

作者:Kevin Poulsen





标签: 黑客  hacker 


Former hacker Kevin Poulsen has, over the past decade, built a reputation as one of the top investigative reporters on the cybercrime beat. In Kingpin, he pours his unmatched access and expertise into book form for the first time, delivering a gripping cat-and-mouse narrative—and an unprecedented view into the twenty-first century’s signature form of organized crime. The word spread through the hacking underground like some unstoppable new virus: Someone—some brilliant, audacious crook—had just staged a hostile takeover of an online criminal network that siphoned billions of dollars from the US economy. The FBI rushed to launch an ambitious undercover operation aimed at tracking down this new kingpin; other agencies around the world deployed dozens of moles and double agents. Together, the cybercops lured numerous unsuspecting hackers into their clutches. . . . Yet at every turn, their main quarry displayed an uncanny ability to sniff out their snitches and see through their plots. The culprit they sought was the most unlikely of criminals: a brilliant programmer with a hippie ethic and a supervillain’s double identity. As prominent “white-hat” hacker Max “Vision” Butler, he was a celebrity throughout the programming world, even serving as a consultant to the FBI. But as the black-hat “Iceman,” he found in the world of data theft an irresistible opportunity to test his outsized abilities. He infiltrated thousands of computers around the country, sucking down millions of credit card numbers at will. He effortlessly hacked his fellow hackers, stealing their ill-gotten gains from under their noses. Together with a smooth-talking con artist, he ran a massive real-world crime ring. And for years, he did it all with seeming impunity, even as countless rivals ran afoul of police. Yet as he watched the fraudsters around him squabble, their ranks riddled with infiltrators, their methods inefficient, he began to see in their dysfunction the ultimate challenge: He would stage his coup and fix what was broken, run things as they should be run—even if it meant painting a bull’s-eye on his forehead. Through the story of this criminal’s remarkable rise, and of law enforcement’s quest to track him down, Kingpin lays bare the workings of a silent crime wave still affecting millions of Americans. In these pages, we are ushered into vast online-fraud supermarkets stocked with credit card numbers, counterfeit checks, hacked bank accounts, dead drops, and fake passports. We learn the workings of the numerous hacks—browser exploits, phishing attacks, Trojan horses, and much more—these fraudsters use to ply their trade, and trace the complex routes by which they turn stolen data into millions of dollars. And thanks to Poulsen’s remarkable access to both cops and criminals, we step inside the quiet, desperate arms race that law enforcement continues to fight with these scammers today. Ultimately, Kingpin is a journey into an underworld of startling scope and power, one in which ordinary American teenagers work hand in hand with murderous Russian mobsters and where a simple Wi-Fi connection can unleash a torrent of gold worth millions.


1、Kingpin是作者Kevin Poulsen创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • S君是一只考研狗汪汪汪的评论
  • 小情绪逗喵官的评论
    好一只猫奴@李晶冰Kingpin [馋嘴]
  • 聂大喵的评论
  • 硬饼干VJ12的评论
    Alpha KR3W 《Kingpin (Original Mix)》 Kingpin (O... Kingpin (O...
  • 班瓦比力的评论
    看过《超胆侠 第一季》 我的评分:★★★★★ kingpin赢得了我的心,强大又脆弱,自负又自卑,激发母爱~第二集走廊打斗非常棒,后面节奏有问题,拖沓了几集又过快收场,有些遗憾 网页链接 来自@豆瓣App
  • 食萝卜者的评论
    DD和百特曼的crossover没有想象中的好玩.....大约是因为两个人根本就没有打算走好玩的路线吧 也许是因为没有捧哏和逗哏所以玩不起来(x) BTW百特曼一出场就打破了DD被kingpin好好♂修理的记录 可喜可贺(不是)
  • 犊拌的评论
    我都不知道该选怎样的未来给自己,反正都是荆棘密布 分享了Kill the Noise featuring Kingpin的单曲《The Harder I Rock》The Harder...(@网易云音乐)
  • 太多词的评论
    010 East Side Society #thedon##kingpin##boss##swag##dope# 北京
  • 那就滚球吧的评论
    声音开最大 直接打昏 分享 RL Grime;Big Sean;Wu... 的歌曲《Kingpin (Wuki Remix)》Kingpin (W...(分享自@虾米音乐)
  • 心荡到不行的柚娘和吐不停的柚柚的评论
    #Daredevil##夜魔侠# 看完第二季被所有主配圈粉了,女二老公和TWDShawn[喵喵] 就是不太喜欢kingpin[拜拜]好尼玛阴险来回算计我刚喜欢上的男N[向右]手动突突他 深圳·坂田
  • kai7aaaa的评论
    Yoel Romero, AKA God's soldier. In 2006, the kingpin of westside of Baltimore, Marlo Stanfield quickly lost two of his best muscles, Felicia "snoop" Pearson and Chris Partlow. Before that, these two notorious villains had dropped at least 22 dead bodies around Baltimore city.
  • Ol_Skool的评论
    我在@网易云音乐 上的电台#O.S MF#上传了新节目:Redhead Kingpin And The F.B.I.* ‎– Do The Right Thing(滨) 网页链接
  • 我的海绵宝宝sunshine的评论
  • Futuremark_TITANFALL的评论
    3.11.。。。。。。3D mark 11 .。。。想不到第一名还是那个KINGPIN。。。
  • 走在继续白日梦的路上的评论
    #23页第四行#宝玉笑道:"我送妹妹一字,莫若‘颦颦'二字极妙。"@做自己的kingpin @千寻阿 西安·草滩街区
  • 猫与时间机器的评论
    Civil War II: Kingpin #1 Black Panther 50th Anniversary Variant
  • 一根美味的小甜筒的评论
    #POI##Carl Elias#纪念一下老师。一个我心目中的真·Kingpin[大哭] 这两集又帅又萌又好笑[doge]这次真是逃命时还脚下生风简直全程耍帅[眼泪]