《数学模型讲义(第2版)》系作者在近年来为北京大学本科生开设的“数学模型”课程所用讲义基础上,经补充、修改编写而成.全书共分十五章,分别介绍线性及整数规划、图论、计算机成像、密码学、统计分类、神经网络、相变模型、排队论、化学反应速率与模拟退火、生物进化、混沌、传染病的发生与防治、幻视、格气等多种成功模型及应用数学方法,各章独立成篇.《数学模型讲义(第2版)》内容充实,结构合理,选材适当其中包括了一些较新的材料.在叙述上,既注重建模方法,又注意理论与应用并重,强调对问题的理解,力求有尽可能广的适用范围. 《数学模型讲义(第2版)》是第2版,此次修订是在第1版内容的基础上增加了第一章附录:二人矩阵零和博弈与线性规划的关系;第八章:伊辛模型;第十三章:有关传染病发生与防治的几个模型;第十四章:关于“幻视”的数学讨论。新增加的内容侧重于统计物理和生物医学方面的成功模型,反映了当今时代数学与数学模型在这些领域的重大进展. 《数学模型讲义(第2版)》可作为综合大学及师范类院校理工各系科“数学模型”教科书’或者用做学生参加数学建模竞赛的辅导材料,也可供高等院校师生及各类工程科技人员工作时参考。 -
《高等数学例题与习题集》是一套目前在俄罗斯具有广泛影响的高等数学辅导用书。在我国,无论是高等数学教材的编写方面,还是高等数学的教学方面,都与俄罗斯的高等数学教育有着很深的渊源。因此将这套书译成中文,介绍给国内读者。 本书为《高等数学例题与习题集》的第四卷,是原书的第5册,内容是关于常微分方程的例题与习题。具体包括一阶微分方程、高阶微分方程、微分方程组、一阶偏微分方程、微分方程的近似解法、稳定性和相轨线、解线性微分方程的拉普拉斯变换方法共7章内容。每章开始给出必要的理论材料,然后是各类典型例题的演算,最后是为读者安排的练习题,书末给出了练习题的答案。 -
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development, 2nd Edition
This engaging book presents the essential mathematics needed to describe, simulate, and render a 3D world. Reflecting both academic and in-the-trenches practical experience, the authors teach you how to describe objects and their positions, orientations, and trajectories in 3D using mathematics. The text provides an introduction to mathematics for game designers, including the fundamentals of coordinate spaces, vectors, and matrices. It also covers orientation in three dimensions, calculus and dynamics, graphics, and parametric curves. -
Fractal Geometry
Since its original publication in 1990, Kenneth Falconera s Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications has become a seminal text on the mathematics of fractals. It introduces the general mathematical theory and applications of fractals in a way that is accessible to students from a wide range of disciplines. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated. It features much new material, many additional exercises, notes and references, and an extended bibliography that reflects the development of the subject since the first edition. aeo Provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the mathematical theory and applications of fractals. aeo Each topic is carefully explained and illustrated by examples and figures. aeo Includes all necessary mathematical background material. aeo Includes notes and references to enable the reader to pursue individual topics. aeo Features a wide selection of exercises, enabling the reader to develop their understanding of the theory. aeo Supported by a Web site featuring solutions to exercises, and additional material for students and lecturers. Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students studying courses in fractal geometry. The book also provides an excellent source of reference for researchers who encounter fractals in mathematics, physics, engineering, and the applied sciences. Also by Kenneth Falconer and available from Wiley: Techniques in Fractal Geometry ISBN 0--471--95724--0 Please click here to download solutions to exercises found within this title: http://www.wileyeurope.com/fractal -
《中国古代数学》是中国文化史知识丛书之一。对文化层次较高的成年读者以至专家来说,个人的专业知识总归有限,本丛书对于成年人也不失为一种高位的,可信赖的文化知识读物。本丛书的前身有110个专题,涉及历史文化的各个方面,商务印书馆、中共中央党校出版社、天津教育出版社、山东教育出版社联合出版。现由编委会对类目重新加以调整,确定了考古、史地、思想、文化、教育、科技、军事、经济、文艺、体育十个门类,共100余个专题,由商务印书馆独家出版。每个专题也由原先的五万多字扩大为八万字左右,内容更为丰富,叙述较前详备。 -
本书系统地介绍了抽象代数的基础内容,包括群、环、域、模等,每一部分独立成章,本科生、研究生等不同层次的读者可以挑选阅读。书中范例丰富,风趣易懂;另外,每一小节后都配有一定数量、难易不等的习题,书后还附有解答与提示,便于教学和自学。 与第2版相比,第3版的更新如下: 阐述更清晰,表达更顺畅。 在前五章中,最重要的节,小节,定义,定理,例子旁边加有箭头指示。 包含了任意域上的线性代数的更多知识。 增加了一节介绍分类平面上的楣(frieze)群。 增加了100多道习题 本书可供高等院校数学系师生及有关工程技术人员使用。 -
Differential Equations With Applications and Historical Notes
A revision of a much-admired text distinguished by the exceptional prose and historical/mathematical context that have made Simmons' books classics. The Second Edition includes expanded coverage of Laplace transforms and partial differential equations as well as a new chapter on numerical methods. -
《概率论》以概率空间和随机变量为主线,力求将概率论的直观思想同严密的数学逻辑结合起来,主要讲述概率论和随机变量的一些基本理论、经典问题,包括一些重要的分布、数学期望、条件概率和独立性、随机变量的各种收敛性以及相互间关系、大数定律、特征函数的方法、中心极限定理等。《概率论》可作为高等学校理科各专业和其他相关专业的教材,亦可供有关科研人员参考。 -
科学计算中的蒙特卡罗策略,ISBN:9787040258370,作者:刘军 著,唐年胜,周勇,徐亮 译 -
《爱上数学:在游戏中与数学相遇》从方方面面深入探讨了如何通过游戏和绘图学习数学。这些游戏满足了孩子对身体活动的渴求,也满足了他们对数字世界的好奇心。《爱上数学:在游戏中与数学相遇》一书不仅写给小学数学教师们,也写给那些热爱教育、关注教育并寻求解决之道的有心人士,你们会在这里发现许多有用的建议。 -
《2010数学基础过关660题:数学3》内容包括高等数学(微积分)、线性代数、概率论与数理统计,题型为选择题(400)与填空题(260),在题目的编制设计上我们有两个基本构思:一是选择题与填空题的模拟题,一是为解答题铺路的基础板块。 -
"Guesstimation" is a book that unlocks the power of approximation - it's popular mathematics rounded to the nearest power of ten! The ability to estimate is an important skill in daily life. More and more leading businesses today use estimation questions in interviews to test applicants' abilities to think on their feet. "Guesstimation" enables anyone with basic math and science skills to estimate virtually anything - quickly - using plausible assumptions and elementary arithmetic. Lawrence Weinstein and John Adam present an eclectic array of estimation problems that range from devilishly simple to quite sophisticated and from serious real-world concerns to downright silly ones.How long would it take a running faucet to fill the inverted dome of the Capitol? What is the total length of all the pickles consumed in the US in one year? What are the relative merits of internal-combustion and electric cars, of coal and nuclear energy? The problems are marvelously diverse, yet the skills to solve them are the same.The authors show how easy it is to derive useful ballpark estimates by breaking complex problems into simpler, more manageable ones - and how there can be many paths to the right answer. The book is written in a question-and-answer format with lots of hints along the way. It includes a handy appendix summarizing the few formulas and basic science concepts needed, and its small size and French-fold design make it conveniently portable. Illustrated with humorous pen-and-ink sketches, "Guesstimation" will delight popular-math enthusiasts and is ideal for the classroom. -
《数学趣题:100道让人着迷的数学题》内容简介:噢,科学!“我的猫前面有两条腿,后面有两条腿,两边各有两条腿。请问我的猫一共有多少条腿?”有人说是六条,也有人说是八条:不合逻辑的题目就会导致很奇怪的答案……在《数学趣题:100道让人着迷的数学题》中,你会看到以数字为基础的所有疑难问题:多米诺骨牌、扑克、字母算式谜……这些数字游戏可能会让你钻牛角尖!作者前3《数学趣题:100道让人着迷的数学题》取得的巨大成功向我们证明想破脑袋得到的快乐是无穷的,不要犹豫,把这100道题和它们的答案抱回家,尽情享受数学带来的乐趣吧! -
这本《幻想数学大战(7方程式的两张面孔)》由韩国图画树著,李学权译,主要内容是:我们学习的可是古代天才们都无法解决的数学难题哦。数学能让人头脑聪明,是实现梦想的必备条件。知道怎么制作偶数魔方阵吗?要学会用各种符号算出同一数字。我们来学习神奇的三角数和四角数吧!认识一下方程式对我们很有好处哦。 知修努力研究奇数魔方阵的解法,却没能阻止假凯伊破坏方程式封印,昆虫魔王布尔齐布尔复活。传说中的图形魔法师高等精灵伊奥出现在战场上,帮助美娜他们击退了一批怪兽。真正的凯伊苏醒,在不知情的士兵的逼迫下,凯伊跳下悬崖。知修非常内疚,跟随凯伊跳下悬崖,却遇见布尔齐布尔,被困住了。跳下悬崖的凯伊醒来后长出了一只可怕的手,这到底是怎么回事? 这本《幻想数学大战(7方程式的两张面孔)》适合少年儿童阅读。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友