Since its hardcover publication in August of 1995, Buffett has appeared on the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Seattle Times, Newsday and Business Week bestseller lists. The incredible landmark portrait of Warren Buffett's uniquely American life is now available in paperback, revised and updated by the author. Starting from scratch, simply by picking stocks and companies for investment, Warren Buffett amassed one of the epochal fortunes of the twentieth century--an astounding net worth of $10 billion, and counting. His awesome investment record has made him a cult figure popularly known for his seeming contradictions: a billionaire who has a modest lifestyle, a phenomenally successful investor who eschews the revolving-door trading of modern Wall Street, a brilliant dealmaker who cultivates a homespun aura. Journalist Roger Lowenstein draws on three years of unprecedented access to Buffett's family, friends, and colleagues to provide the first definitive, inside account of the life and career of this American original. Buffett explains Buffett's' investment strategy--a long-term philosophy grounded in buying stock in companies that are undervalued on the market and hanging on until their worth invariably surfaces--and shows how it is a reflection of his inner self.
1、Buffett是作者Roger Lowenstein创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
梁念坚Simon的评论上个月有机会参加 Berkshire 的股东大会,是他们50周年。晚饭时跟 Warren Buffett 谈得很愉快。也有机会跟两个音乐界的 legend 交流:Paul Anka 和 Jimmy Buffet。很有收获。
TEALOOKER的评论巴菲特有句名言, '预测并不反映未来, 它只能反映预测者'。 Warren Buffett: “Forecasts may tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.” 北京·西三旗
一亮一休哥的评论No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant. ——Warren Buffett 你让九个女人同时怀孕,她们也无法在一个月内生出孩子,因为有些事情必须要靠时间来解决问题,价值投资正是如此。
Liu大大哒的评论只有等大潮退去,你才会发现谁是光着屁股在游泳。——沃伦·巴菲特 Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked. —— Warren Buffett
心底的孤寂的评论RanRan: 《1961 年巴菲特致合伙人信》 1961信 BUFFETT PARTNERSHIP, LTD. 810 KIEWIT PLAZA OMAHA 31, NEBRASKA 1962 年 1 月 24 日 1...( 分享自@雪球 客户端) RanRan: 《1...
屌丝马拉松投资的评论BUFFETT PARTNERSHIP, LTD.810 KIEWIT PLAZAOMAHA 31, NEBRASKA1965 年 11 月 1 日致 1966 年的各位合伙人:随函附上:(1) 两份 1966 年承诺书,一份由你保留,一份寄还给我们。承诺书可于 12 月 31 日零点... 致合伙人信(1965...
丁晓钟的评论#外刊点睛# An anonymous bidder agreed at auction to pay $3,456,789 to eat lunch with Warren Buffett, tying the record for the right to dine with one of the world’s most admired investors.「一位匿名竞标者在拍卖会上同意支付345万6789美元与沃伦•巴菲特共进午餐,这平了与这位全球最受
TonyKMLau的评论與股神畢菲特食一次午餐,絕對是「世界上最昂貴的午餐」,這個活動是由已故畢菲特妻子Susie Buffett構思,由2000年開始至今年,過去17年成功拍賣價介乎2.5萬美元至345.6789萬美元之間。 去年拍賣者為天神娛樂董事長朱曄,成交價為234.5678萬美元,今年成交價較去年高出47%。 香港特别行政区·将军...
中时电子报_Chinatimes的评论【得標價345萬6789美元 追平2012年紀錄 與巴菲特共午 代價1.1億】「股神」巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的年度慈善午餐拍賣在10日晚間以345.6萬美元(約台幣1億1130萬元)落槌,追平2012年的最高紀錄。今年的得主並未公布身分,得標者可最多攜帶7名友人與巴菲特在紐約曼哈頓49街的Smith & Wollensky牛排館
北山道HUIQ的评论讲经济道理才叫道理(2016.6.10)Warren Buffett: Your business will succeed if you execute this 3-word mission 巴菲特:取悦你的客户,你才能成功 [ 网页链接 ]
Not小月月的评论【生肉实时新闻短片】Warren Buffett backing Clinton over Trump [思考] 秒拍视频 .
金银话本儿的评论Warren Buffett 巴菲特昨天讲话支持希拉里,说Trump的公司令投资人亏钱,另外还挑战Trump公开缴税情况
WinforChina2016的评论[Buffett challenges Trump to exchange tax returns] I'll bring my tax return, he can bring his tax return ... and let people ask us questions about the items that are on there.巴菲特也站出来挺希贬特啦好看@婴行2015 网页链接
LYF_Pear的评论读过《Seeking Wisdom》 我的评分:★★★★ Many quotations from Munger and Buffett. 网页链接 来自@豆瓣App
经济杂志的评论【苹果大涨确认见底 巴菲特一天入账6000万】新浪美股北京时间28日讯 苹果(102.95, 6.28, 6.50%)股价周三的历史性上涨又让投资者有了新的话题,这或许也足以坐实巴菲特(Warren Buffett)可能几个月前就看准了的那件事——苹果股价已经在筑底了。网页链接
袁乐涵小盆友6n的评论\Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.\ -- Warren Buffett #湾区日报#
和善宁静的评论@RanRan:BUFFETT PARTNERSHIP. LTD. 610KIEWIT PLAZA OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68131 TELEPHONE 042-4110 1969 年 5 月 29 日 致各位合伙人: 大约 18 个月前,我写信告诉大家,因为环境的改变,因为我个人情况的改变... 分享自@雪球 网页链接