓要亲自动手来着。另有Grace建议临时抱佛脚学上几句岭南话,够用就好;骆驼则认为只是日常出行用手语也不错。扶额,要不 还是配个翻译吧……
一个有情怀的微博的评论一言不合就开喝 而且忽视了另一个人的存在 [doge]@GRACE-Catalina
从南到北余勇的评论0617#夏说句读#20/42《读懂莎士比亚》①the grace of god②subtly③人生如戏
爱打酱油的张小华的评论仅以此条状态纪念我唯一的关注者小宇默,thank you@Grace何宇默
崔凱琳琳琳的评论纪念我和男神认识一百天!虽然没啥好纪念的。。。 悟 原曲:第几个一百天 策划:流年@崔凯琳琳琳 词作:流年 翻唱:自画@四儿我是自画画 后期:Grace@GraceLy 美工:茉语@茉语是魔芋大王 五婶链接:网页链接 圈组织:@V-龙生九子工作室 @临川唤渡音乐社官博 @皂滑弄人工作室
兰州微直播的评论#兰州生活#【再见兰州 再见大学 祝:前程似锦 多回兰州看看】 大学四年都在兰州度过的,要离开前做了手账,发现还是很不舍得[闭眼]p1、2、3、4是值得一去的地方。最后是美食[傻笑]@丸子安利菌 @Color多彩手帐 @沉迷刀剑乱舞的Grace
不如Nyongtory的评论#Happy818GDay##权志龙的天空蓝# @权志龙的天空蓝 Oh that grace, oh that body,oh that face makes me wanna party, he's my sun and he makes me shine like diamonds.[太阳][心][心][心][星光]@GDRAGON_OFFICIAL Young And ...
X__X__的评论好好听♬我正在使用全球顶尖的DTS音效收听Grace/G-Eazy的歌曲《You Don't Own Me》♬ You Don't ...(来自@QQ音乐 百万正版无损曲库)
十个纵火青年的评论bond girl 真的太好看了 今年到目前买过的最喜欢的口红 本是想收我们可儿女神色的还一起试了amazing grace 但邦德girl真的实力碾压 不敢相信还有这么好看不扎眼的红棕(后面这个小哥也是有毒......
王青年ing的评论#山东卫视搭错车#这电视剧很感人,我都看哭了,~只是某些片段哈‖可是结局并非我想像中那样,稍微有点遗憾。@Grace婧哥 绵阳·万向汽车城(商...
Annayer的评论【本田Grace】据了解,“Grace”命名源自于日版本田新锋范的混动版车型“Grace Hybird”的命名。而东风本田这一未来新紧凑新车型Grace不仅与新锋范基于相同平台,且新车的整体设计风格也将与后者保持相当的相似度。
姜默默Joseph的评论一个你不得不看的故事—关于狗狗Grace的故事,一只被救助的狗!你只有这么去做了,你才知道它笑容的意义~ 更多宠物资讯→网页链接
王君馨國際影迷會的评论Trichoderm Women x Grace王君馨 分享女性頭髮保護心得[emoji]
Wenlong是担心狂的评论我是爱哭鬼。这几天卧床看Will & Grace已经不知道哭了多少次。比如Grace被Nathan甩了之后发现他四天就有了新欢并且已经要出国旅行,G大崩溃,其他三人来拖她起床,结果却四个朋友最后分别表白了自己的人生困境和无能为力,湿着头发和衣服在Grace床上一起和衣而眠。必须要哭一下的对不对。
Rekkski_Skywalker的评论話說回來 grace是臺灣人 如果他還會講中文的話(我想大概會) 那他有8成的機率會看PTT 那我跟我朋友在PTT發實況文還順便意淫shadder的事不就有可能會被shadder本人知道了嗎........[哆啦A夢吃驚][哆啦A夢吃驚][哆啦A夢吃驚][哆啦A夢吃驚][哆啦A夢吃驚]