Art Cinema

Art Cinema

作者:Paul Young




出版社:TASCHEN America Llc

标签: 暂无


Celluloid canvas: film as artistic medium. Debate over film's credibility as an art form is as old as the medium itself, and largely defined in terms of formalist and realist approaches. This book explores how artists have used the medium to explode cinematic conventions and convey a truly expressive cinema - one that uses rhythm, color, structure, and content to express a staggering array of ideas and feelings. Broken down into ten subgenres, including collage, appropriation, lyricism, structuralism, parody, and installation, "Art Cinema" gives a detailed overview of various approaches and how they fit into an art-historical context. Over five hundred films and filmmakers are included, from past masters such as Hans Richter, Man Ray, and Stan Brakhage, to contemporary greats such as David Lynch, Michel Gondry, and Lars von Trier; from art house legends Jean-Luc Godard, Ken Russell, and Luis Bunuel to underground icons and contemporary artists such as Kenneth Anger, Matthew Barney, Bruce Conner, Michael Snow, Chris Marker, and Stan Douglas.


1、Art Cinema是作者Paul Young创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!

