

作者:Michael Tanner




出版社:Oxford University Press, USA

标签: 尼采  VSI  哲学 


The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was almost wholly neglected during his sane life, which came to an abrupt end in 1889. Since then he has been appropriated as an icon by an astonishingly diverse spectrum of people, whose interpretations of his thought range from the highly irrational to the firmly analytical. Thus Spoke Zarathustra introduced the 'superman' and The Twilight of the Idols developed the 'Will to Power' concept; these term, together with 'Sklavenmoral' and 'Herrenmoral', became confused with the rise of nationalism in Germany. Idiosyncratic and aphoristic, Nietzsche is always bracing and provocative, and temptingly easy to dip into. Michael Tanner's readable introduction to the philosopher's life and work examines the numerous ambiguities inherent in his writings. It also explodes the many misconceptions fostered in the hundred years since Nietzsche wrote, prophetically: 'Do not, above all, confound me with what I am not!'


1、Nietzsche是作者Michael Tanner创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 乔治不想睡觉de鱼的评论
    The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.——Niet[熊猫]zsche 一个人必须在社会中不断挣扎求存,才能不被茫茫人海湮灭。——尼采
  • Suyung_Tung的评论
    — Why— Ending gorgeous use for Nietzsche's famous saying (来自美剧《幸运路易》)秒拍视频
  • Xonegin的评论
    "The passive nihilist Nietzsche is assigned to the hopelessness and meaninglessness of life. The active nihilist, however, continually seeks to destroy old values and starts new."
  • 穷酸学长的评论
    Whatever does not kill them makes them stronger.——Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Marshmallow小姐的评论
    0613#夏说句读# 12/33我好慢熱,通過今天的音頻才回味起day10的那經典之句--Nietzsche says somewhere that the last Christian died upon the cross. But, he had forgotten Spinoza.
  • 悅心小鲆的评论
    #每日1句# Nothing is worth living for without music.—Nietzsche 没有音乐,生命是没有价值的。—尼采 @有道词典
  • Meelons的评论
    Nothing is worth living for without music.--Nietzsche
  • 陌城旧梦故人殇的评论
    #烦烦烦##尼采语录#呵呵,果然自作自受啊,烦炸了,却只能咬碎了牙往肚子里咽啊....我努力做好了一个倾听者,却忘了原来自己才是最孤单的一个,跟谁说,谁又会听你说......Nietzsche once said,"When you look long into an abyss,the abyss looks into you." 抚顺·大东北皇家理工...
  • fabulouswe_official的评论
    "Without music, life would be a mistake."---Friedrich Nietzsche
  • boomerang_nebula的评论
  • 熊大人有颗Magic_Cube_Head的评论
    没有一种人际关系能够隐藏寂寞。所有的人际关系都如此的薄弱、脆弱。你在内心深处很清楚:即使你身在人群之中,你也是跟一群陌生人在一起。对你自己来说你也是个陌生人。Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  • CCCrazzzy的评论
    我们的眼睛就是我们的监狱,我们的眼光所到处就是我们监狱的围墙。——Now, this is by this horizons, within each us encloses his senses as if behind prison walls, that we measure the world. -from-尼采《朝霞:道德偏见之反思》Friedrich Nietzsche, 《Daybre
  • 混血罗盈盈的评论
    #盈灵一片心灵# And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.- Friedrich Nietzsche[心][兔子] 那些听不见音乐的人认为那些跳舞的人疯了 -尼采
  • seraphyouim的评论
    弗里德里希·威廉·尼采(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,1844—1900),德意志诗人兼哲学家,一个西方学术史上争议不断、曾经引发轩然大波、具有悲剧人格、特立独行的思想家,一个灵魂孤独的飘泊者。 如果说康德是通往古典哲学一座不可逾越的桥,那么尼采则是通往现代主义及后现代主义一座不可逾越的桥。
  • OrangeMiao110的评论
    #Inspiration#听不见音乐的人以为跳舞的人疯了‖By Nietzsche.
  • Silvia馨瑩的评论
    D236#夏说句读# 1、不要跟别人过不去,但一定要跟自己死磕。以强者要求自己,你要先做到自强不息才有权利谈厚德载物。2、Nietzsche的历史时代背景决定了他的思想起源一定跟基督徒不相关,他的成长经历让他变成柔弱的人,因为想去掉这种柔弱,所以他变得矫枉过正的刚猛,他的观点有着进化论的意义,松动
  • 向往飞翔的nini的评论
    昨晚跟我的一个导师聊了,讲述了下发生的种种,两天过去了,我可以心平气和客观的讲述这段故事,他说了很多,安慰了很多,有句话很现实:"What does not kill me, makes me stronger" (c) Friedrich Nietzsche“,说白了,越虐越坚强,越挫越勇,如果真的有一天心变得很硬,我是不是会讨厌那样的自己?
  • _-_______的评论
    Nietzsche:" Love is the danger of the loneliest; love of everything if only it is alive." "Laughable, verily, are my folly and my modest in love."
  • 看书不看电视的评论
    Schopenhauer,叔本华,生命意志;Nietzsche,尼采,权力意志;Bergson,柏格森,自我和生命冲动;Frued,弗洛伊德,潜意识。四位近代思想先驱。- 木心说
  • LeilaLeilaLeila的评论
    "Hope is the worst of evils,for it prolongs the torment of man "_Nietzsche #Criminal Minds#