I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably worse. August Pullman was born with a facial deformity that, up until now, has prevented him from going to a mainstream school. Starting 5th grade at Beecher Prep, he wants nothing more than to be treated as an ordinary kid—but his new classmates can’t get past Auggie’s extraordinary face. WONDER , now a #1 New York Times bestseller and included on the Texas Bluebonnet Award master list, begins from Auggie’s point of view, but soon switches to include his classmates, his sister, her boyfriend, and others. These perspectives converge in a portrait of one community’s struggle with empathy, compassion, and acceptance. "Wonder is the best kids' book of the year," said Emily Bazelon, senior editor at Slate.com and author of Sticks and Stones: Defeating the Culture of Bullying and Rediscovering the Power of Character and Empathy . In a world where bullying among young people is an epidemic, this is a refreshing new narrative full of heart and hope. R.J. Palacio has called her debut novel “a meditation on kindness” —indeed, every reader will come away with a greater appreciation for the simple courage of friendship. Auggie is a hero to root for, a diamond in the rough who proves that you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out. Join the conversation: #thewonderofwonder From the Hardcover edition.
1、Wonder是作者R. J. Palacio创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
黄律-燎原火的评论谢谢@澄空无垠 送的美队钢铁侠,当然要是送我1/6的wonder women就更好了[doge]
金婑斌吧_YuBinBar的评论#Wonder Girls# 预告来了 太好听了[泪]表白金婑斌!
单到痴的评论“希望每天都能有和梨子一样好听的片尾曲!” 我正在听《【口语天天练】No wonder!》【口语天天练】No ...(分享自@喜马拉雅FM)
伊周Femina的评论#潮流主张# 【酷炫的书架】把美国队长、超人、神盾局、Wonder Women的标志通通搬回卧室,把书籍放在这样的书架上是否更有动力让你Study呢?[好棒]
草坪资讯大大人的评论#TONYMOLY# 魔法森林 夏季 新品 “wonder pool”系列气垫 SPF50+ PA+++ 19800韩币15g眼线胶笔 7000韩币0.5g新品 脸部印戳图章 共三款 12000韩币指甲油 共五色 3000韩币8ml染唇液1/2试色分享 10800韩币9.5g(Information from abroad blog)
-乂安-的评论前面朋友圈发表了一个高见,认为一个“深度好文”言之无物,没有新的facts or theory,等于本科生学期中应付的小essay或者一篇exam writing,后来还是删掉了。刚知道原来是这个人写的啊,no wonder的感觉。(中英夹杂我也蛮讨厌的哦[美甲]
-千日荣光-的评论有个人停在你莫测的心中 藏起真实色彩将你瓦解 镜子里你是艺术的化身 但这是现实 这是现实 留下不为金钱 只为震颤 活在此刻 为杀戮偿还 黄金烧灼悲伤 而立耽误青春 结局总是如此 失去总将到来 Oh Wonder《Dazzle》 Dazzle
林娜琏的评论#D社韩娱爆料#好精彩,, BEAST,,,Wonder Girls,,,Seventeen,,,下周回归[害羞] 秒拍视频
彩妆资讯羊咩咩的评论译:Tony Moly夏日限定Wonder Pool气垫,含高防晒指数和65%精华成分的轻薄清爽气垫,上色后妆容比较干净,能调整均匀整体肤色,遮盖毛孔。质地水润不干燥,也很适合干性肌肤使用。Wonder Pool系列防水眼线笔,柔滑细腻的质感,防水防汗,服帖度超好。并且特别的是橙色在UV等下会变成荧光色。Wonder Poo
胡德涞一哦的评论『【丽子美妆】中字 Wonder Girls 《Why So Lonely》仿妆_美妆_时尚_bilibili_哔哩哔哩弹幕视频网』网页链接
反反复复的矛盾体的评论Really wonder what are you doing and whether you are happy right now...[haha]@苏志燮_51k
麻麻滴小小叮当喵的评论Now why is that #Olympics2016 diving pool green I wonder? It's not eas 网页链接
无奈的手机灰的评论首页刷到大长今[笑cry] 仔细一想自己小时候真的好在意好娘娘和坏娘娘之间的互动喔[doge] 其实这不就是heroine/villain lady这种模式的femslash嘛[doge][doge] 现在成长为了swanqueen, bering&wells, widowtracer 的shipper… NO WONDER[doge][doge] 灰灰的shipping行为追溯到10岁[哈哈][哈哈][哈哈]
Cachitogd的评论分享 Wonder Girls 抱歉的心
Ms_blueberry的评论神马软件可以去掉手上的汗毛[白眼]钻戒果然是女孩子无法逃脱的爱好啊[哈哈]戴了哈哈哈姐姐的戒指[哆啦A梦花心]感觉[爱你]用哈哈哈姐姐的话说,女孩子只有经历了生活才能打磨成72面全闪闪闪发光的[戒指]No wonder 应该没人拒绝的了闪闪发光的你或[戒指][可爱]
给我来杯冰的非主流的评论[星星][星星],蝙蝠侠大战超人 傻大黑粗老蝙蝠和偶像剧男主版超人打了个不亦乐乎,看得我都睡着了。最后还得靠Wonder Woman出面准备组织外星X-Men么?嗯,不剧透了。P.S. 放映结束后影院工作人员大喊“没有彩蛋!”[哈哈][哈哈][哈哈]
月满辛夷坞的评论I just wonder how superman think of this [笑cry]
泡菜帮-爱奇艺的评论重温经典,2007年当时出道不久的#BIGBANG#和#Wonder Girls#发表了大热歌曲《谎言》和《Tell Me》,两个组合在音乐节目中还带来了合作舞台,一晃已经9年过去啦![din天哦]
李艺涵w的评论I can't help myself but wonder.