

  • 黎曼全集(第一卷)

    作者:Bernhard Riemann

    本书是《黎曼全集》的中文首译本,根据1892年全集德文第二版译出,并参考了法、俄、英等其他语种译本。第一卷主要收录了公开发表的18篇文章。 中译本邀请到当代著名数学大师丘成桐先生及其弟子季理真教授撰写了长篇序言,这对于现代的读者了解黎曼深邃的思想及其对于当前数学发展的重要意义大有裨益。
  • Foundations of Machine Learning

    作者:Mehryar Mohri,Afshin

  • Computational Geometry

    作者:Mark de Berg,Otfried

    This well-accepted introduction to computational geometry is a textbook for high-level undergraduate and low-level graduate courses. The focus is on algorithms and hence the book is well suited for students in computer science and engineering. Motivation is provided from the application areas: all solutions and techniques from computational geometry are related to particular applications in robotics, graphics, CAD/CAM, and geographic information systems. For students this motivation will be especially welcome. Modern insights in computational geometry are used to provide solutions that are both efficient and easy to understand and implement. All the basic techniques and topics from computational geometry, as well as several more advanced topics, are covered. The book is largely self-contained and can be used for self-study by anyone with a basic background in algorithms. In this third edition, besides revisions to the second edition, new sections discussing Voronoi diagrams of line segments, farthest-point Voronoi diagrams, and realistic input models have been added.
  • 具体数学

    作者:Ronald L. Graham,Don

    Concrete mathematics: A foundation for computer science (1989,第一版)的中文版
  • 谐振仪 音乐数学原理的可视化向导


  • Mathematics into Type (Updated Edition)

    作者:Ellen Swanson,Arlene

  • 数学开心辞典

    作者:王青建 编

  • Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension

    作者:Matt Parker

    A revolutionary book from the stand-up mathematician that makes math fun again―now in paperback! Math is boring, says the mathematician and comedian Matt Parker. Part of the problem may be the way the subject is taught, but it's also true that we all, to a greater or lesser extent, find math difficult and counterintuitive. This counterintuitiveness is actually part of the point, argues Parker: the extraordinary thing about math is that it allows us to access logic and ideas beyond what our brains can instinctively do―through its logical tools we are able to reach beyond our innate abilities and grasp more and more abstract concepts. In the absorbing and exhilarating Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension, Parker sets out to convince his readers to revisit the very math that put them off the subject as fourteen-year-olds. Starting with the foundations of math familiar from school (numbers, geometry, and algebra), he takes us on a grand tour, from four dimensional shapes, knot theory, the mysteries of prime numbers, optimization algorithms, and the math behind barcodes and iPhone screens to the different kinds of infinity―and slightly beyond. Both playful and sophisticated, Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension is filled with captivating games and puzzles, a buffet of optional hands-on activities that entice us to take pleasure in mathematics at all levels. Parker invites us to relearn much of what baffled us in school and, this time, to be utterly enthralled by it.
  • 义务教育数学课程标准


  • Calculus, 7th Edition

    作者:James Stewart

    This title is suitable for math students in general and calculus students in particular.
  • 实变函数简明教程


    《实变函数简明教程》是作者在长期讲授综合性大学与师范院校本科“实变函数”课程的基础上编写的,主要介绍lebesgue测度与积分理论。内容包括:集合与点集、lebesgue测度、可测函数、lebesgue积分、微分与不定积分、lebesgue空间lp等。 《实变函数简明教程》着力于阐述概念的背景来源,解决问题的思想方法,每部分内容在整个理论体系中的作用和地位,以及它们与别的概念、理论的内在联系等,其中包含作者许多独到、精辟的见解。内容少而精,紧密围绕实变函数的基本训练,尽可能引起读者的兴趣和减少学习上的困难。 《实变函数简明教程》可作为综合性大学、理工科大学、师范院校“实变函数”课程的教材或教学参考书。对于青年数学教师和数学工作者是一本较好的参考书。
  • A First Course in Optimization Theory

    作者:Rangarajan K. Sundar

    This 1996 book introduces students to optimization theory and its use in economics and allied disciplines. The first of its three parts examines the existence of solutions to optimization problems in Rn, and how these solutions may be identified. The second part explores how solutions to optimization problems change with changes in the underlying parameters, and the last part provides an extensive description of the fundamental principles of finite- and infinite-horizon dynamic programming. Each chapter contains a number of detailed examples explaining both the theory and its applications for first-year master's and graduate students. 'Cookbook' procedures are accompanied by a discussion of when such methods are guaranteed to be successful, and, equally importantly, when they could fail. Each result in the main body of the text is also accompanied by a complete proof. A preliminary chapter and three appendices are designed to keep the book mathematically self-contained.
  • Introduction to Applied Mathematics

    作者:Gilbert Strang

    Introduction to Applied Math offers a comprehensive introductory treatment of the subject. The author’s explanations of Applied Mathematics are clearly stated and easy to understand. The reference includes a wide range of timely topics from symmetric linear systems to optimization as well as illuminating hands-on examples. Chapter 1: Symmetric Linear Systems; Chapter 2: Equilibrium Equations; Chapter 3: Equilibrium in the Continuous Case; Chapter 4: Analytical Methods; Chapter 5: Numerical Methods; Chapter 6: Initial-Value Problems; Chapter 7: Network Flows and Combinatorics; Chapter 8: Optimization; Software for Scientific Computing.
  • 随机过程

    作者:Sheldon M. Ross

    【内容简介】 这本经典的教材已畅销世界30年,被美国的斯坦福大学、哥伦比亚大学以及法国的欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)等很多名校用作教材。作者难能可贵地使用富有启发性又非常有趣的直观推导方法,对于只掌握初等概率论及工科高等数学的读者来说,本书是学习应用随机过程的优秀入门书,从本书中既能了解基本内容,又能学到解决问题的方法、思路与技巧。 原著第1版于1983年出版,中国统计出版社于1997年出版了由何声武等人翻译的中文版,被我国概率界奉为经典,北京大学、上海交通大学、华东师范大学、东北师范大学等很多学校至今都指定这本书为教材或主要参考书。原著第2版于1995年出版,对第1版作了全面修订和更新,内容扩充到10章,与时俱进地加进了Gibbs采样与Metropolis采样等可近似地跟踪Markov链的路径的方法,还增加了很多例子和习题。时至今日,才有第2版的中文版问世。 【读者评论】 “如果你是从业人员,想找到已知的随机过程理论,培养自己的概率思维,并用它们解决新问题,那这本书是最佳选择。无论你在学校用哪本教材,当你离开学校,在现实世界中做应用随机建模时,你都会发现Ross的这本书极其有价值,而且独一无二。本书是真正实用的资源,一些很难的或在别处不可能找到的结果都能在这里轻易找到。此外,证明虽然简单,但是非常清晰……” ——Amazon读者评论
  • 计数组合学(第一卷)


  • 金融衍生工具中的数学

    作者:Salih N.Nrftci

    《金融衍生工具中的数学(第2版)》以现代资产定价理论所需的基本数学工具进行了系统全面的介绍,主要内容包括套利定理、风险中性概率、维纳过程、泊松过程、Ito微积分、鞅、偏微分方程、Girsanov定理、Feynman-Kac公式等。该书的一个特色,用简单、清晰的方式将相关数学知识与金融应用很好地结合起来,既为读者弥补了相应数学知识,又能让读者明白这些数学知识在资产定价中是如何应用的。 总的来说,与第一版相比,这一版本的内容几乎增加了一倍。前15章以对印刷和其它错误进行了修订,并新增了几节内容。《金融衍生工具中的数学(第2版)》的新颖之处体现在第二部分的7章内容之中。这几章使用的方法与第一部分类似,涉及固定收益产品和利率产品中的数学工具。最后一章是停时和美式衍生工具的简略介绍。
  • Bayesian Data Analysis

    作者:Andrew Gelman,John B

  • 斐波那契数列

