Bayesian Data Analysis, Second Edition
Incorporating new and updated information, this second edition of THE bestselling text in Bayesian data analysis continues to emphasize practice over theory, describing how to conceptualize, perform, and critique statistical analyses from a Bayesian perspective. Its world-class authors provide guidance on all aspects of Bayesian data analysis and include examples of real statistical analyses, based on their own research, that demonstrate how to solve complicated problems. Changes in the new edition include: Stronger focus on MCMC Revision of the computational advice in Part III New chapters on nonlinear models and decision analysis Several additional applied examples from the authors' recent research Additional chapters on current models for Bayesian data analysis such as nonlinear models, generalized linear mixed models, and more Reorganization of chapters 6 and 7 on model checking and data collection Bayesian computation is currently at a stage where there are many reasonable ways to compute any given posterior distribution. However, the best approach is not always clear ahead of time. Reflecting this, the new edition offers a more pluralistic presentation, giving advice on performing computations from many perspectives while making clear the importance of being aware that there are different ways to implement any given iterative simulation computation. The new approach, additional examples, and updated information make Bayesian Data Analysis an excellent introductory text and a reference that working scientists will use throughout their professional life. -
《微分方程数值解法(第4版)》是编者在《微分方程数值解法》(第三版)的基础上修订而成的。本次修订的宗旨是加强方法及其应用,考虑到不同院校的需要,仍然保留常微分方程数值解法这一章。为了更方便教学,采取先介绍有限差分法,后介绍GMerkin有限元法,去掉原来的第七章,将离散方程的有关解法与椭圆方程的差分法和有限元法合并,同时增设了一些数值例子,适当删减部分理论内容,突出应用,降低难度。《微分方程数值解法》包括六章,第一章为常微分方程数值解法,第二章至第四章为椭圆、抛物和双曲偏微分方程的有限差分法,第五章、第六章为Galerkin有限元法。 《微分方程数值解法》是为信息与计算科学专业编写的教材,也可以作为数学与应用数学、力学及某些工程科学专业的教学用书,对于从事科学技术、工程与科学计算的专业人员也有参考价值。 -
《神圣的数:数字背后的神秘含义》由米兰达·伦迪编著。数字出现在我们生活的各个方面。一直以来,我们通常认为自己能够使用那些的简单数字。伦迪解释了为什么毕达哥拉斯的思想能引起后人的共鸣,她还大致介绍了从1到12这些数字所特有的含义:比如说,为什么生命和5相关,圆周和11有联系。 -
本次修订是在第二版的基础上进行的,作者根据多年来的使用情况以及数学的近代发展,做了部分但是重要的修改。《实变函数与泛函分析基础(第3版)》共11章:实变函数部分包括集合、点集、测度论、可测函数、积分论、微分与不定积分;泛函分析则主要涉及赋范空间、有界线性算子、泛函、内积空间、泛函延拓、一致有界性以及线性算子的谱分析理论等内容。 这次修订继续保持简明易学的风格,力图摆脱纯形式推演的论述方式,着重介绍实变函数与泛函分析的基本思想方法,尽量将枯燥的数学学术形态呈现为学生易于接受的教育形态;同时,补充了一些现代化的内容,如“分形”的介绍。 《实变函数与泛函分析基础(第3版)》可作为高等院校数学类专业学生的教学用书,也可作为自学参考书。 -
Fourier Analysis on Number Fields (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
The general aim of this book is to provide a modern approach to number theory through a blending of complementary algebraic and analytic perspectives, emphasizing harmonic analysis on topological groups. The more particular goal is to cover John Tate's visionary thesis, giving virtually all of the necessary analytic details and topological preliminaries--technical prerequisites that are often foreign to the typical, more algebraically inclined number theorist. While most of the existing treatments of Tate's thesis are somewhat terse and less than complete, our intent is to be more leisurely, more comprehensive, and more comprehensible. The text addresses students who have taken a year of graduate-level course in algebra, analysis, and topology. While the choice of objects and methods is naturally guided by specific mathematical goals, the approch is by no means narrow. In fact, the subject matter at hand is germane not only to budding number theorists, but also to students of harmonic analysis or the representation theory of Lie groups. Moreover, the work should be a good reference for working mathematicians interested in any of these fields. Specific topics include: topologcial groups, representation theory, duality for locally compact abelian groups, the structure of arithmetic fields, adeles and ideles, an introduction to class field theory, and Tate's thesis and applications. -
Graph Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
The primary aim of this book is to present a coherent introduction to graph theory, suitable as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in mathematics and computer science. It provides a systematic treatment of the theory of graphs without sacrificing its intuitive and aesthetic appeal. Commonly used proof techniques are described and illustrated. The book also serves as an introduction to research in graph theory. -
《普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材•工科数学分析(下)》共六章,包括多元函数微分学,多元函数积分学,第二型曲线积分和第二型曲面积分、向量场,无穷级数,复变函数初步,微分几何基础知识。每章后有供自学的综合性例题,并以附录形式开辟了一些新知识窗口。 -
《无处不在的分形(第2版)》主要内容:I acknowledge and thank many people for their help with this book. In particular I thank Alan Sloan, who has unceasingly encouraged me, who wrote the first Collage software, and who so clearly envisioned the application of iterated function systems to image compression and communications that he founded a company named Iterated Systems Incorporated. Edward Vrscay, who taught the first course in deterministic fractal geometry at Georgia Tech, shared his ideas about how the course could be taught, and suggested some subjects for inclusion in this text. Steven Demko, who collaborated with me on the discovery of iterated function systems, made early detailed proposals on how the subject could be presented to students and scientists, and provided comments on several chapters. Andrew Harrington and Jeffrey Geronimo, who discovered with me orthogonal polynomials on Julia sets. My collaborations with them over five years formed for me the foundation on which iterated function systems are built. Watch for more papers from us! Les Karlovitz, who encouraged and supported my research over the last nine years, obtained the time for me to write this book and provided specific help, advice, and direction. His words can be found in some of the sentences in the text. Gunter Meyer, who has encouraged and supported my research over the last nine years. He has often given me good advice. Robert Kasriel, who taught me some topology over the last two years, corrected and rewrote my proof of Theorem 7.1 in Chapter II and contributed other help and warm encouragement. Nathanial Chafee, who read and corrected Chapter II and early drafts of Chapters III and IV. His apt constructive comments have increased substantially the precision of the writing. John Elton, who taught me some ergodic theory, continues to collaborate on exciting research into iterated function systems, and helped me with many parts of the book. Daniel Bessis and Pierre Moussa, who are filled with the wonder and mystery of science, and taught me to look for mathematical events that are so astonishing that they may be called miracles. Research work with Bessis and Moussa at Saclay during 1978, on the Diophantine Moment Problem and Ising Models, was the seed that grew into this book. Warren Stahle, who provided some of his experimental research results. -
《微积分(上册)》是在原上海交通大学应用数学系编写的《高等数学》使用多年的基础上改编而成的微积分教材。本册主要包括了一元微积分和微分方程的内容。全书共分六章:函数;极限和连续;导数和微分;微分中值定理和导数的应用;积分;微分方程。《微积分(上册)》在保持微积分教材的传统框架下,要领论述更加清晰,推理更加简明扼要,强调微积分的基本思想和方法。全书给出了大量例题,每章编排有配套习题和补充题,书末附有计算题的答案。 《微积分(上册)》可作为高等学校非数学专业的教材或教学参考书。 -
Algebraic Topology
William S. Massey Professor Massey, born in Illinois in 1920, received his bachelor's degree from the University of Chicago and then served for four years in the U.S. Navy during World War II. After the War he received his Ph.D. from Princeton University and spent two additional years there as a post-doctoral research assistant. He then taught for ten years on the faculty of Brown University, and moved to his present position at Yale in 1960. He is the author of numerous research articles on algebraic topology and related topics. This book developed from lecture notes of courses taught to Yale undergraduate and graduate students over a period of several years. -
This book is for the honors undergraduate or introductory graduate course. Linear algebra is tightly integrated into the text. This introduction to modern algebra emphasizes concrete mathematics and features a strong linear algebra approach. -
《趣味代数学》是俄罗斯著名科普作家别莱利曼百余部作品之一。 本书的目标一方面是帮助读者搞清,重温并且巩固已掌握的但却不“连贯”和不“牢固”的知识,另一方面还是重点培养读者对代数学的兴趣,书中回避了枯燥的说教,而是与读者分享一些有趣的数学故事,数学史上的难题,把一些普通代数学知识和许多生活中的实际问题结合了起来。一起讨论其中的代数学知识。 作者在本书中所做的所有尝试与努力都是为了达到一个目的——他相信读者一旦对于一门学科发生兴趣,就会加倍注意,也就能够自觉地去深入探索与学习;在兴趣的引导下所学到知识才更加“牢固”。 -
离散数学(第四版),ISBN:9787302112488,作者:(美)多西(Dossey.J.A.) 等编著,章炯民,王新伟,曹立 译 -
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
"This book is the first volume of a two-volume textbook for undergraduates and is indeed the crystallization of a course offered by the author at the California Institute of Technology to undergraduates without any previous knowledge of number theory. For this reason, the book starts with the most elementary properties of the natural integers. Nevertheless, the text succeeds in presenting an enormous amount of material in little more than 300 pages."--MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS -
Introduction to Topology
An undergraduate introduction to the fundamentals of topology -- engagingly written, filled with helpful insights, complete with many stimulating and imaginative exercises to help students develop a solid grasp of the subject. -
How to Ace Calculus
Written by three gifted-and funny-teachers, How to Ace Calculus provides humorous and readable explanations of the key topics of calculus without the technical details and fine print that would be found in a more formal text. Capturing the tone of students exchanging ideas among themselves, this unique guide also explains how calculus is taught, how to get the best teachers, what to study, and what is likely to be on exams-all the tricks of the trade that will make learning the material of first-semester calculus a piece of cake. Funny, irreverent, and flexible, How to Ace Calculus shows why learning calculus can be not only a mind-expanding experience but also fantastic fun. -
本书是作者Pugh在伯克利大学讲授数学分析课程30多年之久的基础上编写而成,书中语言表述生动活泼、通俗易懂,引用了很多有价值的例子以及来自 Dieudonne,Littlewood和Osserman等几位数学家的评论,还精心挑选了500多个精彩的练习题。本书内容包括实数、拓扑知识初步、实变函数、函数空间、多元微积分、Lebesgue积分理论等,其中多元微积分的讲法较为接近当前数学界常用的语言,将会对我国数学分析的教学产生积极的影响。... -
《高等代数与解析几何(第2版)(上册)》是《高等代数与解析几何》的修订版,主要有两大基本特色,一是把几何的观念和代数的方法结合起来组织教与学,二是引入相关数学软件来实践代数与几何中的一些基本问题,并提供网上互动式多功能服务站。修订主要有以下几个方面:1.为了降低学习难度,根据第一版使用的经验和反馈,把第一章里有关线性流形和子空间的内容删除,这些概念放到第1章中出现。2.将第一版使用的有向体积定义作为几何意义放在评注中,把几何空间的直线与平面的内容集中放到新设的第四章。3.考虑到计算多重积分的需要,在第六章第8节补充了有关空间区域到坐标平面投影的求法,并给出了例题和习题。4.对习题的顺序和配备也作了调整,增加了部分入门级的基本题,较难的题排在后面打上星号,可以根据不同的教学需求进行选择。. 《高等代数与解析几何(第2版)(上册)》分上、下两册。上册包括:向量代数、行列式、线性方程组与线性子空间、几何空间中的平面与直线、矩阵的秩与矩阵的运算、线性空间与欧几里得空间,以及附录(maple的基本知识、mathematica的基本知识、如何利用wims辅助教学、各类名词索引)。 《高等代数与解析几何(第2版)(上册)》可作为高等学校数学类专业高等代数与解析几何课程的教材,也可以作其他相关专业的教学参考书。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友