作者:Solomon Volkov (Auth
出版社:Limelight Editions
标签: Shostakovich
1、Testimony是作者Solomon Volkov (Auth创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
GRE机器人的评论#GRE词汇# testimony【'testiməni】n.证词(尤指在法庭所作的), 宣言, 陈述 出自--《玩命车手》
WhatsForDinnerTonigh的评论路上听到了Brock Turner的新闻,且不论真相,加州对于rape的定义漏洞真可怕啊[衰][衰][衰]:In the case of Turner's rape of an unconscious woman, witnesses and testimony determined that Turner penetrated his victim with a foreign object, not a sexual organ
卡卡Kaka的评论Jesus in the first place #MyLife #testimony
Tintin老师_在路上的评论我在#喜马拉雅#上刚更新了新节目《18.testimony ['testɪmənɪ] / testicle》,快来听吧!18.testimo...(分享自@喜马拉雅FM)
筱晴天a的评论forge锻造,伪造! testimony证词 detain拘留! flaw缺点瑕疵 dissipate使消散,挥霍! dedicate献给! aggregate总数,合计。动,名,形 obscene淫秽的,下流的 criterion标准 queer奇怪的,不舒服的 famine饥荒 dilute稀释(的) slaughter屠杀 thermal热的,保暖的 inaugurate展开,为…举行开幕式
山茶花一瓣又一瓣的评论Former Trump University Workers Call the School a ‘Lie’ and a ‘Scheme’ in Testimony 网页链接这货是要拼上总统的节奏啊 网页链接
念念丶柚子的评论#张天爱六一快乐# 我们的女神很有范儿的好美呀![得意地笑] testimony
韩光1985的评论#最难的儿童节选择题# 虽然是小朋友们的节日,可经济大权掌握在我们大人手里,这也是我们的儿童节。 testimony
SSSXH盛夏卉的评论#爆笑先森#恩恩,都来力挺火爆的网络自制神剧《爆笑先森》了哈。 testimony
言论与思想的评论#网红六一被暴揍#无法表达对六一儿童节的期待之心,一下子就吸引了大家注意! testimony
nomennudum的评论Sweet Thames,run softly,till I end my song.The river bears no empty bottles,sandwich papers,Silk handkerchiefs,cardboard boxes, cigarette ends Or other testimony of summer nights. The nymphs are departed...London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down→看个新闻只想背诗
EVACADEMY的评论韩国学生Elena的游学感想:STUDENT TESTIMONY in ENGLISH Hi, I am Elena from Korea. I studied English at EV Academy for two months, and I like the curriculum here. It is strict, but I...文字版>> 网页链接 (新浪长微博>> 长微博_长微博工具_...)
Sheikh_Mubarak的评论Joe Paterno knew of Jerry Sandusky abuse in 1976 per testimony in newly unsealed records - The Washington Post - www.washingtonpost.com 网页链接
blancbelle的评论[翻译]李律师提到贤的供词: 非常满意能把真相说出来 AttyL abt HJ's testimony: good to make truths known, it was very satisfying. - XportsNews cr:sunsun_sky ~ 还有想说大家别问贤说了什么了. 是非公开的审问除了律师/当事人外,不可能有人知道的. 知道就出大问题了[汗] 网页链接
原意驻上海文化处-倪波路的评论Miniature Gadget (1930 circa) of italian company Ansaldo. An object of design in itself, testimony of handicraft! 埃及·开罗
BALLinballroom的评论St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra The Mighty Handful The Disputable "Testimony"
理想主义的马蜂窝的评论听yellen testimony觉得她也是不容易,被一些满嘴民粹的议员像审犯人一样问到语塞。
haiiji的评论你的记忆听到爽 #bilibili#320k 女神异闻录3 君的记忆 合集(含My Testimony) UP主:呵呵的Cloud23333 320k 女神异闻录...
蒙恩的人121的评论人当以训诲和法度为标准“有人对你们说:‘当求问那些交鬼的和行巫术的,就是声音绵蛮,言语微细的。’你们便回答说:‘百姓不当求问自己的上帝吗?岂可为活人求问死人呢?’人当以训诲和法度为标准(To the law and to the testimony,上帝的律法和证言),他们所说的若不与此相符,必不得见晨光。”(