Under the streets of London there's a world most people could never even dream of - a city of monsters and saints, murderers and angels, and pale girls in black velvet. Richard Mayhew is a young businessman who is about to find out more than he bargained for about this other London. A single act of kindness catapults him out of his safe and predictable life and into a world that is at once eerily familiar and yet utterly bizarre. There's a girl named Door, an Angel called Islington, an Earl who holds Court on the carriage of a Tube train, a Beast in a labyrinth, and dangers and delights beyond imagining...And Richard, who only wants to go home, is to find a strange destiny waiting for him below the streets of his native city. This title includes extra material exclusive to Headline Review's edition.
1、Neverwhere是作者Neil Gaiman创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
一宀艹的评论读过《Neverwhere》 ★★★★ “地下伦敦,荒诞,离奇,精彩” 网页链接
DaylightRose的评论#Neverwhere##PeterCapaldi# 皮卡叔竟然演过乌有乡 handsome boy!
灭人器指南的评论现在每天都靠听一美和本尼的广播剧过活……一美录neverwhere的时候还有个2分钟的自我介绍,简直super萌!!但是不知道怎么下载下来QAQ 这里传送门: 网页链接
-Raeka-的评论哈哈哈best typo ever! (原推@ WordWatchers: @ neilhimself Parking for Neverwhere?)
夏日尘韵的评论#Neverwhere# 大天使伊斯灵顿出场实在是太苏了…………脑补本尼那张脸要死惹…………【歌曲】 Never...
咬肉_小温迪的评论说真的我挺想Paterson Joseph演博士 neverwhere里帅炸了好吗炒鸡有博士的feel[拜拜][拜拜]搜了搜他好像以前真的有传言说要演11来着 不过就怕dw花十集来讲博士在六十年代的地球体验种族歧视 这样就太tm无聊了
Scary_Terry的评论啊,现在,我已经躺床上看 Neverwhere, 吃着蛋糕,明天早上没课。外面积雪超厚,屋里超暖。
減加玩泥巴的评论第二張沒看過...!! Neverwhere錄音花絮照
VVVVtall的评论然而我到现在也没把neverwhere听完 //@浅若栗深:詹詹//@一美是安姐的colin也不是阿聿的:慵懒风 //@hhj_abbie:胖嘟嘟的捏[好喜欢] //@乌拉希里______:[好爱哦][好爱哦][好爱哦]录音的阿詹看起来好棒!
从此周末无闲日的评论现在想想小时候做梦经常觉得自己在格列佛游记里面,各种尺寸不对的事物。看Neil Gailman的书嘛。各种匪夷所思。Neverwhere is fun. 好奇心啊好奇心。 童书 | 早餐前相信...