In this novel, Antoine Roquentin, an introspective historian, records the disturbing shifts in his perceptions and his struggle to restore meaning to life in a continuing present and without lies. This is Sartre's first published novel and his first extended essay on existential philosophy.
1、Nausea是作者Jean-Paul Sartre创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
Woosir的评论Cuddling with loved ones releases oxytocin, a hormone which reduces stress and prevents nausea and headaches.
ZOE渡的评论Hypocritical appearance. Nausea. 아씨 아씨 .
澳洲院校那些事的评论motion sickness: 晕动症;symptom: 症状;dizziness: 头晕;nausea: 恶心,反胃;wrist band: 手环,腕带;Imperial College London: 伦敦帝国学院;counteract: 抵消;electrical current: 电流;electrode: 电极;side effects: 副作用…秒拍视频
大脑袋猪--的评论To honestly describe how I'm feeling, headaches, nausea, stomachache and faintness are killing me for a whole day. What a day!
李然做自己的评论【视频:Nausea -Cybergod】 (分享自 @优酷) Nausea -Cy...
李晶鑫0311的评论The smell of Kneeling licking 。。。nausea
八分切分音符的评论复习药理的副反应,anxiety, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoae. 真的真的太折磨人了
tardChin的评论水果干吃多了,反酸中 分享 Craft Spells 的专辑《Nausea》Nausea(分享自@虾米音乐)
alalay888的评论看到一个准妈妈说,there's no feeling I dislike more than nausea. Give me pain over nausea any day; I can tolerate it better. 说出了我的心声啊![泪]
走十由页的评论恶心(nausea)为上腹部不适和紧迫欲吐的感觉。可伴有迷走神经兴奋的症状,如皮肤苍白、出汗、流涎、血压降低及心动过缓等,常为呕吐的前奏(一般恶心后随之呕吐,但也可仅有恶心而无呕吐,或仅有呕吐而无恶心)。 恶心原来这么难受 我怎么忍心
莫大比的评论很多事情无法改变 比如 just like a kid or how nausea u are in former.[微笑]
IWSH的评论跑步前真的不能刨腹 stomache and nausea
三色堇03856的评论I think I'm sick, anorexia, nausea, endocrine disorders, lost temper, really bad[衰]
找不到好的昵称啦的评论Humble to every time, I began to nausea.
能不能不要说2626的评论#100-DAY9 challenge#@奇文教你记单词 1.deliberate 仔细考虑 2.deterrent 制止物 3.sheer 完全的,十足的 4.retention 保留,保持 5.submarine 潜艇 6.she has morning sickness.孕吐 7.she suffers severe morning sickness.严重害喜 8.she has nausea.孕吐
YKOillAkaMercy的评论Sometimes really feel special nausea
得过且将就着过的评论The most afraid of is not lost, is afraid of nausea to you
爱英语斯坦的评论【VR+过山车】#英语晨读# upside down: 颠倒;roller coaster: 过山车;Virtual Reality: 虚拟现实;20-something: 二十多岁;gun turret: 炮塔;liftoff: 升空;fasten the seatbelt: 系上安全带;Inception: 盗梦空间;nausea: 恶心;immersive: 沉浸式的;ride: 游乐设施... 秒拍视频 .
kid_节能貯金的评论Silverstein印象深的还是my heroine…第一次听到这歌没看歌名一直以为是heroin…毕竟开头就是描述taking drugs的反应…sedation change to nausea啥的…听了对drugs特别拔草(???