

  • An Introduction to the Langlands Program

    作者:Bernstein, Joseph (E

    This book presents a broad, user-friendly introduction to the Langlands program, that is, the theory of automorphic forms and its connection with the theory of L-functions and other fields of mathematics. Each of the twelve chapters focuses on a particular topic devoted to special cases of the program. The book is suitable for graduate students and researchers.
  • 随机分析及应用


    《随机分析及应用(英文版)(第2版)》介绍了随机分析的理论和应用两方面的知识。内容涉及积分和概率论的基础知识、基本的随机过程,布朗运动和伊藤过程的积分、随机微分方程、半鞅积分、纯离散过程,以及随机分析在金融、生物、工程和物理等方面的应用。书中有大量的例题和习题,并附有答案,便于读者进行深层次的学习。 《随机分析及应用(英文版)(第2版)》非常适合初学者阅读,可作为高等院校经管、理工和社科类各专业高年级本科生和研究生随机分析和金融数学的教材,也可供相关领域的科研人员参考。
  • An Introduction to Manifolds

    作者:Loring W. Tu

    Manifolds, the higher-dimensional analogs of smooth curves and surfaces, are fundamental objects in modern mathematics. Combining aspects of algebra, topology, and analysis, manifolds have also been applied to classical mechanics, general relativity, and quantum field theory. In this streamlined introduction to the subject, the theory of manifolds is presented with the aim of helping the reader achieve a rapid mastery of the essential topics. By the end of the book the reader should be able to compute, at least for simple spaces, one of the most basic topological invariants of a manifold, its de Rham cohomology. Along the way, the reader acquires the knowledge and skills necessary for further study of geometry and topology. The requisite point-set topology is included in an appendix of twenty pages; other appendices review facts from real analysis and linear algebra. Hints and solutions are provided to many of the exercises and problems. This work may be used as the text for a one-semester graduate or advanced undergraduate course, as well as by students engaged in self-study. Requiring only minimal undergraduate prerequisites, "Introduction to Manifolds" is also an excellent foundation for Springer's GTM 82, "Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology".
  • Probability Essentials

    作者:Jean Jacod,Philip Pr

    This introduction to Probability Theory can be used, at the beginning graduate level, for a one-semester course on Probability Theory or for self-direction without benefit of a formal course; the measure theory needed is developed in the text. It will also be useful for students and teachers in related areas such as Finance Theory (Economics), Electrical Engineering, and Operations Research. The text covers the essentials in a directed and lean way with 28 short chapters. Assuming of readers only an undergraduate background in mathematics, it brings them from a starting knowledge of the subject to a knowledge of the basics of Martingale Theory. After learning Probability Theory from this text, the interested student will be ready to continue with the study of more advanced topics, such as Brownian Motion and Ito Calculus, or Statistical Inference. The second edition contains some additions to the text and to the references and some parts are completely rewritten.
  • 高等数学习题详解


    2008年星火高等数学习题详解(与同济六版教材上、下册配套),ISBN:9787201059815,作者:吕成军 编著
  • 数学思想概论


    数学思想概论:图形与图形关系的抽象(第2辑),ISBN:9787560255767,作者:史宁春 著
  • An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica®

    作者:Paul R. Wellin,Richa

    An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica® is designed to introduce the Mathematica programming language to a wide audience. Since the last edition of this book was published, significant changes have occurred in Mathematica and its use worldwide. Keeping pace with these changes, this substantially larger, updated version includes new and revised chapters on numerics, procedural, rule-based, and front-end programming, and gives significant coverage to the latest features up to, and including, Mathematica 5.1 Mathematica notebooks, available from www.cambridge.org/0521846781, contain examples, programs, and solutions to exercises in the book. Additionally, material to supplement later versions of the software will be made available. This is the ideal text for all scientific students, researchers, and programmers wishing to deepen their understanding of Mathematica, or even those keen to program using an interactive language that contains programming paradigms from all major programming languages: procedural, functional, recursive, rule-based, and object-oriented.
  • Mathematical Proofs

    作者:Chartrand, Gary; Pol

    Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, Third Edition, prepares students for the more abstract mathematics courses that follow calculus. Appropriate for self-study or for use in the classroom, this text introduces students to proof techniques, analyzing proofs, and writing proofs of their own. Written in a clear, conversational style, this book provides a solid introduction to such topics as relations, functions, and cardinalities of sets, as well as the theoretical aspects of fields such as number theory, abstract algebra, and group theory. It is also a great reference text that students can look back to when writing or reading proofs in their more advanced courses.
  • 数学聊斋


    《数学聊斋》集知识性、思想性和趣味性为一体,说理直观浅显,通俗易懂,充分展示数学之美。《数学聊斋》主要内容包括数学悖论,第一次、第二次、第三次数学危机,哥德尔不可判定命题、混沌、NPC理论等非平凡问题;算术、几何、图论、组合当中的有趣问题;数学思想与数学哲学当中的敏感问题等共计151个问题。如将来数学还会产生悖论与危机吗?尚未解决的数学难题是否为不可判定命题?既然是确定性系统为什么会产生紊动?愚公移山式的穷举法为什么可能无效?2+2为什么等于4?三角形内角和究竟多少度?核武库的钥匙有几把?牛顿创立的微积分能得100分吗?数学家是些什么人?数学定理为什么要证明?等等。 《数学聊斋》读者对象为中学生、大学生、中小学教师及数学爱好者。
  • Commutative Algebra

    作者:David Eisenbud

    This is a comprehensive review of commutative algebra, from localization and primary decomposition through dimension theory, homological methods, free resolutions and duality, emphasizing the origins of the ideas and their connections with other parts of mathematics. The book gives a concise treatment of Grobner basis theory and the constructive methods in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry that flow from it. Many exercises included.
  • 复变函数与积分变换


    《大学数学系列教材•复变函数与积分变换》介绍复变函数与积分变换的基本概念、理论和方法。全书共分9章,主要内容包括:复数与复变函数,解析函数,复变函数的积分,解析函数的级数表示,留数及其应用,共形映射,解析函数在平面场的应用,傅里叶变换,拉普拉斯变换等。 《大学数学系列教材•复变函数与积分变换》中每章的后面给出本章的小结及若干思考型题目,便于读者复习和总结;同时每章还配备了一定数量的习题并在书后给出习题的答案或提示。附录中附有傅氏变换简表和拉氏变换简表,可供学习时查用。
  • Geometry of Surfaces

    作者:John Stillwell

    The geometry of surfaces is an ideal starting point for learning geometry, for, among other reasons, the theory of surfaces of constant curvature has maximal connectivity with the rest of mathematics. This text provides the student with the knowledge of a geometry of greater scope than the classical geometry taught today, which is no longer an adequate basis for mathematics or physics, both of which are becoming increasingly geometric. It includes exercises and informal discussions.
  • 李群,李代数及其表示


    《李群,李代数及其表示》是一部学习李群,李代数及其表示论的优秀的研究生教材。与其他一些同类著作相比,《李群,李代数及其表示》有两大特点,第一大特点是:作者以一种尽可能少地运用流形知识的方法来研究李群。这种方法十分清晰易懂,使读者可以快速地掌握知识的核心内容。第二大特点是:《李群,李代数及其表示》在给出半单李群及李代数的理论框架之前,通过详尽地介绍SU(2)和SU(3)的表示理论来引入即将介绍的一般内容,这种方式使得读者能够在了解一般理论之前已经有了对根系、权,及Weyl群的简单认识。同时,书中众多的例子和图示可以很好地协助学习并理解一些内容。《李群,李代数及其表示》分为两部分,第一部分主要介绍了李群与李代数,以及它们之间的相互关系,同时还介绍了基础的表示论。第二部分则阐述了半单李群与李代数理论。 This book is intended for a one year graduate course on Lie groups and Lie algebras. The author proceeds beyond the representation theory of compact Lie groups (which is the basis of many texts) and provides a carefully chosen range of material to give the student the bigger picture. For compact Lie groups, the Peter-Weyl theorem, conjugacy of maximal tori (two proofs), Weyl character formula and more are covered. The book continues with the study of complex analytic groups, then general noncompact Lie groups, including the Coxeter presentation of the Weyl group, the Iwasawa and Bruhat decompositions, Cartan decomposition, symmetric spaces, Cayley transforms, relative root systems, Satake diagrams, extended Dynkin diagrams and a survey of the ways Lie groups may be embedded in one another. The book culminates in a "topics" section giving depth to the student's understanding of representation theory, taking the Frobenius-Schur duality between the representation theory of the symmetric group and the unitary groups as a unifying theme, with many applications in diverse areas such as random matrix theory, minors of Toeplitz matrices, symmetric algebra decompositions, Gelfand pairs, Hecke algebras, representations of finite general linear groups and the cohomology of Grassmannians and flag varieties.
  • 整体微分几何初步


    《整体微分几何初步(第3版)》是作者长期从事微分几何基础教学的产物,主要采用外微分形式和活动标架法,介绍欧氏空间曲线和曲面的某些整体性质。内容包括:E3中曲线和曲面的局部概论;活动标架法;曲线的整体微分几何;E3中曲面的整体微分几何;曲面的内蕴几何;高维欧氏空间的超曲面:Finsler几何中的某些变分计算。另有两个附录:欧氏空间点集拓扑概要;曲面的拓扑分类。书中介绍了整体微分几何的许多基本概念和方法技巧,既论述经典理论,也兼顾近代进展,并包含了丰富的微分几何参考文献,使读者在学完《整体微分几何初步(第3版)》后,能独立进行整体微分几何的某些研究。 《整体微分几何初步(第3版)》可作为高等院校数学系学生及研究生的教材,也可供数学和物理工作者参考。
  • Mathematics

    作者:A. D. Aleksandrov,A.

    This major survey features the work of 18 outstanding mathematicians. Primary subjects include analytic geometry, algebra, ordinary and partial differential equations, the calculus of variations, functions of a complex variable, prime numbers, and theories of probability and functions. Other topics include linear and non-Euclidean geometry, topology, functional analysis, more. 1963 edition.
  • 数学分析的方法及例题选讲


  • Calculus

    作者:Gilbert Strang

  • Ordinary Differential Equations

    作者:Morris Tenenbaum,Har

    Skillfully organized introductory text examines origin of differential equations, then defines basic terms and outlines general solution of a differential equation. Subsequent sections deal with integrating factors; dilution and accretion problems; linearization of first order systems; Laplace Transforms; Newton's Interpolation Formulas, more.
  • 抽象代数基础


    本书的主要内容为群论、域上的线性代数、域论和伽罗瓦理论。对于抽象的概念,本书力求通过阐述其与分析、几何、物理和其他应用学科的联系以及通过大量体直观的例子,使读者对抽象代数能有较深入的理解。 书中有充足的习题,并对其中较难的习题给出了参考解答。阅读本书所需要的预备知识仅为大学微积分和线性代数。 本书是抽象代数的基础教材,适于作为数学专业研究生基础课教学或自学的教科书,也可供其他相关专业的学生、研究者以及大学本科教学用作参考书。
  • Mathematical Methods for Physicists

    作者:Arfken, George B.; W

    Now inits 7th edition, Mathematical Methods for Physicists continues to provide all the mathematical methods that aspiring scientists and engineers are likely to encounter as students and beginning researchers. This bestselling text provides mathematical relations and their proofs essential to the study of physics and related fields. While retaining thekey features of the 6th edition, the new edition provides a more careful balance of explanation, theory, and examples. Taking a problem-solving-skills approach to incorporating theorems with applications, the book's improved focus will help students succeed throughout their academic careers and well into their professions. Some notable enhancements include more refined and focused content in important topics, improved organization, updated notations, extensive explanations and intuitive exercise sets, a wider range of problem solutions, improvement in the placement, and a wider range of difficulty of exercises. Revised and updated version of the leading text in mathematical physics Focuses on problem-solving skills and active learning, offering numerous chapter problems Clearly identified definitions, theorems, and proofs promote clarity and understanding New to this edition: Improved modular chapters New up-to-date examples More intuitive explanations