

  • 影视理论与批评


  • 日本電影院

    作者:蔡 瀾

    一文一人、一文一物、一文一事。蔡瀾談日本獨有會心,豪邁、直白式的筆觸,精彩利落,大快人心!那耐人尋味的日本電影……蔡瀾看日本,看出你不聞所未聞的電影秘辛。蔡瀾在日本學電影,也從事過電影志業。請分享他對經典日片「楢山節考」、「砂之器」、「送行者」等的獨家影評,共賞導演熊井 啟的「望鄉」,一起感動哭泣。人生如戲,戲如人生。蔡瀾還透露了戲裡戲外與電影人往來的第一手內幕和趣味八卦!
  • The Quotable Walt Disney

    作者:Smith, Dave 编

    Walt Disney's animated characters moved across the silver screen with the grace of fine actors. His vision revolutionized everything from television to theme parks. But this book is perhaps the preeminent aspect of his legacy - his philosophies and his dreams. Each anecdote lends sometimes simple, sometimes profound observations on life and all of its triumphs and defeats. The quotes in this charming volume range from the well known to the obscure. Within the pages of Quotable Walt Disney are anecdotes that not only teach important lessons but also illuminate one of America's greatest creative geniuses. It is the perfect book to uplift, enlighten, and inspire.
  • Mr. Smith Goes to Tokyo

    作者:Kyoko Hirano

  • 如何拍攝電影(第二版)


    本書為知名導演李祐寧入行二十多年的實戰經驗 從本土電影製片的觀點出發 進一步介紹好萊塢電影工業運作實務 教你怎麼寫企劃書、籌錢找人、勘景拍攝 乃至於沖印、剪接、發行 完整收錄最新輔導金與各項補助辦法 豐富的實務參考資料與實用表格、合約範本 毫不藏私,與你完全分享 是有志電影工作者不可或缺的工具書
  • A History of Russian Cinema

    作者:Beumers, Birgit

    Film emerged in pre-Revolutionary Russia to become the "most important of all arts" for the new Bolshevik regime and its propaganda machine. The 1920s saw a flowering of film experimentation, notably with the work of Eisenstein, and a huge growth in the audience for film, which continued into the 1930s with the rise of musicals. The films of the World War II and Cold War periods reflected a return to political concerns in their representation of the "enemy." The 1960s and 1970s saw the rise of art-house films. With glasnost came the collapse of the state-run film industry and an explosion in the cinematic treatment of previously taboo topics. In the new Russia, cinema has become genuinely independent, as a commercial as well as an artistic medium. "A History of Russian Cinema" is the first complete history from the beginning of film to the present day and presents an engaging narrative of both the industry and its key films in the context of Russia's social and political history.
  • 演艺化妆设计


  • Monsters in the Closet

    作者:Harry M. Benshoff

  • 常态下的癫狂


  • 卡萨布兰卡

    作者:石晏 编

  • L'image

    作者:Jacques Aumont

  • And the Mirror Cracked

    作者:Anneke Smelik

    And The Mirror Cracked explores the politics and pleasures of contemporary feminist cinema. Tracing the productive ways in which feminist directors create alternative film forms, Anneke Smelik highlights cinematic issues which are central to feminist films: authorship, point of view, metaphor, montage, and the excessive image. In a continuous mirror game between theory and cinema, this study explains how these cinematic techniques are used to represent female subjectivity positively and affirmatively. Among the films considered are A Question of Silence, Bagdad Cafeacute;, and Sweetie and the Virgin Machine.
  • My Last Sigh

    作者:Bunuel, Luis

    A provocative memoir from Luis Buñuel, the Academy Award winning creator of some of modern cinema's most important films, from Un Chien Andalou to The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie . Luis Buñuel’s films have the power to shock, inspire, and reinvent our world. Now, in a memoir that carries all the surrealism and subversion of his cinema, Buñuel turns his artistic gaze inward. In swift and generous prose, Buñuel traces the surprising contours of his life, from the Good Friday drumbeats of his childhood to the dreams that inspired his most famous films to his turbulent friendships with Federico García Lorca and Salvador Dalí. His personal narratives also encompass the pressing political issues of his time, many of which still haunt us today—the specter of fascism, the culture wars, the nuclear bomb. Filled with film trivia, framed by Buñuel’s intellect and wit, this is essential reading for fans of cinema and for anyone who has ever wanted to see the world through a surrealist’s eyes.
  • 神探夏洛克


    本书是BBC热播剧福尔摩斯的终极官方指南。 主要讲述了这部剧作的创作过程,以及在拍摄过程的种种。剧组出这本书是为了更加立体地塑造人物,而不仅仅是为了满足粉丝一探剧中内幕的愿望。他们要做的是继续讲述这个故事,讲述这两个非比寻常的人,让粉丝们自己从剧组提供的信息中去感受这个 奇迹。 这本Casebook并不仅仅是一本“《神探夏洛克》大揭秘”,它重点更在于对剧集内容进行延伸,伴以对主创、故事背景、原著相关信息等内容的介绍。 本书质量非常好,从内容上讲,有大量的剧照、图片,文字上既讲述了这部剧的由来及制作过程,还深入分析了前两季内容,极大地满足了粉丝的好奇心。每一个小细节都有提及,甚至一些粉丝没有注意到的细节也提出来了,绝对是很好的收藏品。 书中有两人以小纸条的形式进行的有趣又暧昧的对话,还有各种在剧中没有表现的媒体报道等等。就好像华生真的编写了这本书一样,真实感很强! 从制作上来讲,本书忠实还原英文版版式,原版复刻,除了汉化了文字之外,一切尊重原书!全书用铜版纸四色印刷,硬精装,值得收藏。
  • 民国风度


  • 色戒


  • 背包里的婚纱


    一场说走就走的旅行却收获了一场奋不顾身的爱情。 一起骑行非洲大草原、一起遥望乞力马扎罗的雪、一起搭乘 60 小时绿皮车、一起走到世界的尽头、在佩特拉古堡的夕阳下第一次牵手、在死海第一次赤裸相见、在埃及热气球上表白、在非洲的最高点求婚、在大象的陪伴下拍婚纱…… 最美的旅行,是看到美的景,牵手对的人。 最美的际遇,是从单身一人,到携手一生,又有了爱的结晶。 从此千山万水,牵手相随。
  • 爱是一种选择


  • 苏珊日记


  • 暮雪上的晨星


    《暮雪上的晨星》内容简介:青梅竹马的初恋男友顾知其在一场大火中意外丧生,赵秋晨选择封闭自己,在回忆与黑暗里步不前,她以为爱情会成为她一生的禁锢,然而她与律师纪暮衡偶遇相识,他宛如黎明破晓时分夜幕中闪烁的晨星,让她走出痛苦的深渊——可在这场看似宿命的相识里,却潜藏着令人痛心的秘密,初恋男友的死亡原因,纪暮衡的真实身份,黑暗的家族利益纷争……让这份悲戚的爱情遭遇了前所未有的考验。 当初恋被颠覆,当思念穿越千山万水,她才明白他是永恒的温暖与心安。承诺太美,纵然生命这秒化作灰烬,我也要奔向有你的远方;可是爱太渺小,却终究抵不过,命运的心血来潮。