

作者:Rachel Cusk




出版社:Farrar, Straus and Giroux

标签: 英文原版  英文  美国人看的十大好书  小说  纽约时报  中文 


A luminous, powerful novel that establishes Rachel Cusk as one of the finest writers in the English language A man and a woman are seated next to each other on a plane. They get to talking—about their destination, their careers, their families. Grievances are aired, family tragedies discussed, marriages and divorces analyzed. An intimacy is established as two strangers contrast their own fictions about their lives. Rachel Cusk’s Outline is a novel in ten conversations. Spare and stark, it follows a novelist teaching a course in creative writing during one oppressively hot summer in Athens. She leads her students in storytelling exercises. She meets other visiting writers for dinner and discourse. She goes swimming in the Ionian Sea with her neighbor from the plane. The people she encounters speak volubly about themselves: their fantasies, anxieties, pet theories, regrets, and longings. And through these disclosures, a portrait of the narrator is drawn by contrast, a portrait of a woman learning to face a great loss. Outline takes a hard look at the things that are hardest to speak about. It brilliantly captures conversations, investigates people’s motivations for storytelling, and questions their ability to ever do so honestly or unselfishly. In doing so it bares the deepest impulses behind the craft of fiction writing. This is Rachel Cusk’s finest work yet, and one of the most startling, brilliant, original novels of recent years.


1、Outline是作者Rachel Cusk创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 哇呜成事想心_gather的评论
    老师等我们考完了才回复邮件[挖鼻屎],不过只有一些智障的宝宝才不知道是single pass,outline写得清清楚楚,感觉老师太特么逗了!还有!尼玛一个财务管理生生给考成了阅读理解和写作[拜拜],准备好多计算题都没有用武之地,还没看样卷,心痛到不行,于是还是打算继续讨厌那个老师[拜拜]
    #21天打卡#Day18减少肉消费改变温室效应[纠结]✔outline=sketch a plan/policy/approach used in verb &adj✔major heft/strong pressure/considerable influence/serious weight✔runaway~out of control✔ally/allies联盟✔adapt to change/adapted用于被动@友邻优课的伙伴们 @沾染你的小气息
  • sprizefighters的评论
    啊 电脑前坐了整整八个小时脸都油光发亮了 outline终于要搞定了 咖啡买起来 可乐也要备好 晚上要出一个完整的东西啊啊啊啊 加油啦啦啦 熬到出头天就暂时解放啊啊啊
  • 齐騛PamelynChee的评论
    A mere #outline of who we really are #SWIM #portrait #illustration 网页链接
  • YolandaLillian的评论
    很久很久之前读过一本《苏菲的世界》关于民主与暴民统治只知道亚里士多德说的那么一点点好像如今也够用。现在想想这本简单的儿童读物,是西方哲学史的outline 啊
  • 阿卿Vymay的评论
    A new day of script notes writing and outline writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Writer's Lab's amazing brain-storm meeting is right in the late afternoon. Can't chill! How amazing the film path is!!!!!! I am going to fu*king nailllllllll it. Thinking of the exciting filmmakers and projects~
  • 瑗老的评论
  • 一清uiTotoro的评论
  • 默默还债的小左的评论
  • Cici86662的评论
    2.5hours , 26 pages ,IGC 2 element 2. One outline question. Hold on to it !
  • 米良小姐的评论
    这门课即将是我大学生涯最难的一门课,还有一个多月才开学,这个教授每天就开始发ppt outline 你那么急干嘛啊!我还没回家呢[怒骂] 加拿大·渥太华
  • 奋斗中的萱儿_WestlifeForev的评论
    #有道考神四六级##胖鱼成长记# 口语Day12 最后一天打卡晚了,今天写了一天的BG Outline,晚上7:00习惯性地打开电脑准备听课,忽然意识到昨天已经结课了[闭眼]不舍得[大哭]又将昨天的课重新听了一遍,整理好了笔记[微笑] 感谢奶哥和污力飞12天的陪伴@老师腾飞 @陈曲Frank @建昆老师 @有道学堂官方微博
  • 滚雪球球球雪的评论
    [拜拜]感觉最近自己像个问题学生,什么AB什么tutorial stream什么reflective writing什么outline,啥都不会[拜拜],都特么怎么写啊摔!不想学习了摔!
  • 半死不活的娇喘95的评论
    第六天 Your outline should smoothly conduct you from one point to the next ,but do not permit it to railroad you .[笑哈哈]
  • 院里的槐花疏影说的评论
  • 韩饼饼四海为家的评论
  • uCantFindMe的评论
    我妈终于给我发包包的照片了 治愈了这个outline写不出来的夜晚
  • twice_9once的评论
  • sssshhhut的评论
    换做第一第二学期的时候 这么多已经够做一篇speech了 然而这个学期 这些只是我发表的outline메모的极小一部分 呵呵 我也是没弄懂自己为什么找了个哲学학과的博士生来做这个interview...这真的不适合我发表的主题好吗 应该找个新闻放送科的帅小伙或者体育部美少年来做才对啊[紧张] 韩国·高丽大学
  • 潔西卡的星空花園的评论
    River's livestream show outline will be translated within hours. Please wait patiently[愛你][愛你][羞嗒嗒][羞嗒嗒]