

作者:Jane Austen




出版社:Wordsworth Editions Ltd

标签: JaneAusten  英国文学  英国  英文原版  小说  原版  简·奥斯汀  EMMA 


Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30……


Book Description The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. Emma Woodhouse thinks a little too highly of herself, and entertains herself by meddling in the affairs of others. The results are not always as she would like. This novel describes the schemes and eventual humbling of Miss Woodhouse. Amazon.com Of all Jane Austen's heroines, Emma Woodhouse is the most flawed, the most infuriating, and, in the end, the most endearing. Pride and Prejudice's Lizzie Bennet has more wit and sparkle; Catherine Morland in Northanger Abbey more imagination; and Sense and Sensibility's Elinor Dashwood certainly more sense--but Emma is lovable precisely because she is so imperfect. Austen only completed six novels in her lifetime, of which five feature young women whose chances for making a good marriage depend greatly on financial issues, and whose prospects if they fail are rather grim. Emma is the exception: "Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her." One may be tempted to wonder what Austen could possibly find to say about so fortunate a character. The answer is, quite a lot. For Emma, raised to think well of herself, has such a high opinion of her own worth that it blinds her to the opinions of others. The story revolves around a comedy of errors: Emma befriends Harriet Smith, a young woman of unknown parentage, and attempts to remake her in her own image. Ignoring the gaping difference in their respective fortunes and stations in life, Emma convinces herself and her friend that Harriet should look as high as Emma herself might for a husband--and she zeroes in on an ambitious vicar as the perfect match. At the same time, she reads too much into a flirtation with Frank Churchill, the newly arrived son of family friends, and thoughtlessly starts a rumor about poor but beautiful Jane Fairfax, the beloved niece of two genteelly impoverished elderly ladies in the village. As Emma's fantastically misguided schemes threaten to surge out of control, the voice of reason is provided by Mr. Knightly, the Woodhouse's longtime friend and neighbor. Though Austen herself described Emma as "a heroine whom no one but myself will much like," she endowed her creation with enough charm to see her through her most egregious behavior, and the saving grace of being able to learn from her mistakes. By the end of the novel Harriet, Frank, and Jane are all properly accounted for, Emma is wiser (though certainly not sadder), and the reader has had the satisfaction of enjoying Jane Austen at the height of her powers.   --Alix Wilber Amazon.co.uk "I should like to see Emma in love, and in some doubt of return; it would do her good," remarks one of Jane Austen's characters in Emma. Quick-witted, beautiful, headstrong and rich, Emma Woodhouse is inordinately fond of match-making select inhabitants of the village of Highbury, yet aloof and oblivious as to the question of whom she herself might marry. This paradox multiplies the intrigues and sparkling ironies of Jane Austen's masterpiece, her comedy of a sentimental education through which Emma discovers a capacity for love and marriage. From The New York Times, (2/15/97) "An 'Emma' Both Darker and Funnier" "I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like," Jane Austen wrote of Emma, vastly underestimating her readers' good taste. The trick of adapting Emma is to recapture Austen's delicate balance, which allows us to see why the heroine still has friends and social influence, despite being the worst matchmaker and busybody in the village of Highbury. In this smart and spirited new version, Kate Beckinsale's Emma walks that fine line beautifully. Her Emma meddles in her friends' lives with near-disastrous results, and of course remains blind to her own romantic feelings for her old friends Mr. Knightly. But her sure-fire social assumptions are innocently wrong-headed, not willfully arrogant. In this and almost every other way, this new television film called Jane Austen's Emma represents the flip side of last year's movie with Gwyneth Paltrow. Though both are faithful to Austen's plot, the earlier film was all about brightness and pretty gardens. It was a slick commercial Emma, whose appeal depended on My. Paltrow's graceful looks; not a bad idea, but not nearly what Austen had in mind. Among the flood of recent Austen Movies, this new Emma has the most in common with Persuasion, sharing a smaller scale, a darker tone, and a focus on psychological nuance. Ms. Beckensale's Emma is plainer looking than Ms. Paltrow's, and altogether more believable and funnier. She came to the role well prepared, after playing another socially self-assured comic figure in the recent film Cold Comfort Farm. The screenplay by Andrew Davies (who also did the wise television adaptations of Pride and Prejudice and (Moll Flanders) does a deft job of letting viewers pick up the social cures that Emma misses. We see, as she should, the glances between the eligible Frank Churchill and the poor Jane Fairfax. We can guess that the clergyman Mr. Elton has designs on Emma and her dowry, not on her penniless friend Harriet. This version also makes it clear why Emma and Knightly are such a good match. Like Ms. Beckinsale's Emma, Mark Strong's Knightly does not have movie-star looks, but these two make excellent verbal sparring partners, vehemently matching wits and social observations. Prunella scales also stands out as Miss Bates, the flibbertigibbet, motor-mouthed neighbor whom Emma callously insults at a picnic. Occasionally, this film plays out Emma's fantasies. There is a brief glimpse of Harriet marrying Mr. Elton, and Frank Churchill's portrait comes alive and speaks to Emma, saying, "Miss Woodhouse, we meet at last." The device is used just enough to add an imaginative touch without becoming a useless gimmick. After so many Austen films, it would be easy to overlook this latest, but its charms are those Austen herself might have valued. It is understated and sly, loaded with a sense that even as society as well-ordered as Emma's leaves plenty of room for comic misjudgments and happy endings. From Library Journal This is another case where a classic is being reprinted simply as a tie-in to a TV/feature film presentation. Libraries, nonetheless, can benefit by picking up a quality hardcover for a nice price. From AudioFile The luxury of the unabridged edition requires a certain commitment. But a luxury it is. Jenny Agutter's reading is perfectly suited to the story, both in tone and pace. She brings out the comic insight that is the hallmark of Austen's stories, making one laugh out loud at times, so well has she caught the moment or the temperament of the characters. The genius of Austen's wit often depends, not on what is said, but on how it is said, and Agutter has given the perfect voice to this lighthearted classic, delicately differentiating each character's personality. A glorious way to experience the essential Austen. K.R. From 500 Great Books by Women; review by Chris Kellett First published in 1816, Emma is generally regarded as Jane Austen's most technically brilliant book. But that's not the reason to read it. Read it to see how a scheming heiress who is determined not to marry ends up embracing love and growing in maturity without dying or becoming impossibly insipid, the fate of so many nineteenth-century heroines. As her fourth novel was taking shape, Jane Austen noted "I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like." She was wrong. It is easy to love Emma Woodhouse. She is a snob, a meddler, and a spoiled child - she is also smart, funny, generous, and compassionate. Determined to control the arrangements of other people's lives, Emma takes on the self-appointed role of matchmaker in a world that grants little public power to women. Small wonder that Emma, who has a "mind lively and at ease," wastes her considerable creative powers dreaming up romantic scenarios that consistently and comically fail all reality checks. As in all of Jane Austen's works, the simple theme of courtship belies the complexity of her vision of human nature and of our need for power. Technical brilliance? Yes. Moral brilliance? Most definitely. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.6 点击链接进入中文版: 爱玛


1、Emma是作者Jane Austen创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 小美SA_Cassie的评论
  • 洋洋灰太郎的评论
    “女儿说要穿,那就给她换吧。”上海迪士尼乐园的店铺里,Emma把《冰雪奇缘》Elsa(女主角)公主裙买下,然后直接给4岁的女儿换装。”园区工作人员私下透露,这家店卖掉的公主裙中至少有三成来自《冰雪奇缘》。为什么一部已经上... (分享自 @新浪娱乐) 迪士尼1条公主裙1年...
  • 刘丹丹丹丹丹丹姐的评论
    如此干净的笑容,上哪找去[偷笑][偷笑]大学我们一起晒被子,抢地方@姜姜姜super- @Emma喃 葫芦岛·连湾街区
  • 日子开始忙碌起来的评论
    以前想着一定要做个善良的人。怕自己麻木了。现在觉得,还要努力做个宽容的人。"她不是故意的""她就是那样的人"。每晚入睡前,原谅所有的人和事。Emma, 不要拿别人的错误惩罚自己。
  • emma的刘先森的评论
    明天回去见媳妇、然后带媳妇去见宝宝,最幸福的事也不过如此了@刘先森的emma [嘻嘻][嘻嘻][嘻嘻][嘻嘻]
  • -Metaphor-是小蚊子的评论
    Emma长大了 十季的老友记 不想看结局[伤心] 南昌·五四大道
  • 夏了个天夏了个天的评论
  • 风情QueenJ的评论
    #风情Look# Emma Stone的红毯不败战绩,石头姐威武[爱你]
  • 小姐姐克拉拉33的评论
    What a beautiful beautiful girl love you~Emma
  • 冉小花天天向上的评论
    今天能跑3公里没休息[偷乐]然后冲刺跑没有按照keep的速度来。太快了。今天还听说有个人按照健身房训练一周瘦了20斤[惊恐]我的妈啊[惊恐][惊恐][惊恐][惊恐][惊恐]我也要尝试@行走在路上的猫Sunshine @Tiffiy忻小忻 @老果_Emma #花样作死90天减肥# 网页链接
  • 怀孕育儿一点通的评论
    【还未剪脐带的初生婴儿照,值得永久珍藏!】摄影师Emma Jean Nolan 和 莫内特.妮可(Monet Nicole)的作品。当孩子出生后还未带去洗澡前,拍下了这些照片,真是值得永久保存的照片。生命很美,但同时,每一张照片都证明了母亲的不容易!为每一个孕妈,点赞[good]
  • emma的刘先森的评论
    今天亲人节,织女牛郎都相会了,我还在单位苦逼的上班,不能陪你,只能默默的祝福你节日快乐,我爱你@刘先森的emma [爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你]
  • 旁观者S君的评论
    太漂亮了@emma_0_emma [傻笑][傻笑][傻笑]
  • 橙子的橘子芽儿的评论
    洋粑粑说了[婴儿] Emma比我争气 各项指标正常 贫血的麻麻多吃桃 多和红枣泡水 [心]
  • 大蚊子Sean的评论
    #Emma Roberts#艾玛罗伯茨今天出席福斯夏季TCA Press Tour宣传美剧《尖叫皇后》第二季,另外艾玛还成为Land`s End旗下Canvas服装品牌的新代言人,并发布了新广告宣传照!
  • 燕子化妆-叶燕子的评论
    【试妆】 化妆师:Emma。@若仙-燕子化妆-梧桐映像-祝
  • 宋姿颐EMMA的评论
    《与青春有关的日子》——孤独篇 摄影:@宋姿颐EMMA模特:@宋姿颐EMMA后期:@汪祎 化妆:@秋钠Makeup 造型:@独立设计师lisa蝈-郭丽莎 灯光:昊阳漳州制片:陈壬杰 杨文祺文字设计:bliss文案:@郭子辰了 灯光提供:刘晓林
  • 大Mia的时尚账号的评论
    #Mia Daily# “太厉害!她是小个子的穿搭教科书,视觉170cm不是梦” 好好写了写Emma Roberts教会我们的小个子穿搭技巧。薇[爱心]️[爱心]️号:大Mia的时尚账号/fashionmoon 记得留言给我
  • 追随夏天M的评论
    要瘦到骨头都感觉就硌人的程度, 瘦到Emma Roberts这程度!
  • IDEAT理想家的评论
    Emma Mattson是一位少见的刺绣艺术家,她在绣品上用“蔬菜植物”组合出画面,让它看起来像我们在自然中观察到的苔藓。她在创作更为精细繁复艺术作品的过程中,探索着现实与再创作的边界。