

  • 数学专业英语


  • 随机过程初级教程


  • 数学文化


    数学文化,ISBN:9787302151876,作者:方延明 编著
  • MATLAB教程


    《MATLAB教程(R2008a2009年修订)》以MATLAB R2006a为编写基础,系统讲解MATLAB基本环境和操作要旨;分章阐述符号计算、数值计算、计算结果可视化及编程精要;举例展现MATLAB精华工具SIMULINK的功能级和元器件级仿真能力;简要勾画MATLAB和Word集成一体的Notebook环境。 全书包含158个多年凝练的计算范例和78个开拓思路的习题。所有算例程序可靠、完整,读者可以完全准确地重现《MATLAB教程(R2008a2009年修订)》所提供的算例结果。书配光盘中附有包含彩色图形的电子版习题答案。书后编有索引,《MATLAB教程(R2008a2009年修订)》所用全部指令及配套的标点符号一览无余。利用索引,读者很容易查阅演示各指令和标点使用方法的节次。 全书由印刷版和电子版结合而成。印刷版便于读者进行系统、全面、长时间连续阅读,便于读者随手翻阅、浏览;而电子版则方便教师制作电子讲稿,方便学生完成电子作业,向读者提供实践《MATLAB教程(R2008a2009年修订)》内容所需的全部可靠程序、色彩信息和动态交互环境,还将随MATLAB版本升级而及时地向读者提供新内容。 《MATLAB教程(R2008a2009年修订)》内容充实、篇幅紧凑,是专为理工科院校本科生系统学习MATLAB而撰写的,也可供部分研究生使用;既可用于课堂教学,也可作为自学用书。
  • The (Mis)behavior of Markets

    作者:Benoit Mandelbrot,Ri

  • 数学分析 上下册


  • 光滑流形导论

    作者:李 (Lee,J.M)

  • 连续鞅和布朗运动

    作者:Daniel Revuz,Marc Yo

  • 魔带的世界


  • 意大利面条和肉丸子盛宴-面积和周长的秘密


    "数学小子"丛书(全5册),ISBN:9787530741580,作者:(美)玛瑞琳·伯恩斯 等文,(美)戴比·泰勒 等图,班春虹 等译 康福特先生和太太正在准备一次家庭聚会。康福特先生开始做他最拿手的意大利面条和肉丸子,康福特太太则认真地摆放着8张桌子和32把椅子,以确保每位客人都有座位……
  • 概率论与随机过程中的泛函分析(影印版)


    本书主要包含国外反映近代数学发展的纯数学与应用数学方面的优秀书籍,天元基金邀请国内各个方向的知名数学家参与选题的工作,经专家遴选、推荐而出版。 目录 Preface 1 Preliminaries, notations and conventions 1.1 Elements of topology 1.2 Measure theory 1.3 Functions of bounded variation. Riemann-Stieltjes integral 1.4 Sequences of independent random variables 1.5 Convex functions. Holder and Minkowski inequalities 1.6 The Cauchy equation 2 Basic notions in functional analysis 2.1 Linear spaces 2.2 Banach spaces 2.3 The space of bounded linear operators 3 Conditional expectation 3.1 Projections in Hilbert spaces 3.2 Definition and existence of conditional expectation 3.3 Properties and examples 3.4 The Radon-Nikodym Theorem 3.5 Examples of discrete martingales 3.6 Convergence of self-adjoint operators 3.7 ... and of martingales 4 Brownian motion and l-Iilbert spaces 4.1 Gaussian families & the definition of Brownian motion 4.2 Complete orthonormal sequences in a Hilbert space 4.3 Construction and basic properties of Brownian motion 4.4 Stochastic integrals 5 Dual spaces and convergence of probability measures 5.1 The Hahn-Banach Theorem 5.2 Form of linear functionals in specific Banach spaces 5.3 Thedual of an operator 5.4 Weak and weak* topologies 5.5 The Central Limit Theorem 5.6 Weak convergence in metric spaces 5.7 Compactness everywhere 5.8 Notes on other modes of convergence 6 The Gelfand transform and its applications 6.1 Banach algebras 6.2 The Gelfand transform 6.3 Examples of Gelfand transform 6.4 Examples of explicit calculations of Gelfand transform 6.5 Dense subalgebras of C(S) 6.6 Inverting the abstract Fourier transform 6.7 The Factorization Theorem 7 Semigroups of operators and Levy processes 7.1 The Banach-Steinhaus Theorem 7.2 Calculus of Banach space valued functions 7.3 Closed operators 7.4 Semigroups of operators 7.5 Brownian motion and Poisson process semigroups 7.6 More convolution semigroups 7.7 The telegraph process semigroup 7.8 Convolution semigroups of measures on semigroups 8 Markov processes and semigroups of operators 8.1 Semigroups of operators related to Markov processes 8.2 The Hille-Yosida Theorem 8.3 Generators of stochastic processes 8.4 Approximation theorems 9 Appendixes 9.1 Bibliographical notes 9.2 Solutions and hints to exercises 9.3 Some commonly used notations References Index
  • 数学建模案例选集


  • Euler's Gem

    作者:David S. Richeson

    Leonhard Euler's polyhedron formula describes the structure of many objects - from soccer balls and gemstones to Buckminster Fuller's buildings and giant all-carbon molecules. Yet Euler's formula is so simple it can be explained to a child. "Euler's Gem" tells the illuminating story of this indispensable mathematical idea. From ancient Greek geometry to today's cutting-edge research, "Euler's Gem" celebrates the discovery of Euler's beloved polyhedron formula and its far-reaching impact on topology, the study of shapes. In 1750, Euler observed that any polyhedron composed of V vertices, E edges, and F faces satisfies the equation V-E+F=2.David Richeson tells how the Greeks missed the formula entirely; how Descartes almost discovered it but fell short; how nineteenth-century mathematicians widened the formula's scope in ways that Euler never envisioned by adapting it for use with doughnut shapes, smooth surfaces, and higher dimensional shapes; and, how twentieth-century mathematicians discovered that every shape has its own Euler's formula. Using wonderful examples and numerous illustrations, Richeson presents the formula's many elegant and unexpected applications, such as showing why there is always some windless spot on earth, how to measure the acreage of a tree farm by counting trees, and how many crayons are needed to color any map. Filled with a who's who of brilliant mathematicians who questioned, refined, and contributed to a remarkable theorem's development, "Euler's Gem" will fascinate every mathematics enthusiast.
  • Markov过程导论


  • 历届PTN美国大学生数学竞赛试题集


    本书共分三编:第一编试题,共包括1~68届美国大学生数学竞赛试题及解答;第二编培训,包括100道培训试题;第三编研究,包括六大问题——(一)Mendeleev问题;(二)Thue—Siegel—Roth定理;(三)函数唯一性理论;(四)不动点问题;(五)Beatty定理与Lambek—Moser定理;(六)Catalan猜想。 本书适合于数学奥林匹克竞赛选手和教练员、高等院校相关专业研究人员及数学爱好者使用。
  • 数学魔法


  • 数学的14个关键词


  • 概率论


    本书为南开大学数学教学丛书之一《概率论》的第二版。内容包括:事件与概率、随机变量、数字特征与特征函数、极限定理等。本书是作者多年教学工作经验的总结,内容丰富,深入浅出,论述严谨,每一节后都有习题,书末附有部分习题答案,有助于读者理解书中内容。第二版对第一版中的文字叙述,公式编排等作了改进,内容也作了更新,并重新审定了习题,使本书更具适用性。 本书可供高等学校数学系学生作为教材,也可供数学教师、科技人员阅读和参考。
  • A Primer in Game Theory

    作者:Robert Gibbons

    Game theory has revolutionized economics research and teaching during the past two decades. There are few undergraduate or graduate courses in which it does not form a core component. Game theory is the study of multi-decision problems and such problems occur frequently in economics. Industrial organization provides many examples where firms must consider the reactions of others. But there are many other areas in which it is applicable - from individual workers vying for promotion to countries competing or colluding to choose trade policies. Bob Gibbons provides an introduction to the branches of game theory that have been widely applied in economics. He emphasizes the applications as much as the pure theory. This not only helps to teach the theory, but also illustrates the process of model building - the process of translating an informal description of a multi-person decision situation into a formal, game theoretic problem to be analyzed. The approach aims to serve as both an introduction to those who will go on to specialize as pure game-theorists. It also introduces game theory to those who will later construct (or at least use) game-theoretic models in applied fields of economics.
  • Modern Multivariate Statistical Techniques

    作者:Izenman,Alan Julian

    This is the first book on multivariate analysis to look at large data sets which describes the state of the art in analyzing such data. Material such as database management systems is included that has never appeared in statistics books before.