

作者:J. M. Coetzee



出版时间:31 October, 2000

出版社:Penguin (Non-Classics)

标签: J.M.Coetzee  小说  英文  外国文学  种族 


Disgrace--set in post--apartheid Cape Town and on a remote farm in the Eastern Cape--is deft, lean, quiet, and brutal. A heartbreaking novel about a man and his daughter, Disgrace is a portrait of the new South Africa that is ultimately about grace and love. At fifty--two Professor David Lurie is divorced, filled with desire but lacking passion. An affair with one of his students leaves him jobless and friendless, except for his daughter, Lucy, who works her smallholding with her neighbor, Petrus, an African farmer now on the way to a modest prosperity. David's attempts to relate to Lucy, and to a society with new racial complexities, are disrupted by an afternoon of violence that changes him and his daughter in ways he could never have foreseen. In this wry, visceral, yet strangely tender novel, Coetzee once again tells "truths [that] cut to the bone" (The New York Time Book Review). A finalist for The National Book Critics Circle Awards Coetzee is the only writer to have been awarded the Booker Prize twice


1、Disgrace是作者J. M. Coetzee创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 李麦逊的评论
    面对美国有史以来最严重的独狼恐怖袭击,美国有史以来最左、最无能的总统奥巴马都不敢大胆说出问题的实质,口口声声大而化之这是仇恨。真恨不得一脚将他踢下总统宝座。川普已经呼吁他“Resign in disgrace”(可耻地下台。)为了选票不择手段的老巫婆希拉里肯定更不敢了。这个巫婆上台,美国大难将至。
  • Googlebye的评论
    大空头都有这么多人提前退场 It's fucking disgrace.
  • J-swance雅的评论
    Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists 网页链接
  • 克里斯托夫-金的评论
    两名女孩出去逛街,悲剧发生了……视频不会说谎,尽管宝安公安分局局长表示向当事人及全社会道歉,对当事民警停止执行职务……哪怕只是一个孤立事件,其负面影响也是空前的,没想到我认为祖国最公平竞争的深圳,对老百姓竟如此骄横跋扈,a disgrace for Shenzhen!深圳的耻辱! 秒拍视频
  • 史基索芬尼的评论
    The Girl in the Spider's Web is crap. Utter horseshit. There, I said it. And I also feel at this point that it's safe to say that I hate it. I want it out of my sight; am determined to spend the rest of the millennium pretending this book never happened. What a disgrace, really.
  • 丹妮TL覺在香港的评论
    The responsibility for honor and disgrace rests with nobody but oneself. Righting Oneself Scroll 40: Han Zi
  • 似水丁香的评论
    #扇贝打卡# 第 103 天 criterion 标准、准则 simultaneous 同时发生的 gangster 歹徒 opium 鸦片slack 松弛的 disgrace 使失去体面 peach was the domina... 网页链接
  • LeoVicky_的评论
    I think it's very boring to argue with you.[微笑] disgrace beneath…
  • everygal的评论
    Rufus本人在ShakespeareLives现场上唱得好。 分享 Rufus Wainwright 的歌曲《When in Disgrace wit...》When in Di...(分享自@虾米音乐)
  • RealOphilia的评论
    #最懂90后的产品体验官# 邓紫棋啊,邓紫棋的画风也能上这邓紫棋邓紫棋邓紫棋[doge] disgrace
  • 樊子腾的评论
    Unmovable by honour or disgrace
  • 传统文化苦旅的评论
    #考研# 恋恋有词第20单元,中频词汇再见。You big disgrace,Never!!!
  • 论语双语的评论
    #论云##里仁第四# 子游曰:“事君數,斯辱矣。朋友數,斯疏矣。” A lesson to counsellors and friends. Tsze-yû said, "In serving a prince, frequent remonstrances lead to disgrace. Between friends, frequent reproofs make the friendship distant."
  • 梨落soso的评论
    boys are cheat liers they are such big disgrace they will tell you anything to get to second base... baseball he thinks he's got a score if you let him go all the way then you are whore
  • NormTheTutor的评论
    [每日一字] Denigrate诋毁: v. to disgrace a reputation; to blacken; to belittle I was just offering some constructive criticism; I was not trying to denigrate your ideas in front of your friends.
  • -elepowerfulore的评论
    #studyaccount##考研打卡##今日一句话# Poverty is not a sufficient cause for disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself, is a disgrace. 贫穷不足为耻。但贫穷而不能自立才为耻。
  • AIE留美_Tara的评论
    CNN is a disgrace to America and journalism.
  • BlackScholesMotorcyc的评论
  • 采姑娘的小蘑菇v587的评论
    Placing the real disgrace of poverty not in owning to the fact but in declining the struggle against it. 日本·东京
  • 慕尼黑涛少的评论
    #扇贝打卡# herbivore,disgrace网页链接